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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. towards each other? You know chimp signs on here every 2-3 days, sends vile snipes @ members, oh and here comes the cumguzzler right now to write something hateful. dude's a professional gremlin, troll. Why don't you start paying attention. --beef made a thread about me every day 3 days straight this last time I ignored him ffs. Nah, muhfuckas take out their miserable heat on Low -- obviously I make them feel inferior. They ain't picking on jimbo. Their ego is threatened but their ego is stupid enough to make them believe they're smarter or better than me in any way.
  2. how does average intelligence place 90% in math and 90% in writing since 3rd grade? lmfao suck my cock, you ugly faggot. same recycled bait. JPN is the 2nd hardest language for English speakers. Yes, I picked an obscure language on purpose, as a challenge. Go Fuck yourself. You know my dad's name -- you made a thread about it. You are a forever angry and likely forever alone. happy people don't act like the piece of shit you are. Get back to work chimp. LMFAO I didn't even know your goofy ass Dr Seuss name until Beef posted a month ago. So this lie you keep telling abou
  3. That miserable jigaboo really thinks he intelligent and shit with his basic ass thoughts and shit. I am intelligent - I remember all my test scores and placements - have only met one person who speaks JPN better than me and he's been there for 6 years. I have no accent or rather a Kansai accent and I'm not even trying. 90% placement in math since 3rd grade. Better writing skills (though your sad miserable trolling is rather fine). You are an unemployed chimp spending your morning seething at me - a fat basement dwelling faggot. Or you're at 39 year old lonely cumhug
  4. That miserable jigaboo really thinks he intelligent and shit with his basic ass thoughts and shit.
  5. His bisexual dream that doesn't make him feel gay but splooges his bi-god penis. LOL this fag
  6. lol I'm 4 inches taller than you, faggot. I don't hate women, am not racist, don't have to bum off my "friends" or suck dick for fun, and know my parents. You are a mass shooter in the making.
  7. I tried to finagle a smoke night tonight, but I just ended up playing some frisbee with some friends, and soon to just head home to a nice meal and rest with some family. Oh what a night. Also, the call for booty is a retched life. Had to listen to some chics brag/complain about guys who hit on them @ the bus stop. lol fucking bum begging for cigs and shit.
  8. they started smoking cigarettes? Haven't had a real cig in over a week now. lol So emotional. do you try to sound like a cold heart-less bastard on purpose? You such a bitch you're scared to show emotion at all. walls up bigger than TGW of China. I dont try anything. I just reply accordingly.
  9. they started smoking cigarettes? Haven't had a real cig in over a week now. lol So emotional.
  10. lol @ this ho trying to act all innocent again. lol ****a you're the worst.
  11. --: do you have father issues?lol this ****a asking himself questions. I'm sure the answer is"yes" you do have daddy issues since no one ever showed you how to be a man and you obsess over me because you wish you had an older brother who was able to show you how.
  12. Lol look at my rep points and look at yours...It's negative, just like you. You are not positive, you are desperate. You want to be liked by everyone, which ironically the biggest reason no one likes you on this site or Irl.
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