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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Lol dude can't catch a break. He's so unlikeable they have begun to send his wife out on the trail solo. I'm sure him attempting to do his job as gov of one of the most critical states played a part too. However Trump loyalist have been lining up Casey as one of his bigger problems too. I bet any money Trump will pounce and claim that DeSantis is a wimp and his wife wears the pants in the relationship.
  2. The movie 65 is as interesting as as it's title. It's one of the most boring movies I've ever seen. It's new to Netflix this weekend and it stinks. There's nothing there to even hate or troll watch for. The premise is sort of interesting I guess and they do the absolute least they could wit it.
  3. I dont. Even if I watched it daily, what is your point? My point is the content they make and the influence they have. The reason I'm aware of their bullshit is because they are one of if not the biggest digital conservative outlets. They have billionaire backing, their platform has Matt Walsh, Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, and Candace Owens. One or more them are trending nearly daily. Even then you have their B-team of Michael "erradicate Transgenderism" Knowles, Brett Cooper, Dennis Prager, and others on the bench. Shit they offered Steven Crowder 50 million dollars to do youtube videos and
  4. IDGAF about Kwanza or Juneteeth. IDGAF about any Jewish holidays either. However if I hosted a show, and I didnt criticize or attack any public holidays other than Jewish ones, chances are people would think I have an issue with Jews. Rightfully so. I believe that's capitalism, not virtue signaling. These same companies celebrate President's day, 4th of July, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Father's day, Memorial day,...pretty much any day where shopping spikes. It's only idiotic and deceptive conservatives who claim it's virtue signaling because they hate whatever group they'r
  5. It's not really a theory. Conservativism hasn't really changed at its core in decades. Conservatives are still battling feminism after 50 years and blaming feminist for societal problems. You're fully willing to believe groomer theories though. You live a context free life yourself. The corrupt Supreme Court has spent the past year working overtime to reverse decades of progress and going on expensive trips with Republican megadonors. However, I could be wrong. I just see people like Matt Walsh talk about how slavery made everyone's lives better, so it's not as terrib
  6. That's fine, I find narrow sightedness to be counter productive. It's really not that hard to quantify. Look at the goals of white supremacist and the goals of the right in general and get back to me. What is woke but a generic, catch-all for the right wing to attack people of color, (brown) immigrants, women, the LGBTQ community, Jews, Muslims... Etc. It's why Republican politicians are constantly finding themselves involved or connected with white nationalist groups. This is also purposeful too. Since 2010 white supremacist consciously began their rebrand. Some went
  7. It had to do with gender and political ideology. American White supremacy, patriarchal supremacy and queeerphobia are championed by all of the same people and eventually you milquetoast fence riders eventually find yourselves agreeing with. Lol so you skip everything else and focus on only the fact that I drew connections. How intellectually honest of you.
  8. They agree on 99% of things. They only disagree on the Ukraine.
  9. He just did an interview with Tomi Larhen where he claims that Donald Trump pioneered gender ideology. These people are dishonest scum. No wonder @Twinbladewas so attracted to him at some point.
  10. Not ending on a cliffhanger doesn't mean it wasn't planned tho.
  11. There's literally one gay pairing the entire season, calm down.
  12. https://youtu.be/DHs7p6o5oBo Further right wing rot and how easily "independent free thinkers" are charmed by extreme right wing rhetoric. Morgan goes from giving her a mild opening shot then over the course of this absurd debate he's basically her tag team partner. So despite this blabbering numbskull who is seemingly is unaware that women are currently in the military, thinks women shouldn't have the right to vote, likes Andrew Tate, and that divorce should be illegal - Morgan's slug ass is constantly letting us know he agrees with her on a few topics and defending
  13. That's a fair point. I say they should take the money and invest in the land they have to better their people. To some people land means more I suppose. I don't think any blood should be spilled for any "holy land" but others feel differently. While I don't agree with their actions, they have an understandable stance.
  14. Lol you're so sassy. They are not talking about all of the country, but territories that were negotiated, then violated for commerce. It's fine to disagree with the notion but conservatives have spent the past decade claiming original interpretations should be observed. How many right wingers call themselves constitutional absolutist? Or claim the forefathers had it right? The only way they can call out Ben and Jerry for this is if they only say things they feel serve white supremacy and not actual justice.
  15. It's wild on multiple levels. One, all Trump said is that they will be safe. So conservatives have lost the plot from protecting children to all Trans people are not safe and the gays are next. I've been saying from day one they won't stop at stopping juvenile surgeries, which weren't happening to begin with. Gay marriage still has overall support, even from Republicans but the numbers have been steady dipping despite there being no national incidents ever to shed a bad light on it. Other than just generic antiwoke and right wing hysterics. DeSantis has already had mu
  16. lol This is stupid and petty but it's fucking hilarious that he's been spending the past few months just subbing and simp posting right wing thirst traps like Ashley and the Redhead Libertarian. Even when they say stupid shit like this. But it's a fair platform and he wants both sides. He just insults and undermines one side and signal boosts the other. Most divorced man on Earth.
  17. No, no. In some of those rare instances where you actually try to think for yourself, you have said some shit so stupid it sounds like a 7 year old thought it up.
  18. lol This is the most unselfaware post ever created on the internet.
  19. The current right is more of a catch-all for societal rejects of various sub groups that are mostly considered undesirable to the average person: Racist, xenophobes, misogynist, homophobes, conspiracy theorist, and just general assholes. You have the Red Pill, MAGA, Qanon, White nationalist, Anti-LGBTQ, Christian nationalist, MRA, anti-vax, Gamergate, America First, Cryptobro, anti-immigrant, Right wing grifter, Gun Fucker communities all cross pollinating. Even in situations where they should butt heads, they give each other as much cover as possible. It's only been recentl
  20. https://twitter.com/stillgray/status/1676192947149357057 Anyone attacking anything Trans or LGBTQ ever since Musk took over Twitter. It's also interesting to see who the groups the RIght have been queuing up to hate on next. They are throwing everything at the wall from gamers to adult anime fans. The only good thing in all of this is the DeSantis and MAGA grifter camps battling it out. It's most of the dishonest and counterproductive tactics used in friendly fire environments. My hope is that DeSantis and Trump both suffer from delusions of grandeur that often causes
  21. Yeah, I saw that on on some clips shows but couldn't find the video directly. I mean, I didn't know how to feel after seeing it the first time other than "did they use Patrick Bateman as a hero?" in a video that's basic theme is the LGBTQ community wont be safe under DeSantis? This is the escalation that right wing bots in here have been denying is a reality. Mostly because they are content captured and partially because most of them are either bigots or stupid or both. Funny how it went from protecting kids to just attacking Trans people's existence, they're back to hating the Gays again, gam
  22. https://twitter.com/patriottakes/status/1673861137769668609 I dont have anything against RFK other than him not being qualified for the job and I personally dont like people acting like they can just be President with zero related experience. You dont get out of college and become the President of a company in your first job. However, this is not normal. Every right wing nutjob is giving Kennedy cozy interviews and talking him up like some wonderkid when they hate everything he mostly stands for other than being anti-vax. Outlets that smear and lie about every single l
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