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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. at this delusional house ****er http://systemwars.co...40#entry3256640 http://systemwars.co...79#entry3254479 http://systemwars.co...52#entry3244052 gagging on a cock again? walked right into that one lmfao threads I'm not even in. and your useless ass has decided to lap up the precum off his dick. Even in holiday threads, you're so obsessed with me and driven by rage you're turning them from friendly chats into your vendetta shit. Hell, anyone can scroll back a few pages in this thread and it's another patented you vs 10 people
  2. I just tried to squash it...for this thread at least. Blocking is for fags, and not to mention this dude mentions me in threads I'm not even in. When I mentioned you need to stop ruining the thread with another PMS attack. I was talking to someone else, and then you show up with your nappy neckbeard ass, white knighting for some ****a you don't even know.
  3. I just tried to squash it...for this thread at least. Blocking is for fags, and not to mention this dude mentions me in threads I'm not even in.
  4. Pretty much sums up every encounter I have with this fool on this site.
  5. lmfao that idiot really thinks someone just joined the forum and the first thing they did was post a pic in here. Seems like the majority of threads he is in, he is raging on someone. I honestly think he doesn't even realize it, too.
  6. lmfao I hope someone some where says Beetle Juice three times so you can disappear and shit.
  7. Low is the angriest person I've ever seen on here. Did you not just attempt to roast Spictacular a new member over some trivial shit? You are spiteful, miserable world & self-loathing filth to the T. Bullying people far away from you like a BEOTCH. So Impressed. Even your sw comic character is a nameless angry black man. How many more clues do you need, homie? I roasted him by saying the smoke in his pictured looked photoshopped in? Are you that sensitive sweet-pea?
  8. I said it looks photoshopped in, not that you did. Calm down, faggot. lol Black Beetlejuice sniffing my ball sweat again.
  9. Doesnt change the fact you are a piece of shit canadian with a chick who looks like she makes shoes for 5 cents a day I'd fuck her. Smoke looks photoshopped in. WTF is this guy anyway?
  10. Akeem aka. Mr. Hankey is gonna trip over his lip and leave a skid mark across the ring. That dude is going to muder someone one day lol
  11. After 30 years VirginKing finally wins a fight.
  12. edit: nvm igi!about time Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 2
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