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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. well how would you approach it? As a fanboy reviewing a high profile game on a console you don't like. For some reason I just see it all boiling down the same crap found on random youtube vids by dudes with a webcam. Anything we do will go that way. GI has a functional two person review method. We have the bigger, "real" review. Then a smaller side note "hater" review. I don't mean just a person yelling this sucks! But a sort of sarcastic, fun poking review.
  2. How about a review from two points of view? Like a fanboy/hater co-review.
  3. Well the thing is, gaming updates really don't get that much burn in the forum. If people aren't paying attention to three sentences in a thread, who is going to read an article? Especially one from rabid fanboys, or people with chronic shitty taste like Tuflop. I think we really need to have a unique angle if we plan to have content. Look at zeropunctuation. How else would they get people to read reviews of games months after they've been released.
  4. You guys gonna get this site in trouble.
  5. I heard it talked about before, we just need to organize some ideas together Would never work and no one here has anything compelling to say. You can talk about MAC and all the super model pussy you get...i would listen ;( Why talk about when I could write about it, and you can voice your jealousy for me to hear?
  6. I heard it talked about before, we just need to organize some ideas together Would never work and no one here has anything compelling to say.
  7. Barry White sounding mofo
  8. Looks nice. I don't think we should do serious reviews.
  9. It's a bit strange that so many people are happy to see another dude's sperm.
  10. You're the biggest Sony fanboy here, yet you don't own a POS3 Yet XSF apparantly just bought a 60 gig on Ebay for $700... but but I can't find one GTFO. Why you keep damage controlling for Cube. STFU arleady.
  11. You can buy one for near retail price on Ebay right now. How "rare" is that. Fuck ebay, why go out of the way and buy one on ebay that was bought by an untrustworthy person. Dont need one that badly. People will wait patiently when it comes to more reatilers, by then more games will be out. Major, major damage control. STFU hoe cake.
  12. At some point you need to admit defeat and just leave instead of just further owning yourself. Where is your pos3 kid. You were defending it valiantly for some time. Then your name became green. Yet, you still defend sony at every turn I really dont know why you guys care about my name color so much. In case you didn't notice my name was red not too along as well retard. We'll play a game. You find threads of me "valiantly defending" the PS3. If you don't I'll ban you for a week. Deal? You are a known cow, kid. Stop the madness. And aren't you tired of getting owned by me Wait,
  13. At some point you need to admit defeat and just leave instead of just further owning yourself. Where is your pos3 kid. You were defending it valiantly for some time. Then your name became green. Yet, you still defend sony at every turn I really dont know why you guys care about my name color so much. In case you didn't notice my name was red not too along as well retard. We'll play a game. You find threads of me "valiantly defending" the PS3. If you don't I'll ban you for a week. Deal? You are a known cow, kid. Stop the madness. And aren't you tired of getting owned by me Wait,
  14. At some point you need to admit defeat and just leave instead of just further owning yourself. Where is your pos3 kid. You were defending it valiantly for some time. Then your name became green. Yet, you still defend sony at every turn I really dont know why you guys care about my name color so much. In case you didn't notice my name was red not too along as well retard. We'll play a game. You find threads of me "valiantly defending" the PS3. If you don't I'll ban you for a week. Deal?
  15. At some point you need to admit defeat and just leave instead of just further owning yourself.
  16. http://wii.ign.com/articles/749/749743p1.html Hmmmmm. 3 weeks left.
  17. Who gives a fuck...? but but, my opinion matters ;-( He posted pics of a Wii, whoop whoop. I can do the same.
  18. It's only the beginning It was the beginning about 12 months ago.Since you've played Gears of War, does it get better after the first 2 hours? This is boring as fuck.Yep. But if you don't enjoy the first 2 hours there's very little to keep you interested the next 4 or 5.
  19. It's only the beginning It was the beginning about 12 months ago.
  20. To keep you crying in your antidepresants.Learn to spell it and I might, jackass.If I do you might kill yourself.You suck at damage control, get the fuck out. wash that sand out of your vagina. Stop getting internet emotional.
  21. To keep you crying in your antidepresants.Learn to spell it and I might, jackass.If I do you might kill yourself.
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