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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. https://nypost.com/2023/08/09/former-top-evangelical-church-official-laments-christians-who-think-jesus-quotes-are-liberal-talking-points/ So I was right yet again. This is why when Republicans pretending they liked MLK grinds my gears. MLK was woke by today's standard and he was a black activist. They would absolutely hate King in today's world.
  2. You all say the same stupid shit. It shows how cozy you right wingers are with misogyny. Uh huh. What meltdowns? Again, I'm entertained by you defending Trad wives in your anti-alimony thread. We all know how pro-choice conservatives are. Ok, show me some. ZWarrior doesn't count. Lol again, the argument you are having with yourself. You are the one crying about alimony and also stating you support women who don't work. That isn't what political consistency is
  3. Didn't some donor for that Sound of Freedom movie recently get arrested for child trafficking too. It's almost as if every accusation is a confession.
  4. It's sexist when it comes from sexist people with sexist agendas. You're the same person who it took how long before you saw Andrew Tate for who he is? You still defend Trump. The history of this forum is always the same people being wrong about everything and learning nothing along the way. Twinblade who is the biggest military nerd and calls out the equipment and strategies bring used or whatever. He seems to be the most informed about that kind of stuff. Yet he actually believed Trump ended the US drone program and praised him for it. Only thing is, Trump never ended that progr
  5. Then how does it happen? There isn't a standardized governing body for misogyny. It's a collective conscious thing. Sometimes it just takes one dude who thinks a woman is a bitch for not respecting a rich white man enough to to contribute to it. Lol Your dishonesty about the intention, aside. The collective voices telling women to not persue higher education, or well paying jobs, or to be able to support themselves then also judge women by how much support a man is providing them, then also complaining about alimony if there's a divorce. What's the end resul
  6. What's funny is that the same people who were crying they were being suppressed under previous twitter management are still crying that they are being censored, and shadow banned under Elon. Even people who are paying for boosted algorithmic positioning are complaining about low engagement. It's almost as if all of these people never actually had anything of worth to say in the first place. Or people were always turned off to their content.
  7. This has been a great summer for shows. Gemstones was great, WWDITS is so good, Only Murders is back, Reservation Dogs coming back, and jujutsu kaisen broke the internet. I have to check out the new Sunny season
  8. Yeah, but I feel like that's the antithesis of a semi-successful run. They avoided an unsuccessful run.
  9. This is a bit unrealistic. There was no path for Sega at that point. Having weakest console, with the smallest disc capacity, and the least sales would not have helped Sega in the long run. Sales wouldn't have scaled up over time, in fact they would have crashed and burned harder the longer it stayed on the market.
  10. Women are flourishing despite men, not because of them. We still have a large number of men who still are openly misogynist, men who support those men like you, and also women working against women. I mean the conservatives are telling women to not get jobs, to start starting families younger, are outraged by any female successes. You know how I know? Almost half of the country operates on hating anything woke and what is considered woke is basically anything that isn't a straight white man.
  11. Other than sounding like a punchline from a Kevin Hart/Will Farrel movie. Your Black Ghetto privilege logic defies black on black crime stastics, shows a fundamental misunderstanding of petty crime, historical gentrification, and betrays your sheltered mindset. Any neighborhood bad enough that random white people would get mugged simply because they are white, isn't much safer for a random black dude. Even then it's mostly about opportunity/reward. Stick up kids are looking for a mark they think have valuables. A well off black guy has a greater chance of getting mug
  12. Lmfao do I even really need to point out how ignorant what you are saying sounds right now? Eh....you have a cartoonish idea about race relations. What privileges? You think they won't kill or rob some random black dude they don't know in whatever 2000s hood movie version of the ghetto you're describing? Lol is that what that was? Like if you as a white dude went into a black neighborhood, what do you envision? Black cops stopping you for no reason because you are white? You think security in black ne
  13. We only finished episode 2 before heading out to the ninja turtles. Mackey's humor choices are a little more goofy than needed. Ryan Reynolds is the only actor who could get away with this role and nail it, but he's serviceable. Sweet Tooth really surprised me. The physical and vocal actor really sync well. As for Ninja Turtles. It's perfection. 10/10
  14. I'll be fucked, twisted metal is actually entertaining. Wtf.
  15. Overall I like the Witcher...other than the fact they haven't done a good job actually clarifying the intentions of alot of characters. Like the king guy who shows up once a season and you forgot exist except that one time he shows up. I can forgive some of the dodgy CGI as some of the creatures are quite demanding and they have to have the human actors fight with them. It's TV and the Flash and Ant Man have put out worse cgi in major movies. For the record I only played five minutes of Witcher 3 and never read the books so I don't have any attachments or expectations
  16. I never said anything about special privileges, in fact I've said many times it's not some official declaration of white male privilege. You just keep being obtuse and acting like have some reward card for being a straight white man. In this instance I'm trying to figure out why I won't get mugged, but you would, from your example. It's like nuance is some sort of foreign concept with you. No one is saying white men get to commit crimes and go unpunished. Seriously, it's like arguing with children. The rich have more privileges than an
  17. I don't believe in mandatory retirement,.especially for jobs that are not physically demanding. I don't believe in lifetime appointment either. Supreme Court Judges should have term limits too.
  18. I don't like this idea. I honestly think revamped election seasons and term limits would prevent things like this without some biased rule. Realistic there are only so many different seats to hold. So while there are gremlins like Rick Scott who will run for any available office possible, despite being able to easily get a private sector job. The likes of the McConnells and Pelosi's would end in a reasonable time frame before they can become institutions or too old to effectively do their jobs.
  19. So my privilege as a Black man would shield me from other Black people, but you being White wouldn't garner you more favor with White people? I appreciate your sentiment but you've also proven to be blind to racism and sexism many times already. The truth is you're too activated to realize it. Like at some point when people who claim there's no kind of patriarchal mindset in parts of society, yet their default is to always side with it, they're co-signing at the minimum. You've yet to buck that observation, you always side with the hierarchy. If yo
  20. And still can't get women and spend your time complaining about them. I hope Andrew Tate refunds your money.
  21. A grown ass man who sleeps on a twin bed can never humiliate me, ****a. You know how I know you're an incel? You actively have a robocop chair to play Forza with, yet have a bed with no room for fucking or sleeping with another person. It's like you gave up on even having a woman in your life. Who do you think spends their time thinking about all the problems with women - men capable of healthy relationships with women or lonely men trying to reverse engineer why they can't get or keep a woman?
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