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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. To be fair, he didn't quite say it that way, but said it in the way tin foil hatters could draw conclusions. I'm not quite sure it was intentional, but that's how these people roll. They speak with no care and just ramble on with all the random raw data they memorized to get through a conversation. Cooke is a prime example of the bottom feeders that consume this stuff and don't think before they speak.
  2. Lol oh I forgot to talk about the mahr suggestion lol. I'll skip Mahrs sad basement podcast with 480p cameras and boomer club set. There is no interview that will convince me RFK is deserving of becoming president. I don't have anything against him as a person, but I don't believe putting a first timer to be president. Not to mention the dozen other things that would sink him in a general election.
  3. Multiple times when you've brought it up. Even now you're idling. I don't think a single person here has justified him not debating. So let's move on from this point. You're so fucking exhausting.
  4. It's almost like the right is regressing on schedule. They weren't going to stop with trans people. They are circling back to undo all of the social progress of the past few decades as possible.
  5. You are such a an arrogant prick for zero reason. I never made qualifiers, you're the one 'daring' people to watch it like their minds are going to be blown or something lol. I don't understand why you keep going on with this. I already fucking said Biden should debate you fucking retard. You keep trying to make a point no one in here is making. I don't control the DNC and I can't force Biden to debate. Like gak said before, Trump is ducking debates and you haven't said shit about it yet and he's not even the incumbent. The biggest tell that you
  6. Ohhh, watch a Piers Morgan interview? You're such a radical rebel, Cooke.
  7. I don't hate him, stupid. I don't think he's qualified to be president and being exploited by the far right for idiots like you.
  8. It's 2005 JJ Abrams and to be fair, it's a good Hollywood story. Cruise saw the first 2 seasons of Alias and asked to meet him. They even postponed the movie and let JJ rewrite the story and they started when the product was ready rather than chase a release date. This scene is better than seeing him jump from one building to another in my book.
  9. Lol you have terrible taste in everything so of course you didn't like 3.
  10. Lmfao I forgot all about the F35 program.
  11. They are fun but completely forgetable experiences. Only two of them I could bare to watch twice. Other than 2, they are all good movies. MI 3 is the only one I would take the initiative to re-watch. It's probably the best one. The Renner and Cavill ones are pretty decent too. They all bleed together though.
  12. Speaking of Joan is awful, some Disney exec got coked up watching black mirror and came up with an idea. Let this be a lesson to people that think corporations are idealistic and virtue signal because they are run by coastal blue hair self-martyrs. They care about money more than people. They care more about efficient movie making than good movie making. At some point they would love to just type in prompts and get AI generated scripts, digital actors, music and just incubate movies/shows.
  13. Threads sounds annoying and I have no interest in blue sky but I definitely can't wait for there to be a legit Twitter alternative/killer. Musk has warp sped the platform into Nazi/Incel/MAGA town.
  14. So the latest thing with these geniuses is that AMC is trying to prevent people from seeing this movie lmfao....because they are groomers or PDFiles. EVERYONE IS A GROOMER OR PDFILE to these people. LEGO, BudLite, Target, Disney...This is fucking exhausting. Like movie theaters dont make a shit ton of money and the thought a chain would order a movie, pay for it, sell tickets, then refund all of the tickets to stop people from seeing it....like this will do anything anyway? Like the only change this movie will make is more idiots doing vigilante and stupid in because al
  15. I watched another 2 interviews with DeSantis and he has one answer for everything. It's fucking wild. In every interview he starts talking about the woke dustbin of history line that some idiot made up for him and he keeps saying like it's his catchphrase. His only answer to any question about any platform is he's going to fight the woke.
  16. Another conservative defending racism.
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