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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. I love Afro surrealism but I feel Peele and Glover are beginning to fall into the M. Night lane where they are starting to rely on the aesthetics of it more than the substance of it. Like there's a big difference between Atlanta seasons 1 to 2 and the third season.
  2. I couldn't make it past the first or second episode. I don't get the hype about it at all unless it's some slow burn.
  3. Yes but Don Trump liked Putin so his cult automatically began to soften on Russia hate because conservatives are always have the worst critical thinking skills imaginable.
  4. I'm torn because it's honestly a comedy gold mine but also helps them in the algorithms. I agree with the info scouting aspect as the feedback loop is short and fast there. It's like reading an opp team's playbook.
  5. Lol sonic 2 was good, the batman was very good, and black panther 2 was good. You're getting desperate now.
  6. Again, what movies does this compete with? I'm looking forward to the next Spiderverse movie but most animated movies suck.
  7. Again, what movies does this compete with? I'm looking forward to the next Spiderverse movie but most animated movies suck.
  8. It's funny, out of curiosity I checked out the trailer reactions in the comment section. On the official Lucasfilm site the comments are almost all positive. It's mostly people who love the character, John Williams and looking forward to a last adventure and hope this is a fitting send off. On the IGN channel it's literally the opposite in every way possible. Half of them complaining about the line about "capitalism". Ever since #gamergate the gaming community became a joke.
  9. https://twitter.com/cspan/status/1644426823101476865?s=20 Lol she disagrees with what he said then goes on to say exactly what he said was right without realizing it.
  10. Only retards give movies standing ovations when the crew isn't present. Lol
  11. Rooting for them be good is different than pretending something bad is good. You don't care for Nintendo so that may be playing a part in your reaction here.
  12. So Netflix dropped a lot Japanese and Korean movies/shows in March. My faves have been the High Low series. It's confusing because they're like 9 of them covering different aspects of the same world. I've only watched "The Worse" series from the vid about so far but I loved them both. It's niche so if you liked The Warriors or movies like it, then this is a lot of fun. Nothing complex, just this kind of dystopian city where high school gangs fight for street supremacy. This was a fun one too.
  13. I think some of yall need to realize you're old. I can't even sit through a Minions movie trailer but kids like it for some reason. It's not for me or my age group, that's fine. In a perfect world all family movies would be like the Sonic or Pokémon live action movies but it is what it is. I still love laughing at Nintendo but some of yall are a little too stuck in your SW personas. Y'all should be rooting for every videogame show or movie. Any bad movie or show hurts the chances of getting good too and vice versa.
  14. The only exaggerated score on there is for TLA but there are two other SW movies with the same cast and story that have lower scores. I hate TLA but I can't say it wasn't a well made film that does have a couple legit sequences. The others are 6.5-7/10 movies. GD isn't wrong, the user scores on both were most likely bombed by insecure men.
  15. Ngl I hated the thought of a new Indy film but the trailer looked really good tbh. I'm glad they are going in a different direction than the last one. I'm not in love with the idea of deep fakes becoming so prominent in movies but this movie is nostalgia first so it doesn't bother me as much. The movie might turn out to be shit but I can't say the trailer looks bad at all.
  16. Tbf most Republicans were anti-Putin until conservative media told them not to be once Biden was president.
  17. Lol that's a bad sign. Wtf does Nintendo know about story telling lol.
  18. She switched switched parties in a very suspicious fashion, She wasn't voted in by the people to be a Republican so you didn't actually prove him wrong. Lol you're so cuck made for Trump you have to give him credit even for Dems winning elections.
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