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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. I assume, perhaps incorrectly, that he is saying it is now sort of considered a slur by some people.
  2. His point is that it now isn't considered a compliment. How are you this obtuse? Yes, you're fucking dumber than dirt but god damn.
  3. I have to come back to this, because it shows how terrible of a person you are. Fucking accept them then. All you do is judge and insult them. You personally only call them crazy or stating they only transitioned because they are too ugly to live as their current gender. All you do is focus negatively on them. Meanwhile when the COVID restrictions were happening you crying that they need to end lockdowns because the suicide rate for single white men had increased. Gee, I wonder why all of a sudden a group that suddenly didn't feel comfortable being social, and was secluded with t
  4. I'll try to not insult you here but this what I mean (I say this alot) that you lack complete self awareness. I think the negative reaction to trans people is FAR greater than anything Trans people say in defense. Some of the names in right wing social media are legitimately saying they should be eradicated. They are painted as villains in a warm that exist exclusively in the minds hateful bigots like you. You have spent years finding reasons to spread hatred about them. Making absurd claims like they are the most powerful group of people in North America. You fucking
  5. 😂 Men out here getting pregnant and you can't even feel a breast.
  6. Well Wikipedia says it... I don't know about genocide but like you spend all of your time complaining, lying, and belittling queer and Trans people. So far as I know, none of them have done anythings to you to warrant this obsession you and other rightwing weirdos have with them. Ironically you right wing bots are constantly bringing up how many queer people exist, and your thoughts on how "there's too many of them" and how to reduce their numbers. You can't constantly being up their suicide rates while also claiming hat being trans is so glamorous that people just tu
  7. Lol This is what it's like trying to have a legitimate discussion with an idiot. You get these absurdist takes that only make sense to young children.
  8. He believes it is because he was told to. Right wingers are like dogs with a bone post MAGA. Social media here was up in arms because Germany legalized topless beaches. It's not even your country shut the fuck up. From the America first crowd.
  9. Cooke has been programmed like the other right wing idiots in here. I love the same people defending and crying for Trump magically never heard him vow to use the justice department against his political rival during a fucking debate. Without looking I'm sure Cucke & friends never found that problematic. Now the world is upside down that a man who has been in court more times than anyone else alive has been indicted for one of like the 20 different crimes he's committed.
  10. I assume he's is talking about social media? It's a stupid comparison for a dozen reasons.
  11. Do you ever actually think about what you say and how stupid and desperate you become to try and make a point? This was like 13 fucking years ago. You're Canadian. You barely know what the fuck you're talking about in American politics now, you were really that plugged in to the John Edwards trail back then? Even then, you must truly lack any critical thinking skills If you can't easily come up with serval reasons why the reactions to both are and feel different. If you can't then you are either dumb as fuck or dishonest as fuck. Actually you're both.
  12. It's a fucking surgery. no shit, Sherlock. Describing it in it's most grotesque manner is some fucking weirdo right wing shit. No one talks about their surgeries in gory details in a casual fashion. A person will say c-section, and not 'they cut your abdomen open, move your organs around...etc ". Why are you guys all so fucking weird? You're a twisted motherfucker for real.
  13. Lol so the first thing that stood out to me is the use of "moaist" and how it just seems like something a stupid person would say for other dumb people to agree with. Turns out he calls all trans people Maoist, is an anti-vaxxer, and anti-gun control. Mostly antitrans, I think I saw some eugenics and pro Trump tweets in there too. Lmfao
  14. So you just automatically believe the boss in the situation isn't a surprise. Right wingers love hierarchies and are constantly trying to uphold them. For the record some of the employees weren't "disgruntled" ex workers, some just confirmed what some of their former coworkers said. Secondly I keep stating there was his employee discrimination and also a different housing case situation where he instructed his building managers to not rent apartments to black people. Again by your own words you don't know shit about the situation but side with the white racist. Cool.
  15. You don't deny it's very existence as a concept, but you're like the only burning crosses and swastikas = racism type of guy. I mean you take the word of one white racist over 20 to 30 black and some white people. I'm sure 9 times out of 10 you'd always side with white person in these situations regardless of the situation. And you don't think you have a moral high ground? Are you arguing from an amoral standpoint? In which case I'm still right? Lol You guys are easily defeated fucking clowns lol.
  16. Yeah, I'm not watching a 90 minute video that I'm sure you didn't even watch and just googled something you think proves your point. Besides, if I showed you a panel of people disagreeing with you, you wouldn't care so why should we care you have to post? Luckily the part that I skipped to at like the maybe the 16 minutes mark pretty one person ran down the actual transition timeline and the person stated like 3 year window of of different consultations someone goes through before there's serious talks with a doctor to actually really begin the major part of the process.
  17. There you go mindlessly repeating shit you heard some other dishonest idiot say. This "social contagion" bullshit is just a scary sounding way to saying peer pressure. The same shit could be said about any group of people. This is the great theory you guys worked up? Instead of a dozen other less psychopathic theories than some mass hypnosis by the "envied" trans people. You can apply this logic to the same MAGA chuds claiming this about the LGBTQ community. The same for gun fuckers or Bible fuckers or flag fuckers. You can't akn
  18. I just lump you and Twinblade and Cooke and Cooke's butt buddy and the rest of right-wing reactionary Snyder cut crew all together. There isn't an original thought between any of yall. You all repeat the same shit from the same sources. From the GA jogger case to that mass shooting up state, it's always a debate by the same people who claim they aren't racist but always magically side with racist. Cooke refused to admit that a guy who drove 2 hrs to a predominantly black neighborhood - that he scouted for that reason, killed 13 black people out of 15 victims and subbed
  19. This is what I mean by how bot minded you are. You talk like a right wing chat bot including all of the buzzwords, talking points, and cliches. Points on working Chicago into it. Yes, people are generally more surprised to see a lone gunman walk into a school or church and open fire into a crowd of innocent than a violent street gang killing a rival. You cracked the news ratings code, Sherlock.
  20. So basically you don't believe trans people should exist.
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