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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. This is why you're retarded. While show trials are a thing and politics and the law do have dubious entanglements, there is a threshold. Margins exist and can be exceeded. When you have a glutinous slob with zero care for anyone in the world but himself as President, you get scum and slime in his inner circle. Funny how fake smart people are like "of course, this is politics as usual." in a situation where he is the only man who this has ever happened to. His administration made up his fucking family, self professed political scammers, former game show contestants, f
  2. To start, you don't know shit about American politics. The one consistent thing about you is your high self opinion. You some how know everything about things you have no actual knowledge of. You are just so smart you create the knowledge of it out of the very small pocket of information you saw like you're an X-man or something.
  3. How was it sham trial? Politicians have been hit for this thing before. It's funny how quickly "fair minded" secret right wingers always want to let the people they like get away with corruption. Maybe Trump should hire reputable attorneys rather than influencers he wants to bang? Or maybe if smart people who are fully aware that he's completely full of shit and don't want to deal with defending a man completely derranged he works against his own best interest. Trump violated his gag order nearly every fucking day, attacked and named judges and lawyer's families and
  4. All the red pill is are people talking on the internet, wtf are you talking about? It's funny how the people who are always wrong are always telling other people how something is. New rule! Someone has to be proven right about something before they can tell someone else they are wrong about anything. I don't know if it's a Canadian thing but you and Cooke need to be stopped.
  5. Besides the point that new York is probably the second biggest economy in country, so we put in way more than most red states combined, isn't this extortion? Yeah, it's a gesture comment because what she's asking is impossible as is her ability to follow through with such a threat but this is how comfortable conservatives are. Since we have so many freedom fighters here, how does it look when elected officials publicly make demands to overturn court decisions under threat of stealing tax money and closing federal services of millions of American citizens? All for fuck
  6. Lol I just realized the only thing you are good at is dodging whatever someone says to you with a either a Whataboutism or bad faith reasoning.
  7. Not really feeling the song. It seems like old Eminem but that's the double edged sword here as it's mid by his old standards and hearing Em's pop culture limericks in 2024 sounds kind of cringe tbh. Might as well just listen to his old, far superior music.
  8. Lol you're such a piece of shit.
  9. Had a friend try to talk me into the game but I really don't care for the zombie genre.
  10. Even you should be able to see it's not about being presidential, it's about being cruel and worshipping power. Which is why so many Republicans have been "punished" for not acting like sycophants to Trump. The wheels came off the bus when people could just use MAGA to win political positions. Trump made politics significantly worse as his critics predicted.
  11. Lmfao I forgot to mention that this idiot thinks black people will vote for Trump because he got arrested or lost a court case. Funny how the only people in country who think that way are white people who usually have a laundry list of complaints about black people.
  12. I know there is fast travel online, I assume it works the same in single player but the maps not fully open at first so fast traveling probably isn't an option at first. This is definitely the primary problem of the single player. I feel like most gamers who bail from the game do so because of the slow crawl early in the game. Myself included but when you're heavy into the game, the isolation is enjoyable despite possibly feeling boring for sure. Not to mention the speed and performance difference with the better horses you gain down the line.
  13. Have to disagree. The gameplay is pretty damn good. There's a a small number of guns by a shooter standard but all of the guns are unique and well designed. The hand to hand combat is while simple, is surprisingly diverse and well done. The horse riding mechanic is also well made as well. Playing online the map is fully open and it's a bit faster to level up and open up stuff but ability cards and money open up a lot of the potential gameplay stuff. They pretty much perfected the western movie motif.
  14. I believe AA prevents racial bias. Lol what does this even mean? Disband the second amendment? Do you guys literally eat all of the shit you see on conservative Facebook? You're conflating two completely different things, dummy. And how exactly do you treat black people that you don't agree with politically? Which is most of them. I'll agree to mandatory voter Id laws under two conditions. 1. Conservatives openly admit they have only pushed for it in hopes of lowering black voter turn outs.
  15. After years of people bugging me I finally tried red dead online back in February and have been hooked since. It completely reversed my views on RDR2. I only played a couple of hours when I got the game so many years ago and never went back. Playing in a posse helped acclimate me to the game much faster than playing it in solo mode. So the crafting and the nutritional/health/cooking mechanics were clearer. I can say it's sad GTAO makes a billion a year and Rockstar shafted RDO. I hope they take a lot of what they did with RDR2 and implement them in gta6.
  16. Imagine not being bothered by this. Trump supporters are scum.
  17. Funny how the two racist think that way.
  18. People probably only did it because the lower tiers are ass. I don't know single person that likes PSN or think it's worth the cost at any of the tiers. It's a bad thing it's not a good thing.
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