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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Yes, that's exactly my point. You are repeating stupid and dishonest right wing talking points because you don't know what the fuck you are talking about on your own and you're incapable of critical thinking. Lol it's obvious that you are the "women lie on men" type where all things being equal, you just side with the man, white man, straight man... employer man. You're the perfect status quo bootlicker whose only has conviction for the things he doesn't like vs the overall good. Lol funny how much you dodged in this reply.
  2. In all honesty I don't think the Ukraine is any Americans' priority. Having either a good or shitty strategy is pretty much the same.
  3. Oh that's false? They literally are just doing this to what? Troll insecure hetero people? It's funny what you believe to be true and what you refuse to believe. Lol Omg you brought up Tampon dispensers in men's rooms? LMFAO EVERY POINT you make is some purposely stupid right wing hot take. Lol I haven't heard about this one in like 4 years. Lol no, you are just a hater who is trying to justify his hate. You keep arguing the same tired, easily debunked shit for a year now. Conservatives never do, they are still complai
  4. You can say the N word as much as you like. I know you were sad that people couldn't get ai bots to say it but you're free to do as you please. Queer has been part of the LGBTQ for sometime now, so I guess some people find it acceptable. This was a bizarre post to make. At this point you guys are just saying anything negative you can think of about the LGBTQ folk.
  5. Because most normal people just want to get through the day and aren't obsessed with lording over people they don't like. Referring to a trans person as their transitioned gender isn't a life altering event for them. They just want to be cordial and go about their day. It literally cost nothing. So basically nothing good right? Funny how you can talk kindly of bigots, racist, abusers, and liars but like everything about woke is terrible lol. How do you people actually view yourselves? So you know every single parent to a t
  6. You're too stupid to be pretending to be stupid for effect.
  7. It says alot that you have to act so obtuse on purpose to make a non point. No one is saying a person born a man can become pregnant. Humans born female who transition to male can still become pregnant depending on situations. People with better shit to do or at least bigger problems than worrying about Trans people all fucking day just call trans people who identify as male, men. It's not like they are claiming the earth is flat or that God exist and asking people to adopt a complete logic reversal. Lol look at you scraping the bottom of the barrel in trans bait. Ple
  8. Lmfao you expect Cooke to not complain about a queer person for a whole month? That would have barely been possible back when it was just a week.
  9. Pretty sure both true and the same point and what do you suggest? A meaningful conversation? Data? These people don't care about any of that. Walsh is a modern day Klansman, he's not trying open a dialog he's looking make people who he doesn't like lives miserable. You see the people in here like @Cookeand @Ramza...have you seen either be at all reasonable about this and they aren't even being paid to bigots like he is.
  10. Ive never seen a star fall like DeSantis since Howard Dean. This is day 1 of his campaign, when more and more information about Florida comes out it's not going to look good for him. Especially with Trump blasting DeSantis' running of Florida. He's going to have a field day mopping the floor with DeSantis. https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110426610517273124
  11. Lol I'm reasonable and not a transphobe, but also may the world be destroyed by a comet rather than treating queer people fairly!
  12. Isn't he in that new Star Wars show that's coming out soon too? Playing some sort of evil Jedi. He was legit.
  13. Lol Your last two sign offs were "have fun diddling kids with those queerdos." like a fucking child because you realize that the right doesn't actually care about kids as much as hurting the LGBTQ community. So while you talk about how overly sensational people can be you act like a little hypocritical bitch and accuse me of being an abuser?
  14. Because there are right wing voices that counters what he says? Or that he's become the defacto anti-trans influencer alongside libsoftiktok. Lol a whole 2 of them? Well you definitely proved that drag queens are a greater threat than scout leaders, youth pastors, teachers, priest, pageant officials... The argument was never about all queer people innocent as it's unfair to judge them as threats just by existing.
  15. One group emailed a venue that about the person they were hosting and the kind of content they made. It's partial community space so they don't host negative political types. The book reading was almost immediately rebooked. The other isn't simply not buying a product, it's trying to force companies to ignore the existence of groups of people to appease bigots. But the bigots are on your side so why should you care? Here's the desperate lie attempt you and Cooke try to use when you have nothing. When did I ever talk about cancelling a comedian? Funny how straight white m
  16. Coming from the guy who has to hastily Google talking points only to have them backfire or get debunked immediately, that's rich. I don't rely on buzzwords or phrases. I drop receipts. You still can't form an idea from over a year ago now.
  17. Lol I'm going to screenshot this, now the next time people are like "what kind of idiot actually finds the Babylon bee funny I can post this shit. This is like a 4D meme or something. Lmfao motherfucker you're like some Dailywire ai bot or something. I genuinely laughed my fucking ass off reading this.
  18. They didn't prevent the book from coming out as it already came out 3 years ago. They informed the meeting space of the writer's book and their content and the space declined their booking. Did they make social media campaigns burning or shooting her books up in their backyards? She wrote a book with bogus information aimed at how parents should treat their kids with gender dysphoria. You know, one of the things your kind pretends to care aboutm Did they treat him like the antichrist or did it just feel that way to you because you dont car
  19. Oh look, you follow mr "we need to eradicate Transgenderism" himself. You consume A LOT of transphobic influencer content for someone who isn't a bigot.
  20. Lol so the only problems that exist are exclusive on the left, or deep seated and affects everyone equally. There is never a time when the right is wrong except for every other instance for the past 100 years. The fact you even consider this a left/right issue shows how programed you are. Bud light paid them for an ad read. They spent two minutes talking about some damn can on their steam and that was that. It wasnt a print ad, they didn't film a commercial, they didn't create an entire campaign or rebrand the beer for trans folks. It was specifically made for people
  21. Some people make being religious their entire identity, or their guns, or their cars, or the gym, or money, MAGA...WAIT didn't you defend people making bud light about their personal identity? It's almost like the only sin that matters is being queer? Like you guys digest so much bullshit, but only when it comes to queer people or people of color does your spider sense tingle. You guys are legit complaining about companies selling ads and the villains are the people they are trying to sell to?
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