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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. you got that tattoo just to show it off. fact. To whom? To those who do smoke/drink sort of sticking your finger to them, but they dont care. so congrats, you're permanently marked by something noone else except other pretentious straight edge weirdos, gives a shit about I don't know where you get this superiority complex I supposedly have from. I really feel like you're just insecure about something. Z is just a miserable piece of shit. People get tattoos for varying reasons. Some people get their names on them, doesn't mean they're waiting for someone to ask about their name. I think it
  2. If Barto changes his mind he can become a porn star with that tattoo.
  3. You two talk just as much shit about me and others on here yet always cry when someone says anything about your bitch asses. FagWarrior just two pages ago you were photoshopping pics of Alphonse now you're acting like some kind of saint. Why don't you bitches get a backbone or leave the fucking forum already.
  4. lmfao Says the faggot who asking for emotional support from sw.com because he was depressed I love myself, *****. I think I'm great.
  5. Yeah, earrings is gay, but sucking dick and dressing up as a woman is pretty manly bro.
  6. lol Delusional tranny. If either of you had any confidence you wouldn't be cunty uncle toms.
  7. lol Two Toms, One sucks dick for fun, and the other dresses like a woman.
  8. Low's the only ***** I know who looks both oily and ashy as hell at the same time.
  9. wtf, that pic was posted over 2 years ago.. lol One more pedophile outed.
  10. i made sure that i styled it as backwoods as possible i accidently shaved the sides i was going to have it wrap around the whole chin It's not ironic when you're really white trash.If you look closely, his t-shirt even reads 'Hicks love' ;)lol chicks love nerds lol redneck hipsters
  11. i made sure that i styled it as backwoods as possible i accidently shaved the sides i was going to have it wrap around the whole chin It's not ironic when you're really white trash.
  12. I sorta did Did you get wet and drown some crabs? You know it! You're such a freak. Me or him or both. He's a weirdo, you're a freak. In a bad way? :( Lol good way
  13. I sorta did Did you get wet and drown some crabs? You know it! You're such a freak. Me or him or both. He's a weirdo, you're a freak.
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