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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. lmfao that second pic looks like a man's body. You know that's you.
  2. Raping bitches by Moonlight No love in daylight Always running from a real fight You are the one called Sailor Poon :kissthx: lol Aussie chicks rhyming
  3. Touch my balls. That would be majorly gay. It'll be a secret.
  4. good point, i forgot what this website is like. i dont post here so much anymorelol true. yea id never post any of my friends on here.. except mindwash if i had his permission to post his nudes.. i mean... ya, so what? im just saying i dont post my friends on here cause i dont want them being exploited. i see you have a chocolate flavoured woman? Shut up.
  5. i still believe in using the SDO tags. Sub-forums are a waste
  6. The font is bad, it should be a vector image, and shouldn't be so console specific.
  7. lol Was me. My email is setnomcreative@gmail.com
  8. Blogs, "news" articles that people can drop short replies too, Op-eds, section to set up xbl/psn matches or clan wars.
  9. Well Javier, Hal, or Clinton need to give us some sort of idea of where they want to go. Javier likes to call people lazy, but six months ago when he wanted a front page he never once participated in any conversation about content. Much like what's happening now.
  10. We should have a comic section. Look at how many unfunny gaming related comics get linked over the 'net.
  11. Those threads can generally get pretty big, especially if it was made pre-release and they're likely to contain mostly useless posts and heavily biased opinions leading to even more useless posts since it'll just start a chain of personal insults. I think the roundtable type discussion has the benefit of removing all the junk and focusing on the the discussion that is actually worth reading from those threads. I'm not sure of the value of hearing a bunch of no name amateurs having a round table about a game that's probably been on the market for a few weeks already. Especially when there bi
  12. Everyone is stuck on this review idea. No one here cares about anyone else's opinion, and no one from outside of this site would dare consider a review from here and worthwhile. We don't need to review games. We just need to discuss them. We have to find an angle that would make someone read an article. We keep coming around to a round table, which really isn't any different than just going into the forum and reading the thread about a game.
  13. That works in audio/video. Reading that is a mess. The old saying "A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link" describes our situation here. We have to work with the fact that everyone will be doing this for free, during their free time. It's fine to have noble aspirations, but we need to be realistic with what content we can supply.
  14. I do think we should have a comment box beneath the reviews. Then fanboys could chime in with the reviews. With the Cow, lemming, or sheep badge identifying their faction of choice. We also should have a page explaining the factions, and our history. It could sort of be a "Draft" letter. So people see where we are coming from, and from there, they select their faction of choice.
  15. Well I'm not sure about having two counter points for every review. I think it will work for multiplat games, but will eventually get sloppy.
  16. We should have badges for each faction.
  17. Also how flexible can we be with content tabs and such? I mean the site looks great, but a couple more colors wouldn't hurt wih so much black. Could you send me some of the assets as well?
  18. I've always felt the official font looked low res with a bad blend job. I have a couple ideas for a logo. I'm not saying anything needs to be changed, but I have a couple ideas I wouldn't mind toying with. I'm not saying they're better, they could be worse. But since I'm working on layouts for a couple side projects, I can play around. My email addy is setnomcreative@gmail.com.
  19. So what is going on this front? I'll still take a stab at if need be. Not sure if they're being addressed or anything.
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