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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Tim Pool fans because of course. Whenever you take queer people out the equation: conservatives, libertarians, and general right wing nutjobs have no problem sexualizing teenagers.
  2. I watched just for Jessica Burbank and it was weird as fuck. Like it's one thing to try add context but they were overly kind to RFK there to the point it came off like some agenda. So looking at the entire page and like every single RFK video The Hill has is as complementary possible. Like the man is a human gaffe machine, even in defense of him, he does deserve some blame and he's often stated untrue or incorrect thing. It's malpractice to cover him in this way. The video doesn't even do what you are acting like it does. It's just the host giving his input to give c
  3. These red pill/MRA/anti feminists/PUA types always know age of consent laws for some reason lol.
  4. Lol So there's a right wing conversation about 16 year olds vs girls in their early 20s which turned into a marriage conversation... Because of course the antiwoke antigroomers always expose how terrible they are... These never any constructive conversation in the entire right wing community. It's all projecting lies, empowering abusers, and salving the egos of mostly White straight Christian males at all cost. This is the side half of you chose. Who on the left is saying shit like this? It was never about being against grooming, these people do noth
  5. Lol at all the pearl clutching by the TERFs who can "see through him now." I've been saying since jump thus is what would happen. Walsh was anti feminist before going all I can on trans people. When you wade through all of the branched political views of people like this, it's often ends up serving white supremacy.
  6. So which side of the aisle do you think would be more willing to consider things like term limits or limiting funds raised by megadonors that lead to shit like this? The woke side or the goose stepping side?
  7. That's cool, you've shown your true colors many times.
  8. Best thing to do is support term limits and corporate funding, Super PACs and the like. The reason you're a child is that you get distracted by the chaff. All this recycled culture war shit is meant to capture idiots like you. Your pretend radical act is betrayed by how much you lap up right wing discraction bullshit and you support a side that doesn't share your ideals outside of whatever singular issue you're hung up on. The anti-woke move is perfect because it allows the bigot to project their ideological enemy in to any topic. You keep crying about this primary shit when no one here is di
  9. I prefer to know if someone sucks based on a more rounded view of them and not just battling someone because they like a system when we're all playing the same shit for the most part. What is even the point? Xbox loses yet another generation? It's like groundhog's day that way.
  10. That's fair, but also middle aged men just arguing over videogames in the 4th generation of HD consoles alone is pretty silly.
  11. Lol it was like she was reading a list of names from a mass shooting or something. Genuinely upset things seem to be getting better? Who knows the fucking economy is a magic show anyway.
  12. Easily the most unselfaware comment I've ever seen. You're proven wrong or just stupid on a near daily basis. You lie or misrepresent context on a near daily basis. Lol "majority gray" from a motherfucker who exclusively is one sided. I don't even know what psychological or social disorder you must suffer from. It's like when Trump calls other people fat or somethings. I'm genuinely curious how you actually view yourself.
  13. So you're against "the left" and normies....so who exactly do you get along with?
  14. I don't think he really made many decisions for either since those are publicly traded companies so there's boards overseeing decisions. It was never Musk driving either of those entities and he's had a career of having his personal ideas overridden. He was a good face for the companies as the general public used to think he was real life Tony Stark. You see how this thread started with bot brains like Twinblade acting like he's some bastion of freedom and intelligence. The man bought twitter, fired over half of the staff to the point it was bare bones... Which his fa
  15. So Florida is now allowing Prager U videos to be used in school curriculum. Prager U has spent years making videos defending slavery, defending the Confederacy, and defending native American genocide. Pro-war, Anti Muslim, and anti Palestinian propaganda. Seems totally fine to let this be taught in school. Funny what conservatives promote when they get some power.
  16. Lol yes, you motherfuckers don't give a shit about women. Conservative men wool always be at odds with women not being 100 percent on board within what they "allow" women to do. Oh, jeez the thing I've been saying would happen for a year now is happening. Conservative pundits have been hyping up anti feminist talking points lately. Not even 4th wave feminism, they taking it back to 70s.
  17. It was a show that's been made tremendously more consumable due to streaming. It came on during peak TV viewer days and to make a show where you needed to follow every single episode in order, how do you survive in a secondary market where people would mostly just catch the shows randomly at odd hours? I could have never dealt with this waiting a week and having to catch an episode at a specific time.
  18. 😂 Aren't you banned from like every major videogame forum?
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