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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. I mean yeah, if an uniformed Canadian says so, then obviously that's exactly what will happen.
  2. Also what's with all of the weird right wing scapegoating jews thing come from recently. I know, not really recent but it's becoming more mainstream.
  3. Lol I forgot all about this thread. Another in the list of threads Cooke abandoned because he keeps making a fool of himself.
  4. Less than 2% of the population is Trans. Less than 4% of trans people engage in detransitioning. Maybe it's the next gold rush, but mostly it's just more of the wild and stupid shit you guys come up with when you're forced to think for yourselves.
  5. https://x.com/paulwaldman1/status/1703763533895283178?s=20 Lmfao that was his happy new year message? Right wingers are fucking going wild into 2024. Lmfao like "what Nazi would do so much for you?" is a hell of a flex. Wtf
  6. It's such a weird angle to take considering every source that deals catalogs or tracks libraries stock across the country flat out says the vast majority of book banning request come from conservative groups. PDE’s website offers templates as to how aggrieved people can get involved. The group is behind an effort to create a web of coordinated Instagram pages that highlight perceived liberal bias at specific schools, and offers a step-by-step guide to doing the same, from how to create a specific gmail address to match the mission to how to describe the instagram acco
  7. Check out Creamery. It's a New Zealand show so the seasons are only six episodes. It's a quick dark comedy.
  8. Uh oh, you're going to alpha protocols. Lol
  9. Lol this incel self-help mantra level response.
  10. Do people even want this? Like Sony doesn't even bothered dusting off the Wipeout games in years it seams. I don't think a racing series can really even work nowadays without real world cars anymore, from a sales point. Then again Nintendo fans would happily pay for empty game cases in order to support Nintendo.
  11. One side indeed removes Anne Frank, that same side removes books about Ruby Bridges, Emmitt Till, the civil war, MLK, Rosa Parks... The graphic adaptation of Anne Frank’s diary, published in English in 2018, has found itself at the center of a growing number of controversies involving book removals from school libraries. A small number of passionate activists have pushed for the book to be removed from schools in Florida and Texas, calling it “pornography” and even “antisemitic.” Sometimes, they’ve succeeded. I'm guessing you heard about this and as
  12. Lol how triggered were you when you had to choose your pronouns?
  13. How would a book not have the right pronouns? So DEI is the badguys for books being removed they never addressed, yet we are nearing a year with conservative book banning laws where at little as one parent can have books removed from schools, yet you've never complained about it before. Lol "newspeak" you're such a bot.
  14. Lol it's usually incels or dudes who felt like #gamergate was their personal 9/11 who just calls shit woke as a coping mechanism.
  15. Yeah, sometimes she looks like white bread dipped in milk but other times I'm like gotdamn..
  16. Entertain me here, what is the actual reason for this and who are the "bad guys" in this situation?
  17. I'm not repeating anything, I'm addressing your remarks as you make them. Why would I be threatened about you taking GD not liking an xbox game personally? You start out saying it's fine he doesn't like it, then start melting down like he said your wife was ugly or something. Lol Like WTF did the woke thing even come from? It's always your excuse when someone doesn't agree with you.
  18. More incel shit, stop watching Top G videos lol.
  19. https://x.com/RepMTG/status/1701611682722930990?s=20 Some how Cooke's dumb ass never has anything to say about this kind of bullshit. Speaker of the House being bullied into starting an impeachment inquiry but the biggest idiots in his party and the second dumbest person in Washington calling for Biden to be impeached on day one for things he did when he wasn't even President.
  20. Lmfao you literally quoted the part in the video, not what he said "five minutes later"... This is what I mean by you're too dumb and dishonest to get over on people. Like bro, you saw this tweet and got excited and posted it because you are a right wing bot who can't think for himself. We all know he's fucking old, you keep posting this shit like everyone is excited a melted old man is running for office when he most likely won't live through his term. An active president dying would have a terrible affect on the country (outside of Trump) but our only other choice wi
  21. Oh, so you are just that stupid then. In the expanded clip Gako posted, you can see that he was answering a climate question and the John Wayne anecdote was to get to "pony face" liar or whatever - claiming that climate deniers are lying. It's cringe and he's frail but in this instance, he was on topic and didn't "drift" as the clip you posted insinuated.
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