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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. lol Uh huh. You just randomly found his video out of all of the internet. LMFAO ****a please.
  2. PJW LMFAO you're a fucking a cliche at this point. I'm not far right, I'm INDEPENDENT. I just only listen to and shape my worldview from far right reactionist!
  3. The pee tape was stupid but still funny as Trump's response shows what a piece of shit he is.
  4. I already said they had a following. However they were never a daily household name until Republicans starting acting like bud light was their pearl harbor or something. I can name a dozen bigger tik tok stars you've never heard of. You have something against trans people in general. Which is why you'll defend a racist or women abuser but are desperately trying to make Mulvaney sound bad despite never doing or saying something to hurt or malign anyone else. A trans person living their life, and people accepting that is an issue for you.
  5. It's funny how you talk about "souless corporations" but on multiple occasions state you always side with the boss class in any sort of dispute. How does someone bootlick and try to call out the same group. Oh yeah, by being political inconsistent..or politically expedient? Same difference I guess. Uh huh. An anecdotal story about 1⃣ school in 1 state and your most likely leaving out alot context but OK. Lol again you prove my point. I follow sex workers, trans activitist, lefty opinion streams ran by queer host, some drag queens, and lefty
  6. Yes, you are proving my point. You, a transphobe knew who they were. Probably because you saw the people who tell you what to think was complaining about them. Meanwhile I have the leftist social media here and never heard of them. I'm not saying they are small channel, they obviously have a lot of subs but the cultural impact was mostly right wing nutjobs grossly overreacting to the situation. If angry right wingers weren't constantly aggrieved about any stupid shit this whole thing wouldn't have made a blip outside of Dylan's tiktok channel.
  7. How is it defamation to quote what a person says? There's plenty of footage and text of him saying those things so how is it defamation? Stop using words you don't know the meanings of. So he didn't say anything about inferior races in this speech to the UK parliament? Well guess he's not a racist then. Did he talk about false flag ops or did he leave that out too, to seem less bigoted on a national stage. Yeah, this is how brain dead racist see everything...To a hammer, everything is a nail. Outside of race, there are people who think you c
  8. What point, retard? Which companies run anti-mother's day campaigns? Where is the mass push to remove the word mother? It's funny how racist, homophobes, and women abusers dont exist don't seem to exist to people like you, yet there are these national shadow woke cabals tasked with making all kids switch their genders, make men subservient to women, and take all the jobs away from white people. I assume this shit thread was created because some random Trans person made a reddit post that they felt slighted that their wife refused to let him celebrate mother's day as a mother to
  9. There's probably more weird right wing nut jobs like you sarcastically posting stupid shit like this than wokies actually saying it. You right wing weirdos are retarded.
  10. Lol it's fucking hilarious how easy it is to con right wing people. Twitter Blue subs dropped 53% now that people are realizing even if you pay for Twitter, if you only have 200 to 1000 followers an algorithmic boost won't actually gain you any more followers or engagement if you are not creating content or your "views" are just recycled right wing talking points and buzzwords. It's hilarious how bad Musk is at this job which wasn't even that fucking hard. He and Twitter would have been better off if he literally did nothing at all. Now even his marks are starting to and will cont
  11. Not Ramza liking another racist and transphobe who says all of the eugenics "blacks are inferior to whites and democrats are replacing white people with illegals" or claims that queer people set up false flags or instigate incidents for clout. It's must just be a coincidence how you keep finding yourself praising and agreeing uncritically with bigots. Speaking about drag queens making themselves targets for violence: “You guys remember George Floyd? The goal is to have ‘Drag Floyd,’ and the goal is to get you to give in so they get their way or overreac
  12. Show me one that tells as many lies as Trump does on a regular basis. Nearly half of the things he says is a lie or gross over exaggeration. Remember when he tried to claim that the grab them by the pussy clip might have been faked... Weeks after admitting it was him? Or at his town hall where he claimed he never met the woman he abused, then went on to tell a story abt how hot she was for him when they met... Like two minutes later. Only George Santos is on his level. Inspired by him of course. All of the wonderful intelligent, trustworthy politicians he's inspired a
  13. Yes, If you can trust anyone, it's a pathological liar.
  14. A writer said it best after the first election. Trump is a poor person's idea of rich, a stupid person's idea of smart, and a weak person's idea of strong. He's one of if not the most absurd politicians in modern history. He's a worst case scenario that ironically constantly gets in his own way because he's such a corrupt piece of garbage who only surrounds himself sycophants and grifters. Mitch McConnell is a politician that calls his shots and gets his agendas done. Which is how he used Trump's dumb ass to follow through with all of the appointments he wanted while
  15. The right is going to keep him as relevant as possible to pick up disillusioned voted.
  16. So even worse, you're just a bootlicker in general.
  17. So you're just a bootlicker for rich guys, got it.
  18. lol Twinblade quoting Aaron Rupar wtf. Craziest timeline.
  19. lol I was listening to this podcast today and one of the topic is how it's nearly impossible to actually debate or moderate right wingers nowadays. Like you guys build absurd narratives and scenarios in your own heads. Convince yourselves and like minded that very absurd bullshit you made up is being pushed by your perceived enemy. Since the situation you created is absurd, you just come up with absurd conclusions or hypotheticals. Like "if I put on a dress am I woman then" kind of stupid shit. This desperate need you guys have to be as obtuse and tone death in every
  20. No I didn't, I mentioned 2 of the 3 biggest cultural shifts of the past 20 years. Metoo is the third. The three make up the most heated "woke" topics many free thinkers can't get on board with and are constantly forcing everyone to have to listen about it. Only one side has policies that serve the most people and are actually popular with the American majority.
  21. lol Twitter Blue members losing their conspiratorial minds over the new Twitter CEO hire. The amount of New World Order fears among the free thinking independents paying Elon Musk $8 a month and constantly unhappy with Twitter Blue. Right winger/independent thinkers are so fucking weird lol.
  22. Your point is still stupid, stupid. It's actually independents that make decisions based solely on one thing. That's why so many of the "independents" over the past 7 to 10 years claim their overall views "never changed, but now diversity or being nice to trans people is too much. There is very little the Dems and Republicans have in common that a single issue alone keeps a person supporting a party other another. I dont think being independent is bad or an insult, just that most people who claim to be independent are dumb, single issue people and most times it's a stup
  23. You say that like it's ownage or something. I vote based on my views and interest. What am I supposed to do, vote against my best interest to prove some stupid fuax independent mindset?
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