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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. The MSM and Dems seriously need to do a better job of honestly explaining abortion. Conservatives lie with no shame about it.
  2. This is a bit of a switch but here's a racist being called out by other racist because married an Asian woman. He spent so much energy attacking black people I guess he didn't think conservatives racist had any issues with Asians.
  3. Lol wtf does this have to do with Hilary? Twinblade has spent the last 6 years praising Trump. This is what I mean by you have canned responses to use regardless if it's relevant or applies to what you're resounding to.
  4. It was DOA when it looked exactly like the first PSP and the Vita name didn't explain it was a sequel console. Even a dumber move than the WiiU.
  5. Lol not really. He's reddit come to life, aka you or cooke. This is how you guys look to everyone else. However, I will be surprised if his numbers don't go up. He hit every twitter blue check talking point and got most of the loudest reactions. Christie, Pence, and Haley did their best to be seem like respectable human beings but Vivek and DeSantis sold the crazy and the lying that is the fuel for right wingers right now.
  6. They added a bell. This is so sad.
  7. I do envy how you, Cooke, and Ramza can constantly have bad takes and yet never twink twice again that maybe you're not as smart as you think you are. You guys just move on to the next topic with the same lack of understanding as the previous ones.
  8. Lmfao I don't think I've ever seen a plane crash caught on camera before...other than 9/11. It's a random thing to capture and they got it from like 3 angles and it wasn't even a crash, if looks like a falling fuselage after an explosion.
  9. Lol everyone you watch is a hack that sucks.
  10. Vivek is such a psycho pos, no wonder Twinblade hyped him up. This debate is retarded. I love that Fox gets to be a trash factory because right wingers are demented rats.
  11. The problem with this is that it solves a problem in a more expensive, less enjoyable alternative than another television.
  12. Who cares. I love those games but is anyone really dying to play MGS2 again? I might be jaded but the MGS series is like one of those summer movies you watch once and never watch again. Make something new already.
  13. I have a 27" ProArt monitor. I can't imagine going any bigger. I had one 24" inch one for like 8 years before this one and think that's the best way to go. It's fully adjustable which makes it tolerable.
  14. No, it's you. Twitter and the internet in general is the wild west but I guess people usually expect some level of playing field in forums where it's the same people talking about diverse topics vs random comment section encounters. Yet you always use every shitty weirdo net debater tactic in existence. You constantly lie, use whataboutisms, ignore when you're wrong and/or repeat falsehoods even after you've been shown they're not true, switch topics. You are incapable of arguing in good faith even with people you've shared a forum with for nearly 2 decades. And for what? You haven't convinced
  15. That's around the time of the "Southern Strategy" modern conservatives lie and claim doesn't exist. This is what started Black support for the Dems in larger numbers.
  16. A simplified take on Western leftist is views is to treat everyone with mutual respect and understanding based more on a secular ideology. Shocking and terrible to bootlickers/fascist/bigots who love hierarchies. I wont speak outside of the US but generally the Left messaging has from 2/3 to nearly 3/4 support from the general public. Almost all of the stuff you guys claim is crazy made up shit or purposely misleading or out of context information. You still can't actually name the terrible hive mind leftist ideologies you're talking about so you have to use "woke" like a lazy bot.
  17. Hmmm, you say that Biden should debate him. I agreed. You say that he should participate in a primary, I agreed. My biggest reason I wouldn't vote for him is that he doesn't have a government record deserving of becoming President out of no where. So what MSNBC talking points am I using? The media finally addressing his backers, which I've been doing myself for weeks already? You are the one who needs to have opinions spoon fed to him. Which is why you're just talking about any stupid anti left shit you can find like pizza shops having to put
  18. Lmfao now I know why his team compared him to Patrick Bateman in his own ad.
  19. Shut the fuck up already, you are like a kid or something. We get it, he's antivax so idiots like you love him.
  20. Stop trying to make RFK happen and the world is round.
  21. The sad part is Woods actually ends up with the actual valid point because Musk is so childish.
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