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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Saw Creed 3 last night. Lol I am a fan of Micheal B Jordan but I can see what Sylvester Stallone didn't even want to see this. It's not that it's so bad, it's just so not as good as the previous ones and tbh 2 wasn't that great. Majors is great in this movie. He could have carried the movie too if Jordan didn't try like five times in this movie to win an Oscar or something. The plot is the least believable of every movie in the Rocky franchise.
  2. I was going to comment about you being purposely obtuse, then realized you're actually just unable to counter what my point because you're too dumb to see the bigger picture. This is why dog whistles work, people like you who are too stupid to realize they are being manipulated and clinging on to what farce you want to believe so you can think you are the good guy.
  3. Yeah, I know you think you're clever but we're at the point where anyone who isn't wearing a MAGA hat is considered a communist or marxist by your type. Like I'm WELL AWARE of how few Marxist and Communist there are in America. Notice you're not like "Why is the former President and a sitting Senator taking time out of their days to make videos rallying against Socialist and Communist traveling from state to state." It doesn't even seem off to you. lol Well we've been here before. Southern conservative MOTERHFUCKING GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS openly stating their political rivals aren't
  4. And supposedly "independent" types like Tim Pool began calling it silly and unnecessary. Now here in June of course we get two Floridian Republicans, One is Trump (the Republican front runner) The other is a former Gov and current Senator saying shit like this. We cant forget the second front runner DeSantis on top of all of this shit. It's like the fucking 60's again. Funny how leftist predictions more often than not come true, meahwhile Republicans are waiting for JFK Jr to come back to life, lizard aliens, vampires, Satan, think Trump is still President,
  5. By Bernie bro, I mean someone like you or Vini who claim you support him because of his political ideologies. But he's always an underdog candidate and when he eventually loses you guys go on to celebrate his complete opposite types. Then rinse and repeat. So like Vini goes from Bernie to Trump to Yang back to Trump. You went from Bernie to Tulsi to RFK. I'm sure Vini would be doing the same. It's like pretending to like a book to look smart or something. You guys have no actual convictions.
  6. Of course you were a Bernie bro. You can't stop being a cliché.
  7. I don't know about any of that but I know his audience is mostly incels with girl issues and they are the only reason anyone knows he exist.
  8. So the Flash sh was kind of enjoyable. A complete mess of course. The opening scene was so bad that I felt bad for them. Like Xmen did the Quicksilver scenes way better like ten years ago and with better special effects. You can tell they bolted this thing together but the movie picks up with Batman and Supergirl. Both actually play bigger parts than I expected and I really liked them. It was nice seeing Keaton's Batman getting a modern layer of polish. It's actually some of the best Batman choreography and it's what people wanted with Luke Skywalker in Star Wars. They absolutely
  9. I guess it's just coincidence that the last and only democrat Cooke has said anything kind about was Tulsi. Where is she now? A former democrats who hosts a show on Fox News and does the right wing touring circuit? It's fucking hilarious watching Cooke living out the whole plan while claiming it doesn't exist lol. They got you damn near campaigning for him and you're fucking Canadian. He eats this shit up.
  10. That's literally what conservativism is yet you never have any critical things to say about their politics. I wonder why.
  11. I believe it's a precursor to a general run. He's got a story here with the primaries and it gives him a legitimate path to run as a third party candidate. That's my guess and I can be wrong and it's just right wingers just using at the moment him to sow distrust and criticisms towards democrats. Oh God, here you go again with the martyr act. I've already said multiple times that I believe in primaries and that all candidates including incumbent ones should debate. You can never just be honest. You always pull this sassy ass act of yours and make some absurd virtue signa
  12. Lol this is the perfect storm of your stupidity and hypocrisy. He's a spoiler candidate, anti-genius. He's got no shot of winning but in a tight race in crucial states he can bleed Biden's vote and potentially tip the scale in Trump/DeSantis' favor. He also appeals to braindead phonies like you / Vini / Ramza / Twinblade who all pretend to care about all of those things but always end up siding with right wingers "out of necessity". Lol in the last two elections Vini went from sporting Bernie, then Andrew Yang in the primaries to their total opposite Trump in the gener
  13. lol RFK is a right wing plant confirmed. There's a reason why they're going so hard for him.
  14. Because insecure white guys make their problem, everyone's problem.
  15. Here you go again. No one wants this war to continue. Right off the bat you start with your dishonest bullshit. You might not like our preference that Russia withdraws from the region, to your hope of Ukraine just giving up the land that Russia destroyed. This doesn't make you any more antiwar than anyone else. This is part of that weird wannabe streamer mentality you mimic. You don't act like a normal person. This isn't even just one topic, you have a shitty "prefab" hottake opinion on every possible subject.
  16. Lol You've managed to make everyone on a forum that's known you for over a decade; even people on your side, think you're brainless chat bot. Lol "struck a nerve"... with your goofy ass. Try to act like a normal person, You're not on a fucking podcast.
  17. Lmfao "vanity fair hit pieces" even your vernacular is a copy/paste in the likes of a Ben Shapiro ai bot or something. Why do you continue to make a fool of yourself like this?
  18. What is the point of this video? Do you expect us to watch a whole video based on your stupid non-take comment? Why are you such a cunt?
  19. Lol I binged the news last night and kept thinking I'm hearing the interview wrong. I'm like is this dude getting exposed on Fox News just days after getting essentially a gag order by the judge.
  20. Cooke just repeats what he sees other people say. He doesn't think of anything himself.
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