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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Oh, so you're just going to dodge what I said with a question like a child again? This is why I have to repeat myself to you. Now it's back to my lack of participation in game talk only minutes after you claimed I thrived off of it. Lol you sad old fuck.
  2. You can't try that Jon, you literally spent weeks crying that I don't participate in the "systemwars" type discussions. lol Your lack of self awareness is crazy as you keep projecting everything you do on to other people while describing how miserable or sad or angry "they" are. But not you tho? You literally do all of those things but you're super super happy right? For example, you're so down bad you're trying to clown someone for posting here for free, like you're fucking getting paid to suck Xbox dick and post bad Sony news all day. On your multiple fucking account
  3. "I'm not racist, I've only brought up race like 35 times in this thread for no reason."
  4. Funny how you say we should stop this like we have any power but never ever suggest Russia should stand down in the Ukraine.
  5. OK, I'll take care of it in the morning.
  6. Not necessarily, could be people stating the series for the first time and playing in order. I guess the stats for drop off on 2 alone isn't good either.
  7. Maybe? I don't know, I don't really track that. What does that have to do with what the topic?
  8. None of you care about any of that. Y'all cherry pick what to be mad about. All you consume is reactionary media and your views are always fully in line with theirs on all of the same issues. Which is why you'd bring up Hunter Biden but never Trump's kids. Won't stop about Biden's auto nomination but didn't realize Trump didn't run unopposed in his primary. Menedez's gold bars, but not Kushners 2 billion dollars. Or Mnucnins near billion dollars. I'd give you the benefit of the doubt if you didn't align with those types nearly 100% of the time and seemingly never have
  9. Besides the fact Hochul needs to go, this just never seemed fully fleshed out of fair to the average driver so I'm glad she was brought out, but damn. Even tho in reality she probably was going to have to do it anyway and this was just beneficial outcome.
  10. I don't care, Ironically it's only conspiracy theorist who are still obsessing over COVID, while all the former mask wearers are just business as usual. While I believe the government needs to examine the COVID reosonses, both good and bad but will hopefully build some better processes in the future.
  11. The sales numbers? Just posting a list of albums that are being released to prove some immeasurable metric is kinda 'tardy. We're so impressed you were able to look up 10 genres of music after looking them up on a music site.
  12. Funny, don't see any sales numbers on those? Care to post those? And since this entire stupid conversation is your doing. Name all ten of the genres that would dominate rap music.
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