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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Yeah, we talked about what social "entitlement" actually is and isn't over a year ago. It's not wealth or a title, or anything actually tangible. A poor White man could probably go through the deep south with less issue than an affluent black woman could. Men whining about alimony working against them never seem to acknowledge the history of marriage, divorce, and historic gender roles. I know divorce laws aren't coordinated attacks on men. Hell, alimony began as a penalty to be paid to the father of family of the wife to avoid retaliation. Then progressed aid women tied to their
  2. Yeah, it's a tell. Like what do you call it when someone decides to exclusively criticize one group based on generalizations. Have you seen one guy who decides he has to voice women's "problems" and doesn't come off as an insecure asshole? Lol this sounded like a burn in your head m How so? What if she thinks the same about him or a similar sentiment? You give the most sociopathic wannabe-alpha forever alone bullshit viewpoints possible.
  3. You should be, but your entitlement makes you too blind to enjoy it.
  4. Because you hate women so bad you consider a guy thinking he landed someone out of his league is a bigger issue than his concern for her health/life? You think you have self confidence?
  5. Not to mention there being no overhead since it's not a physically produced product. This is why I'm not impressed with a digital only future. That's just way more money going to publishers with no value given to the consumer.
  6. Just came in the mail. Too bad can't use it for a while because of the weather.
  7. Jenner spends all defending conservatives - they just blast her on every single topic. Using the most dehumanizing and embarrassing ways. These fucks don't care how financially conservative Jenner is. These people don't want her to exist. This is also the state of Musk's twitter where all the terrible people are blue checks and dominate every conversation.
  8. Sometimes the self loathing manifests itself into the pick-me mentality. These people are so convinced that they are special they transcend any biases or criticisms against them. It was an amusing time watching the few prominent black Republicans get their negro wakeup calls when they decided to complain about how Florida is going to handle teaching slavery. To the point they were being called out for doing Kamala Harris' dirty work for her. All to defend the second place nominee. That's how valuable black people are to the Republican party. I haven't seen a single right wing talk
  9. I'm not advocating for one over the other. I dont like the idea of not having the option. This isn't for the benefit of the consumer, it's for the industry. Also a lot of gamers are kids and the second hand market is big for them. Being able to sell or even trade a game towrads another is a big deal for the teenager to college aged gamers. I get why Sony, Nintendo, and MS dont want this but fuck them all.
  10. With physical games you have the market to determine a sale price. A digital game will eventually be discounted at different times. With physical copies you can probably always find them on sale anytime you want.
  11. While I don't like clutter more than most people, I don't like paying the same price for a digital game as a physical one that a company can just take away if they want to.
  12. It's wild because all of the half dozen prominent black Republicans that have spoken out are being called out by the entire Republican party. It's almost as if Black people dont actually have any pull in conservative politics unless they tow the line for ...I would say party but it's not even really a Republican platform. These guys are being dragged over the coals in defense of the fucking 2nd place candidate lol. That's how little worth Black Republicans have to their own party.
  13. Tim Pool fans because of course. Whenever you take queer people out the equation: conservatives, libertarians, and general right wing nutjobs have no problem sexualizing teenagers.
  14. I watched just for Jessica Burbank and it was weird as fuck. Like it's one thing to try add context but they were overly kind to RFK there to the point it came off like some agenda. So looking at the entire page and like every single RFK video The Hill has is as complementary possible. Like the man is a human gaffe machine, even in defense of him, he does deserve some blame and he's often stated untrue or incorrect thing. It's malpractice to cover him in this way. The video doesn't even do what you are acting like it does. It's just the host giving his input to give c
  15. These red pill/MRA/anti feminists/PUA types always know age of consent laws for some reason lol.
  16. Lol So there's a right wing conversation about 16 year olds vs girls in their early 20s which turned into a marriage conversation... Because of course the antiwoke antigroomers always expose how terrible they are... These never any constructive conversation in the entire right wing community. It's all projecting lies, empowering abusers, and salving the egos of mostly White straight Christian males at all cost. This is the side half of you chose. Who on the left is saying shit like this? It was never about being against grooming, these people do noth
  17. Lol at all the pearl clutching by the TERFs who can "see through him now." I've been saying since jump thus is what would happen. Walsh was anti feminist before going all I can on trans people. When you wade through all of the branched political views of people like this, it's often ends up serving white supremacy.
  18. So which side of the aisle do you think would be more willing to consider things like term limits or limiting funds raised by megadonors that lead to shit like this? The woke side or the goose stepping side?
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