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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Musk being on the outs with the 2 twitter files writers happened sooner than I expected.
  2. That's not true at all. You act like Republicans don't house self hating gays in their ranks. Cooke's affection for white supremacy, self sabotaging POV, and trad virtue signaling would gel well with most conservatives. There's room for the Dave Rubins and the Candace Owens and Kaitlin Jenners to shame and rally against their particular culture groups.
  3. Yeah, uh huh. That's not how it works. You'd get bent out of shape if some random car wash in the middle of nowhere had pronouns on their name tags or something. Yet somehow despite all your free thinking, you haven't had a single issue with what any right wing government, commentator, or media figure has done in the past 10 years. You are full of shit and too stupid trick anyone other than that idiot tier acts like your burner account.
  4. Lol "war mongering" OK. You are just a pathetic self-hating bigot and your bigotry trump's your political views.
  5. A Metroid game with the option to have Samus nude the entire time.
  6. Beef was dope. Definitely delivered. Don't get me started on tonight's Mandolarian. That shit was better the shit they wee charging people in the theaters to see. That ep alone is worth the 9 bucks or whatever it is now.
  7. Stop it, bitch. lol We're like a whole half decade past this bullshit you're trying to resurrect lol. Liberal center left...has never made a negative post about a conservative or right winger, constantly quoting conservative and right wing sources, only complaining about anything left of center let alone center left lol.
  8. Why does everyone on the right wing insist on being as obtuse and unreasonable as possible about everything.
  9. Having his pronouns doesn't mean he's automatically queer. Straight people also list their pronouns, idiot.
  10. We have enough retards on here posting dumb shit already. Go make another eminem thread in the main board or something.
  11. To be fair there didn't seem to be alot of information for a while on this. Also there was another public shooting like a mile from this one minutes later but was unrelated it seems. Also the shooter wasn't queer or trans or black so the sites he uses probably didn't bother digging any deeper.
  12. Uh huh. Stick to one topic, boomer. This is always your follow up move.
  13. I don't like Joy Reid and probably only follow one person who has a show on any cable channel. How about your old ass stops acting like a teenage cunt and wasting people's times with your strawman bullshit.
  14. These kinds of stats are tricky because in some situations like the Pulse club or situations where violence is directed at the LGBTQ community in general but didn't specifically target Trans people. It doesn't matter because Cooke is incapable having an honest conversation.
  15. The first two seasons are perfection. It really punches above it's weight and I put in the same catagories of shows like Barry, Succession, and Severance even if the concept is far more simple than any of those.
  16. I love Afro surrealism but I feel Peele and Glover are beginning to fall into the M. Night lane where they are starting to rely on the aesthetics of it more than the substance of it. Like there's a big difference between Atlanta seasons 1 to 2 and the third season.
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