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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. lmfao I can't. 😆
  2. Why? You sound miserable.
  3. Not enlightened by an adult man learning only now learning he only needs to wear one pair underwear at a time?
  4. Don't get me wrong, he would totally sell the country out but doesn't need those docs alone to do it. It's way more likely he just kept them to be an asshole. I don't think years old intelligence information is super valuable, he just can't be normal and act like an adult he's so used to being obstinate for no reason he couldn't help himself. I'm not exaggerating when I say he's mentally broken.
  5. He's talking about briefs that have a boxers cut.
  6. I don't give a shit about top secret documents, couldn't care less about hush money shit, and while I am fine with his lying about his assets thing since it's some weird shit we usually let rich real estate people get away with, this is really the only trial that Trump should have faced. Almost made it 250 years until this cunt fart Trump brought our already toxic and ineffective government to to it's lowest point and will continue to ruin elections all over the country for the next decade. I'm so curious how this MAGA era will be viewed in 20 to 30 years.
  7. Don't break his brain, they don't have those over there yet.
  8. So what exactly is the point of wearing boxers then if you're already wearing underwear?
  9. Lol what is your retarded ass going to do? How many far right racist would you need to rally together for such a feat?
  10. Not gonna lie, the joycon shit is a bit ridiculous. My gf is on her third set at this point. Definitely surprising since Nintendo is usually the Nokia of gaming hardware.
  11. Boy, you only posted this because the women were black. EVERYONE knows you wouldn't have posted this if white people lost a case like this. You're so used to acting like you're still 13 you must think we all are as dumb as you act.
  12. Lol two of the most openly racist women on the site whining about discrimination is rich.
  13. Funny how racist always agree with the court system against black people but it's a total sham when a white person loses a case. 😪
  14. They never had values.
  15. Oh, a Nintendo fanboy saying quantity is better than quality. Interesting.
  16. Stupidity does trigger me. So what exactly did he do right? All of his policies were written by some one else. McConnell handed Trump the Supreme Court nominees, ran interference for him, and the white house policies all received over 90% party support other than the China tariffs. I've never seen Trump talk about any policies other than "they are great" and he never makes a mistake. All of his personal projects failed other than the COVID vaccine that his supporters hate. We're going on almost 2 years of you defending every criticism regardless of evidence while also claiming you
  17. Oh cool, usually people feel commercialization of art a bad thing but brainless people are usually fine with it.
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