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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. You didn't give me anything worth countering. I have hundreds of years of books, movies, and films to prove my point. You're a man that's angry that a show you're going to hate anyway is using a political issue that you dont personally care about. You're petty and small.
  2. Nearly every piece of fiction that deals with the future have been based on inequality, war, famine, disease, classism, industrialization, or the environment. Shows or movies flopping have nothing to do with the "woke" aspect of the story but the actual quality of the product. Last I checked Parasite did very well, because it was done very well. It's a myth that MRA and toxic beta males tell themselves to feel better. It's like when Xmen Dark Phoenix flopped and incels claimed it's because one character made an Xwomen joke, when the entire franchise of Xmen itself is based on figh
  3. I really dont see the problem? I mean yes, ignorant white men getting their feelings hurt on the internet has hit peak saturation at this point. Fiction has always used real world dynamics to tell a story. This recent pearl clutching from incels to MRAs to MAGAts is pretty pathetic and shows complete ignorance to history of art and culture as far back as can be recorded.
  4. DC is probably the type to tell his wife she looks fat, but wont stand for anyone commenting a shitty Xbox logo.
  5. But it's not a shtick when the Xbox dick suckers looks at that and are like "Yeah, That's good."
  6. MS basically trademarked unoriginal and boring with that logo.
  7. Axe, Doritos, and Mountain Dew. The holy Xbox trinity.
  8. lol Someone got paid for this. Reminds me of that Papyrus sketch on SNL.
  9. Other than Halo, that's pretty accurate to what Jon would have listed besides one or two multiplats/non xbox games Jon would post so he doesn't seem too fanboyish lmfao
  10. lol We didn't forget all the racist shit you've said in the past.
  11. If Jon were to drop 50 games he'd be listing shit like Kameo, that shitty Gladiator game, and Fusion Frenzy.
  12. You're too stupid to realize that you are making my point for me. You view your racism as justified because there is a collective black that you don't like for a good reason.
  13. I'll do you a favor and politely skip the fact that you are a white racist engaging in generalizing black people to try and make a point. I'll attempt to educate you but am well aware you're not very bright so you might not understand what I'm telling you. My point is that there is no standard black man archetype. Lowtom prides himself in "not acting black" as he believes like brain dead white people like yourself that there is a singular black person and he's some sort of rebel. The black experience is varied. There is no rule book on how to act or view
  14. Lol nobody likes your ass, white or black. All of the ass kissing you've done over the past decade + and you still get clowned. You even kissing up to admitted white racist in here. Your black tiger king ass is an embarrassment.
  15. Unfortunately 50 good Xbox games dont exist so the list is what it is.
  16. FORZA and Killer Instinct in the top 2 This list in general
  17. Lmfao this uncle ruckus ass nigga at it again. This apology on behalf of blacks not forgetting the past is fucking hilarious. Keep kissing white ass hoping they like you and let slurp they dick "as a joke". White people never forget anything. Motherfuckers have confederate shit all over the south and not only did they lose that war, they were the bad guys. That's like Germany proudly celebrating the Nazis and having Adolph statues all over the place. "never forget 9/11". You think there would be any situation where white American descendants of a massive cultural atro
  18. Or when a Mexican gets mad when people day Mexicans like beans and rice.
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