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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Pretty much sums up every encounter I have with this fool on this site.
  2. lmfao that idiot really thinks someone just joined the forum and the first thing they did was post a pic in here. Seems like the majority of threads he is in, he is raging on someone. I honestly think he doesn't even realize it, too.
  3. lmfao I hope someone some where says Beetle Juice three times so you can disappear and shit.
  4. Low is the angriest person I've ever seen on here. Did you not just attempt to roast Spictacular a new member over some trivial shit? You are spiteful, miserable world & self-loathing filth to the T. Bullying people far away from you like a BEOTCH. So Impressed. Even your sw comic character is a nameless angry black man. How many more clues do you need, homie? I roasted him by saying the smoke in his pictured looked photoshopped in? Are you that sensitive sweet-pea?
  5. I said it looks photoshopped in, not that you did. Calm down, faggot. lol Black Beetlejuice sniffing my ball sweat again.
  6. Doesnt change the fact you are a piece of shit canadian with a chick who looks like she makes shoes for 5 cents a day I'd fuck her. Smoke looks photoshopped in. WTF is this guy anyway?
  7. Akeem aka. Mr. Hankey is gonna trip over his lip and leave a skid mark across the ring. That dude is going to muder someone one day lol
  8. After 30 years VirginKing finally wins a fight.
  9. edit: nvm igi!about time Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 2
  10. Yeah I am the one living my own world when this faggot lives based on SW rules. "bu bu I thought after all these years of estalking Xellez" ;( lmfao, Chimps has been raped yet again. I am guessing, you couldn't provide it. Chalk another one to the list of raped posters. http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Smileys/cool.gif Yes, you've spent years baiting us by continually talking about xelle even when she's not in the forum, harassing her off site tot he point where she calls you out in here over it, Then bragging about how much she loves your
  11. lol Adding him on PSN is pretty much the same and getting to second base in his mind.
  12. Mala is really living in his own world. I can only imagine how much more pathetic your life would be if this place didnt exist.
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