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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Yeah I am the one living my own world when this faggot lives based on SW rules. "bu bu I thought after all these years of estalking Xellez" ;( lmfao, Chimps has been raped yet again. I am guessing, you couldn't provide it. Chalk another one to the list of raped posters. http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Smileys/cool.gif Yes, you've spent years baiting us by continually talking about xelle even when she's not in the forum, harassing her off site tot he point where she calls you out in here over it, Then bragging about how much she loves your
  2. lol Adding him on PSN is pretty much the same and getting to second base in his mind.
  3. Mala is really living in his own world. I can only imagine how much more pathetic your life would be if this place didnt exist.
  4. I live 45 minutes away, gotta wait till I visit her motherlicker. And you know as well as I do you sent recordings, why stoke the fire? I never sent her shit, faggot. Prove me wrong or get forever raped. So you're saying in all your years of estalking xelle you've never left her a voice mail or sent her a pic?
  5. I thought you were talking about the ones who did that in Peru. I was just pointing out the fact that there are poor people everywhere. However, there are no Peruvians that do that shit here in the USA. There are tons of black criminals over populating the American prison cells. Guess which race makes up the majority of people in jail? black ghettos are still better than living in Peru. I know that back in Peru those same flute players are probably rocket scientist and neurosurgeons and chose to move here to beg for change for a better life.
  6. That makes no sense since those Peruvians fled your shitty country to come here and play for spare change. You're comparing apples to oranges, or as you know them; christmas presents and birthday presents.
  7. lol get out of here, the last time they built houses there that shit was called inca http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Smileys/laugh.gif I believe the question here is; when did you brush your yellow stained teeth? More shit bait from this insecure faggot. Peru is great country. I wouldn't expect Shitamericans who have never left their hole to understand it. Iol I'll admit I've never been to Peru, then again why would I? Many Americans that have gone to Peru have said nothing but great things. I have been there in both places. You have not
  8. More shit bait from this insecure faggot. Peru is great country. I wouldn't expect Shitamericans who have never left their hole to understand it. Iol I'll admit I've never been to Peru, then again why would I?
  9. lol Malakius' dream world where Peru is a better country than the US
  10. lol no one even acknowledges you exist except when you whine about them. You're the most irrelevant bitch. Does irony run in your veins? Lmao. I started acknowledging you (making fun of you) a couple of months ago when you started your photography act that you stole from Salad. umad? How is what I said ironic?
  11. lol no one even acknowledges you exist except when you whine about them. You're the most irrelevant bitch. Don't kid yourself Chimps. The fact that you have e-grudges with numerous posters shows that you are a pathetic person. lol Me holding a grudge? lmfao I don't take e-beef as seriously as you faggot. In my time here I've had fueds with Marley, Pretarded, Chupacabra, TJ, Jehurey, SM10, Vela, Truno, and a bunch of others that ran there course and are people I get a long fine with in here. I'm from NY, shit talk doesn't hurt my feelings. My biggest haters on this site is actually faggots
  12. lol no one even acknowledges you exist except when you whine about them. You're the most irrelevant bitch. Don't kid yourself Chimps. The fact that you have e-grudges with numerous posters shows that you are a pathetic person. lol Me holding a grudge? lmfao I don't take e-beef as seriously as you faggot. In my time here I've had fueds with Marley, Pretarded, Chupacabra, TJ, Jehurey, SM10, Vela, Truno, and a bunch of others that ran there course and are people I get a long fine with in here. I'm from NY, shit talk doesn't hurt my feelings. My biggest haters on this site is actually faggots
  13. lol no one even acknowledges you exist except when you whine about them. You're the most irrelevant bitch.
  14. lol @ how mad this faggot is. 4 year e-grudge for not paying him any attention I did, a few times.
  15. For someone who likes to take pictures, he's afraid to take a picture of himself. Janitor, lol Devo's feelings hurt I'll post the voice messages too just need to get them off her. Visiting my rents tmrw. God you're such a whiny bitch all the time. Jesus christ Oh so now I have voice messages. First, you said pics, now I have voice messages. If anything, Xelle having my recording makes you look like a winner. http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Smileys/cool.gif WTF is wrong with you I am pretty sure she masturbates while listenin
  16. seeing how obsessed you are with her on here I can only imagine what a creeper you are one on one lol I want to see him post the pic he supposedly said I sent to her. Good news is that you really can't embarrass yourself more than you normally do anyway. Why are you still replying. You are like that rape victim that always has a connection with her aggressor. Still waiting for that pic, mindshit. uh lol what? I've never actually heard that before. Is that how you justify raping women?
  17. seeing how obsessed you are with her on here I can only imagine what a creeper you are one on one lol I want to see him post the pic he supposedly said I sent to her. Good news is that you really can't embarrass yourself more than you normally do anyway.
  18. seeing how obsessed you are with her on here I can only imagine what a creeper you are one on one lol
  19. Out of that list, a number of people have actually never posted a picture of themselves in this thread, so you must wonder what the hell are they even doing in it? Goddess angel, Ron Swanson, REDE, 2012... never mind that the rule instated before was you couldn't comment on a person's appearance less you post your mugshot first, but the mods here are absolutely terrible, in fact one of the people who never posted a picture here yet constantly comments is a mod themselves (or, I'm sorry, a "manager") Everyone is aware of this, yet people allow it and call this thread "entertaining"
  20. lmfao. Xelle told me she thinks of you as her brother. Fail more ugly monster. So I fail because I treat some women as platonic friends? Do they not do that in your country? Just proving my point. Platonic friends? lmfao seems like you take SW completely serious. I have tons of female friends. More in real life. I talk to them, chill out, fuck them. Xelle is just another one from the bunch. Just putting things in perspective. If I were there, I would've already bagged Xelle. The fact that you still stick around and she refers to you as her brother, makes you a huge ugly fag. l
  21. [url="http://swcga.wordpress.com/"][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/Fx3WV.png[/IMG][/url] GD new sig It's different than the old one?
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