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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. You're the most oblivious man alive lol. Truly a broken man.
  2. lol More hypocrisy and projection. You continually make "negative" comments about her looks, then try to claim that looks only matter to insecure people. I think you've spammed this thread enough with your issues, you need professional help.
  3. Broke niggas ain't breaking up happy homes, so dont flatter yourself. You aint Drake and shit. This says more about them, not you. This smacks of projecting since of the two of us, you're the only who goes to a party and some how ends up with a dick in mouth. You might have forgotten but you posted a "tough guy" selfie so this level of self-unawareness is pretty pathetic. I'm actually happy in my love life for the most part. I haven't shared anything on here because it's not on topic and I actually have IRL friends to vent to if needed to unprompted. By "not defending" the gi
  4. Never had it, but I love crab pizza when I can find it.
  5. I can't imagine not liking fish. Seafood in general is so fucking good. I could live off of Sushi, Octopus, and Shark if I was balling.
  6. Pretty standard nyc kid. Used get most of my clothes at either Structure, Oak Tree or Aeropostale (sic) til I realized that Oaktree was basically what H&M is today and the clothes would just disintegrate after a few washings and gave in and started with the GAP although too many people shopped there. Mostly Nikes but would switch it up occasionally. I still remember getting those light up LA Gears and the Reebok pumps. Man kids fall for gimmicks. In the winter the uniform boots were either the construction timbs or black chukkahs. EVERYONE had those.
  7. So "all the girls you pull" is one. Who is married, and has kids from other men. You're truly the pussy slayer. You were literally crying about her in the chat all day yesterday, now you acting like ASAP Rocky and shit. lmfao nigga please.
  8. LMFAO I laughed for 2 minutes straight on this. Dude, seriously?
  9. That NEVER happened. 1. I wouldn't do that anyone. I've given shit to people who played around with stuff like that and fully believe anyone who does should be permabanned for life for it. VGKing spammed my inbox with pictures of real life lynches and pics of dead black people and I never once even considered something like that and even if I had access to his personal information wouldn't post it like that and as far I remember no one ever doxxed you like that, so you're definitely making that up or your drug addled brain is deceiving you. Lastly, how in the world would I even fi
  10. Lol I've never looked up anyone on any forum, ever. Hell, I used to talk/text with ceebz regularly and never once asked for his social media or any personal information. *edit* I also chatted regularly with Jamie as well. But that was it. Now you either making shit up or this is some residual PCP brain damage or something. You might as well call me "deadbeat daddy" because you were never that important to me, son.
  11. Funny thing is Low T hates black people, so not even an accurate hot take.
  12. I'm miserable? You're bursting blood vessels over shit I said to you in the first Obama administration 😂 I don't even have to bring the smoke.
  13. Lol you keep warning the forum to be afraid and everyone is like "sup". Literally only you and Incel Axe are butt hurt and I didn't say anything to either of yall. I'm entertained.
  14. Jesus Christ, so this dude stops whining like little girl.
  15. The aggressive nature is strange. If some asked nicely would be one thing.
  16. Lol I've posted pics in the past and posted one a few days ago. You mad thirsty bro.
  17. I never said that I was above average looking.
  18. Lol hermits used to get upset when I would make up names for peripherals aimed at gamers but Jesus. Lol "huntsmen" like it's a fucking crossbow.
  19. Uh, I have no problem with my complexion and don't think anyone should, no matter how white or dark their skin is. You've obviously suffered from colorism for at least the past 15 years now. It's fine that you chose to be a weeb, but hating your skin color and brown skinned people is truly sad. This level of self-hatred explains quite a bit about yourself; Why you are so obsequious to white people, yet vitriolic towards POC. Hell, your name is literally "black man" in Japanese, like it's your scarlet letter or something.
  20. Maybe I'll post a pic tomorrow since you asked so nicely.
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