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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. What did you want to happen, fascist?
  2. Well you used to claim Muslims and middle eastern people had more power than white people in Canada, before began thinking Trans people are the most influential group in North America. The only thing blended here was your ideology with a bit of truth about your conspiratorial bigotry.
  3. I don't think it's necessary to dive into stuff like this like this. His credibility was already in question.
  4. So we are at the point where you like Muslims now, because they hate gay people...
  5. What even is the story here? I assume you are upset because this woman is a a Democrat, so she checks 3 groups you hate but other than a wacky story of the obvious corruption we're sadly aware exist. Do you even care about corruption? I feel like you always miss that Republican/conservative corruption every single time.
  6. One of the funniest jokes ever told on Def comedy was about being so racist a person would be upset about a paid day off. That joke is almost 30 years old and still relevant. But the right hasn't been regressing they said.
  7. Cooke likes RFK because that's is the intention of his backers. They want to splinter the vote and figure there's enough fence sitting morons who would gladly root for any niche candidate in an attempt to look smart compared to people voting for the main party candidates.
  8. Does any of this matter? Does anyone really think this is about reuniting genetic Russians or whatever? Or defeating Nazis? Cooke attaches his pretend ideals to every piece of right wing bait possible. Lol if the US Government having plans to invade hostile nations is news to you then you are even dumber than everyone on this board thought you were. People do care and it's mostly the people you hate. Being against war and being pro-peace are not the same thing. You side with people who are selectively antiwar. You are arguing two diffe
  9. Europe is actually pretty good with consumer and worker protections. Seemingly better than the US where companies are allowed to put chemicals and ingredients in our food and drinks that aren't legal in other developed nations.
  10. Fun fact: He does this on every topic. Even the ones you both agree on, which seemed to be everything other than the Ukraine war. Its how you people view the world, inconsistent ideologies with valicating priorities depending on your personal view of which identity groups are involved.
  11. 3 episodes into Black Mirror, very strong return to form. I'm glad they pulled back a bit on the virtual reality/gaming stuff a bit. The 3 premises so far were original and clever. 2 and 3 are dark for real tho.
  12. You mean speaking plainly about. Aren't you the one obsessed with "the truth"? The truth is you are stupid and mostly wrong yet keeps trying to convince us that you are smart and always right.
  13. It's a you trying to bugs bunny your way out of being proven wrong, then getting called on trying to spin getting debunked in your favor some how. Which happens almost every fucking day. You make a fool of yourself, propose an alternate reality where you are right, like you're fucking Dr Strange or something. Then you use some dumb ass logic only you could come up with. Like the press doesn't relentlessly go after Biden is the same thing as the entire Media and FBI worked/working together to cover up a Republican McGuffin that yet again doesn't materialize. What's so annoying about you isn't
  14. Lol you're so fucking sleazy. We see through you, we tell you this daily. Who are you trying to fool with weak ass deflections and exaggerations. You are too dumb for all of this.
  15. lol @ your magical thinking, where you're convince yourself that you might be right, even when you're credibly proven wrong. You and Ramza are fucking clowns. How did you get this way?
  16. Well the right is always virtue signaling and trying to cancel anyone while complaining against virtue signaling and cancel culture. I saw the number 1 late night host Greg Gutfield got excited about some female teacher who had sex with male student last week. So that's the third male Fox News host to laugh and get excited about a female teacher having heterosexual sex with an underaged student ON AIR, and to awkward reactions from the studio. Yet these are the anti-groomer people. We're at the point where they just want any flimsy excuse to be bigoted.
  17. That's because you've had sex with a human female in the past two years. You dont know that MS family struggle.
  18. Lol this fucking coward. Nice dodge attempt, bitch.
  19. I guess Twitter Community Notes having to teach the horrors of slavery to MAGA conservatives is a good thing for the platform since so many conservatives are looking to removing as much content that teaches about slavery as possible.
  20. Doesn't him not getting in any trouble also do that? As far as I am concerned January 6th is entirely his fault. He's a fucking cancer.
  21. Lol you haven't criticized a conservative in any manner as far back as I remember. You absolutely only care about opposing what you perceive is the left.
  22. The guy who told the story, which may be true or not. I've had to do the same thing before, so I take him at his word on it isn't a MAGA person. They might be, but his actual feed is more nerdy conservativisn and mostly kind and positive. There's nothing political I've seen on his feed. The account that retold his story is a MAGA account. So your critique of my point was incorrect. Lol "represents all conservatives? " yes, because we know the diversity of thought for right wingers have between the red pill/tradwife/manosphere communities. Remember when Gi
  23. MAGA female meets MAGA male. Funny how conservative men only want to "protect women" from trans people.
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