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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Lmfao the blacks are protesting a book defending slavery! So inclusive
  2. author Abigail Shrier’s book Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters, positing that transgenderism in teen girls is a social contagion... Lmfao the Jews are protesting a book saying Hitler was right! So inclusive.
  3. So let me get this straight. You fully defend people cancelling Bud light and shooting up cans and stuff but Trans activists are the bad guys for protesting a transphobic book that has proven lies and disinformation and was debunked when it came out like 3 years ago? And I know this because youve brought up this transphobic woman a year ago when I showed you how discredited her work was. Do you people have an antitrans Google alert or something?
  4. Shallow is being generous and you say this like they were wronged some how. Unsurprisingly you empathize with viilians of the story. It's because they treated a trans person like anyone else with a following. Again, they didn't make an ad campaign or created a brand for them. They literally sent some cans and this person did an ad read. The core the problem transphobes have is with other people not hating trans people as much as they do. When you listen past their queer panic, you get a clear picture of their cruelty disguised as concern.
  5. Yes, we've had the you defending bigotry discussion already. Where you clearly describe the unreasonable and disproportionate response to something so small. You don't even find it weird people are tying their fucking beer to their sexuality. Why is this a zero sum game? Why can't trans people and straight people drink the same beer- separately-in their own homes? You guys talk about MLK and here in 2023 the right can't even stand sing a similar brands product as a trans person?
  6. They are the ones who stopped buying it...who else is there to blame?
  7. Wait, are you so sheltered that this is some out of box concept for you? You've never heard of an anti-gay politician who turned out to be secretly gay? This is why I treat you like a child, a lot simple shit seems like quantum mechanics to you or something.
  8. You right wingers are always so hysterical and ass backwards. You guys keep accusing leftist of promoting obesity yet the most unhealthy states in the country are red states. Who have been against any health initiatives? Republicans. Who do you think is drinking soy and oat milk? Who are eating impossible burgers? Let's talk about the health conscious red neck who is also a vegan? This concept y'all created sounds stupid now, correct? Like this isn't even a health issue, it's just wanting to make fun of fat people as a social hierarchy thing. Like they want to be able
  9. It's not that deep, bitch. You are so fucking stupid you think you are on to something by noticing targeted advertising. You're such a bootlicker you're legit like "but the straights might get mad" lol
  10. It's more like some people get complacent and resistant to change. You said it with great pride as if there's been any generation where conservatives were on the right side of history. I base this on the fact how you guys admit to being conservative after fighting and kicking that you weren't. It's sad to see Bill Mahr and Elon Musk pontificate that they're not conservative despite not evolving politically since the 90s.
  11. Yall are weird as fuck. Like you were a dem up to 2020 and have become some one-sided goon entirely. There's been like zero policy change between the two parties in well over a decade. How do you become like this?
  12. Sums this up nicely. These are the reasonable people to you guys.
  13. You mean racist words or phrases? Lmfaocopter racism? Lmfao fuck that. Funny how you empathize with insecure straight men so well you basically described your own prejudice unwittingly.
  14. Lol 😂 Yet only conservatives are angry about Bud Light, M&Ms, Miller Lite, Disney... It's funny you can justify boycotting a company over being nice to minority groups but boycotting them over racism, sexism, exploitation... Etc is a problem. Your dumbass doesn't even know what an ad read is so stfu. They are not commercials, it's the radio/podcast/streaming host reading an ad. They didn't film and air commercials with Mulvaney. Ad reads exist only with in the show they are read on and meant for that particular audience. I like how
  15. So cancel culture. The thing conservatives have spent nearly a decade complaining about. I've been saying right wingers are uniquely insecure forever now. It's why y'all are so easily manipulated. They paid an influencer to do an ad read. This is run of the mill shit. It's not like they added estrogen to the ingredients and shit lol. It's fucking nuts you're even defending this stupidity. A humorous ad about women's history month making fun of 30 year old beer commercials hurt white men's feelings but it's the woke people th
  16. I know, the retards that actually likes bud light stopped drinking it because Ben Shapiro and Kid Rock told them to. It's wild how much of a cult they are. Good news for Bud light is other right wing grifters are now whining about Miller Lites women's month ad, so that's their current DDay.
  17. I'm coming back to this because now there's a new "backlash" against Miller lite for some women's month ad they ran back in... March (women's month) but here we are half way through May and conservatives are now mad about an ad they didn't know existed for two and a half months and not even in circulation. To be fair it's probably because they were so upset about the Bud light thing. What a serious group of people. Constantly being triggered by stupid shit while calling other people snowflakes.
  18. lol Uh huh. You just randomly found his video out of all of the internet. LMFAO ****a please.
  19. PJW LMFAO you're a fucking a cliche at this point. I'm not far right, I'm INDEPENDENT. I just only listen to and shape my worldview from far right reactionist!
  20. The pee tape was stupid but still funny as Trump's response shows what a piece of shit he is.
  21. I already said they had a following. However they were never a daily household name until Republicans starting acting like bud light was their pearl harbor or something. I can name a dozen bigger tik tok stars you've never heard of. You have something against trans people in general. Which is why you'll defend a racist or women abuser but are desperately trying to make Mulvaney sound bad despite never doing or saying something to hurt or malign anyone else. A trans person living their life, and people accepting that is an issue for you.
  22. It's funny how you talk about "souless corporations" but on multiple occasions state you always side with the boss class in any sort of dispute. How does someone bootlick and try to call out the same group. Oh yeah, by being political inconsistent..or politically expedient? Same difference I guess. Uh huh. An anecdotal story about 1⃣ school in 1 state and your most likely leaving out alot context but OK. Lol again you prove my point. I follow sex workers, trans activitist, lefty opinion streams ran by queer host, some drag queens, and lefty
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