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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. At some point you need to admit defeat and just leave instead of just further owning yourself. Where is your pos3 kid. You were defending it valiantly for some time. Then your name became green. Yet, you still defend sony at every turn I really dont know why you guys care about my name color so much. In case you didn't notice my name was red not too along as well retard. We'll play a game. You find threads of me "valiantly defending" the PS3. If you don't I'll ban you for a week. Deal?
  2. At some point you need to admit defeat and just leave instead of just further owning yourself.
  3. http://wii.ign.com/articles/749/749743p1.html Hmmmmm. 3 weeks left.
  4. Who gives a fuck...? but but, my opinion matters ;-( He posted pics of a Wii, whoop whoop. I can do the same.
  5. It's only the beginning It was the beginning about 12 months ago.Since you've played Gears of War, does it get better after the first 2 hours? This is boring as fuck.Yep. But if you don't enjoy the first 2 hours there's very little to keep you interested the next 4 or 5.
  6. It's only the beginning It was the beginning about 12 months ago.
  7. To keep you crying in your antidepresants.Learn to spell it and I might, jackass.If I do you might kill yourself.You suck at damage control, get the fuck out. wash that sand out of your vagina. Stop getting internet emotional.
  8. To keep you crying in your antidepresants.Learn to spell it and I might, jackass.If I do you might kill yourself.
  9. How much did your friend pay for all that? The damage control commences I love owning LP Anyhow, next purcahse is an X360 probably in Dec 07 when the price drops and the non-shoddy units are probably out Look I own a Wii too!
  10. I guess all the kids in his neighborhood "worship" him them.
  11. http://www.systemwars.com/forums/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=17065
  12. jehuriey is , hes playing that lawyer game on DS so he can learn tactics how to defend wii on SWsig worthy
  13. jehuriey is , hes playing that lawyer game on DS so he can learn tactics how to defend wii on SW
  14. I say Q3 2008 or a $149 price drop which ever comes first.
  15. I think whatever they ship they will sell the large majority of them by Jan 1st.
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