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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. You're just hating cause she pulls more girls than you. You guys need to stop hitting on faze, that shit ain't going to work. You can't turn a lesbian, straight. Especially when you're dick is no bigger than a finger anwyay.
  2. Faze went radical. Last pic I saw was the one where she had long blond hair and was a pretty girl. Then she posted some where she completely changed into a punkish Rachel Maddow type. I'd still hit though.
  3. Uh..Maybe in Cuntnada. Al thought nearly half of lesbians try to look manly for some reason. I honestly know of one couple where both chicks are girly. They're both fucking hot too. Usually it's one dudish chick and one girly one.
  4. You ever hook up with guys? No. Although I did go on a few accidental dates with a guy from work a few weeks ago, awkward. Wow. Just about every lesbian I know has hooked up with a guy at some point. Some even because there weren't girls around and they were horny. You hate the cock.
  5. Something is wrong with you bro:ben: That manic depressive faggot of all people calling anyone else deranged
  6. post pics of after you got your jaw all fixed up :] I'm a dental person, I want to see the results of all the surgery and shit :] Post pics of after you got your boobs all fixed up I'm a boob person, I want to see the results of all the surgery and shit This
  7. Hint, being black is just that, being physically black. Being forced into a culture because you are a certain race is a bullshit propaganda to control people. Segregating people by culture because of their race is actually racist ;) btw you drink tea and spend your day reviewing shower curtains, that is so unblack of you. lol @ this uncle tom.
  8. That's another way of describing an uncle tom here in the states. That one's sort of lost on me too, but I get the picture. Zoreo and Low TOm are pretty much prime examples. There's the slant they are wannabe Japanese.
  9. That's another way of describing an uncle tom here in the states.
  10. Who is the chick in your sig? I've seen her pics all over blogs and shit.
  11. Snake posted it forever ago, Faggot ass zoreo probably has a folder with everyone's pics in it
  12. my gf would kill me Lol when she meets snakey she will let you. I love him but he doesn't have enough game for Miami
  13. Beats being an ugly ass native fuck o damn An ugly ass native fuck like you? You're always so angry.
  14. lol @ this jealous bitch. Why would I be jealous of a huge forehead, you bitter bitch? Jealous he's holding a woman and you have to creep on girls just to let you close enough to photograph them lmfao at this bitter faggot switching bait when he gets raped. I don't give a shit about that baby killer. All I am talking here is about the foreheads. lol You'd eat her ass if she let you. You cant cry about a lack of women on a gaming board that you'd never meet irl anyway and pretend you're too good for anyone. LOl I'd tell you to go kick rocks but I know you're family needs them for soup l
  15. lol @ this jealous bitch. Why would I be jealous of a huge forehead, you bitter bitch? Jealous he's holding a woman and you have to creep on girls just to let you close enough to photograph them lmfao at this bitter faggot switching bait when he gets raped. I don't give a shit about that baby killer. All I am talking here is about the foreheads. lol You'd eat her ass if she let you. You cant cry about a lack of women on a gaming board that you'd never meet irl anyway and pretend you're too good for anyone. LOl I'd tell you to go kick rocks but I know you're family needs them for soup l
  16. lol @ this jealous bitch. Why would I be jealous of a huge forehead, you bitter bitch? Jealous he's holding a woman and you have to creep on girls just to let you close enough to photograph them
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