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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. MAGA female meets MAGA male. Funny how conservative men only want to "protect women" from trans people.
  2. This is the saddest shit I've ever seen a presidential candidate do. Lmfao
  3. Lmfao saw Transformers tonight. Better than most but still meh. Like almost all of the action scenes in the movie are in the trailers and they didn't really cut much down which is pretty sad. The ending was fucking super lulz with them trying to set up an entirely different movie universe out of nowhere.
  4. I don't see why this means first world politicians shouldn't go to jail. If anything isn't that what is supposed to separate the first and third world governments to begin with?
  5. You are the biggest fake of all with this pathetic defender of freedom bullshit act of yours. You don't like liberals because the validate groups you don't so you keep up this pathetic act like you're pointing out obvious injustices, but only on one side that you claim to share a majority of priorities with.
  6. Maybe there is two, I just remember them cancelling it after a cliff hanger where someone is shot.
  7. Only one season tho. Which sucked because it has the most insane season finale for a sitcom. The show definitely caught it's stride towards the end of the season too.
  8. "Dems, give us better candidates or we are going to be 'forced' to vote for this man!" This is just fucking sad at this point. This is the stupidest shit to have to go to court over.
  9. I didn't like the one with powers but the vampire one was actually pretty good. I think with a splash of polish Hollywood movies have that Netflix doesn't could have made it a surprise summer theater hit. Netflix movies are in this weird limbo where the movies are almost theater quality but always fall short and just end up being a decent stream.
  10. I think that Cameron is a true GOAT. Immensely talented, artistic, and hard working. Avatar 2 is like a movie version of a tech demo. It's polished beyond belief and they cleverly use camera angles you wouldn't normally see CGI characters in which helped the immersion a ton. Story wise it's just like an 80s Disney TV movie plot seemingly written by someone who only watches 80 soap operas or something. There's only one joke in the entire 3 hours and it's a super meta joke about how some of the characters were captured for like the fourth time in the movie.
  11. Lol It's so bad. They take the most generic premise, make it dumb, then make it dumber. It's like his grandkids wrote this shit.
  12. Tried watching avatar 2. This shit is worse than any current Marvel film. I can't imagine how they plan to keep making these mid ass movies.
  13. Fuck yeah. Renfield was fun and this looks like it's along the same line. Cage is going to become his own genre soon.
  14. Oh no, Tucker Carlson isn't credible? Say it ain't so!
  15. I really want them to make some sort of spin offs for Indian Spiderman and Spider punk.
  16. Yeah, saw it twice. Easily the best animated movie made. It's possibly the best Marvel movie on its own but I do tend to give some points to live action seeing the increased difficulty in the genre.
  17. Lol Cooke's idea was to give up the regions to Russia and Russia has to promise not to try to take over the Ukraine again.
  18. Idgaf about a meme. You are the one whoever who whines anytime a joke is about something conservative to the point of you can't enjoy a whole show or movie over a single joke, so go fuck yourself since no one else will.
  19. Homophobes do. You've been complaining about Pride before the month even started.
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