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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. That's all and good and what I mean by people who lack conviction or intellectual dishonesty. I'm sure you would like that stuff but it's what motivates you. You don't have to be hardcore right wing, when given the choice you'll support it. That's how these moments go.
  2. You are being intellectually dishonest and you know it. Which is why you always ignore the fact that RFKs biggest supporters are fringe right wingers. Like as stupid as you are, even someone with your limited critical thinking skills can see this doesn't smell right. You also continue to act like democrats aren't doing what all parties do work incumbents but that might just be your stupidity and not dishonesty. Or it could just be you parroting shit you see online with zero context. Back to your dishonesty, he nor anyone one says what you claim. I need to say it's bey
  3. Lol this might be the smartest thing you've ever said, and it's still dumb.
  4. When I was young I had planned to be an independent or libertarian because I thought it was wiser for younger generations to support middle political groups to counter the power of the Dems and Pubes. As I got older it began to be increasingly clear that both are essentially secular Republicans. Independents are idiots or have no ideological consistency or conviction. Libertarians are even more delusional. They don't want to pay taxes, are sus on age of consent for women, and see racism as something that just exist and shouldn't combatted. This is why I l
  5. My TL is hilarious with Barbie stuff. Started with women excited to see it, then some big to do about America Ferreras monolog being really good, then of course right wingers complaining about it either being too Yeah, I've been seeing a ton of anti barbie stuff. From it being too adult for kids, too feminist, and it's Chinese propaganda. It's seriously getting old how fucking stupid right wingers have become. Where is the bottom?
  6. Lol Being racist to defend Americans overpaying for insulin.
  7. I don't have anything against RFK as a person but to pretend people like Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones and the rest have absolutely no intention of helping any democrats. It's almost comical, but then you have idiots like Cooke eating it up.
  8. I fucking can't. My brain hurt for a sec when I read it. These people are fucking retarded.
  9. Lol Cooke, why are Republicans so concerned about RFK? Can you be honest for once in your life and admit they are doing this with an ulterior motive? Like remember when you were pretending to be upset Dems were pushing for MAGA candidates in primaries for easier general elections. Which again, you acted like was a problem.
  10. I say this because you care more about your bigotry than actually helping any child or woman...like most right wingers do. Which is why there hasn't been a Republican child/student focus on actual curriculum/attendance/graduation rates since the Bush administration. Well, until the anti-trans movement. Hell, Republicans have been trying continue poisoning children with unhealthy but cheap school lunches and kicking kids off assisted lunch programs the past few years. I don't think I've heard a single Republican discuss childhood homelessness or food insecurity.
  11. Because one is the president and the other is the previous President. It sucks but it is what it is.
  12. It doesn't miss your argument, it debunks it. Civil Rights, Women's rights, LGBTQ rights didn't happen organically. Which exactly? What are you even talking about? And You call me dishonest lol. I already said Lea Thomas shouldn't have been allowed to compete and the association broke their own rules in letting her. It's cute how you keep pretending to care about women's sports but jump to defend any misogyny or abuse they suffer. Lol conservative men hate women. So my most fringe thought is if there's a point wh
  13. So the the whole Civil War... Wasn't a forceful situation. Even though slavery only ended because the side that wanted to keep slaves lost the war. You call that organic? Are you trying to out stupid Cooke? Because that might be the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Name one fringe thing I've ever said. Your rhetoric has so much boomer energy to it. Lol "I'm the majority" Generally or generic? As you didn't actually state a plan, process, law, bill... Notice when I name failed policies I actually addressed what they were, and why they fai
  14. So basically we have racist because ending slavery wasn't organic? We had to fight a war to end it. Equal rights was also inorganic, because it took protest and court decisions. Women's rights was also inorganic. Same with gays. By your logic America itself shouldn't exist because we didn't organically become an independent country, we had to fight for it. I guess that's your colonizer mentality? Interesting that you use the word teach. What is the right wing solution to teaching tolerance? Or bettering the lives of others? Cooke tal
  15. Funny how you look at this. Super telling. When someone is like, well it's your fault the bigots are more loud than they have been in a long time is an interesting flex. Tell us how white supremacy isn't real while also telling me that white supremacy is fighting back because it feels like it lost too much control. Nothing says freedom, like the threat of having those freedoms removed by people who claim they don't have any power. Also lol you're not a fucking normie, Bud. Sorry to break it to you. Think about what stuff? The stuff p
  16. Lmfao he brought her back a week later to help him double team another unprepared 'feminist'? It's hard to tell since on this show thinking women aren't second class citizens is automatically feminism. I had just finishes watching an interview Candace Owens did where they are talking about how gay marriage should be repealed. Wwoooow, it's been over a year since I told you that the fake trans kid crisis was basically going to snowball into conservatives fighting to turn back all social progress. Right wing media is normalizing all of it.
  17. I'm confused, isn't MS and the 4for$4 gamerpass gamers paying for multiplat games? This sounds like cope.
  18. Face off is classic, and Broken Arrow is good but his Hong Kong stuff was incredible.
  19. What cracks me up about Cooke is that he thinks he's so smart but has never asked himself why do all of the nutjob conservatives seem to be pushing for him? Like when you're out with it receiving favorable commentary from Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, Steve Bannon, and the like... Yet It never seems suspicious to his big brain. He's so botted he just thinks RFK is so awesome because he was told to by the same people in on the opp.
  20. It's probably one of most human shows on TV. I love the fights they have but still with love. I'm the newest member of my gfs family events, so I get along with everyone but have had to be a human buffer with her and her sisters before. So the last two episodes were kind of cathartic. Then Carms worries about a relationship vs job thing also felt close to home. I'm glad I waited for all eps to drop. Although it's a show I can't binge more than two eps at a time. They pack alot into an episode. Even when I dont identify with a character, I like them all so want the best for them lo
  21. I also love Richies arch. Honestly, everyone on the show gets some good moments and a bit of focus. Also What we do in the Shadows is back as well. Tonight is the Gemstones. I remember the old days when there was nothing to watching during the summer.
  22. Yeah, just watched it. It definitely hit hard. I get along with my gfs mother better than she does, and her JLC looks just like her mom with that hairstyle. So the scene with the mom outside of the restaurant really hit me. This season was fantastic. FX has been low key killing it the past few years.
  23. Well yeah, but you thrive off of misinformation yourself. While he didn't say it 100% that way, he did the right wing media thing where he used the "people are saying" shit in order to have it both ways. It works because you make a possibly untrue/wrong statement with the backdoor excuse of "I didn't actually say it true, I said people are saying it's true." but the people you want to motivate will still take you at your word. This is why we have idiots claiming that Bud light, Target, and Legos are are trying to turn kids gay and Trans and you haven't once pointed out
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