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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Our leading (r) potus nom speaks well of Putin, Kim, and Ping and only has smoke for American politicians and our allies.
  2. God, you're so dumb lol. The point...which I've explained so so many times is you guys act OK with straight white men mass killers but always lose your shit when it's some other group. Hell whenever there is violence against a black person and race most likely was the root cause you people go out of your way to deny racism exist or could play any part. You guys spent two years acting like right wing extremists don't exist, now there's one trans mass shooting and it's like there's a violent trans militia that's so bad all trans people should have their 2nd amendment rig
  3. Lol No one said that, idiot. so I guess you're literally laughing at your own stupidity?
  4. Shapiro has defended gun ownership after every other mass shooting, now he'd be OK with barring people from buying guns simply because they are Trans. I want to say slowly but it really hasn't been that long since this was all about protecting children. That was always the hook used to convince closeted bigots like @Ramzaand @Cooketo join the extremists' side. Now the conversations are outlawing adults from getting the procedure as well, arresting doctors who do the procedure, ignoring their existence, justified violence against them, eradicating them, putting then int
  5. Lol this is worm brained thinking. This from the same guy who is like 'why would a drug company raise the price of important medicine?' and couldn't put 2 plus 2 together. But you come up with this fucking retarded logic as if no people who are conventionally attractive ever transition. I'm still failing to see how people can with a straight face claim they aren't transphobe and all they villify or belittle every aspect of their existence. Like who the fuck are you to be so judgemental? You are just some self hating Canadian racist.
  6. Oh no. Haven't seen a ftfy post in years lol. You are so sad.
  7. Lmfao you're so efficient at being a dishonest little snake. I never said that I never heard of him, I said that I didn't hear that mild ass shit he said like 12 hours before. And you women haters pretending you found it offensive is fucking hilarious. You have no shame at all, no wonder you're going to die alone. Nigga I said "who?" because like everyone who has at least kissed a girl before didn't know who that motherfucker was by name. But you guys acting like these instances only exist is fair? Even when most of the shit you guys w
  8. This is the food fight. They can't actually argue with anything tangible, so they just spew absurd rhetoric that just exposes how stupid their points of view are.
  9. It's the right wing food fight. Just keep throwing shit at your opponent regardless of relevancy or truth. It's how people who argue in bad faith convince themselves (and others) they are not completely full of shit.
  10. This was just a another dodge from Cooke. They are not even fucking related topics lol. He just wanted to edge himself with some more manufacturesmd outrage about black people lol. Lol in his head he did.
  11. Lol the funny thing is the only person who said twitter is close to ending is Musk himself. It's funny how youre just cucking yourself for no reason.
  12. You haven't said anything that is explicitly different in how Harris became VP over any other VP before her.
  13. Lmfao you're gonna love it. All of the shitty scumbags you like are like the cool kids there.
  14. Like what? I like how you had to say "might" because none of your life have actually stated anythings that actually happened in reality. You know how I know you guys are bigots? You hold trans people to different standards than you do nontrans people and let's be honest anyone who isn't an angry white conservative. You defend the entire right with a blank check and never hold them responsible for the actions of any members of that group, yet all Trans people are responsible for anything another trans person does? That's pretty much how any gathering they hav
  15. That's not how Cooke thinks. Motherfucker complains any time there is a lesbian, black, trans, or fat person on TV. Like it's some great insult to him or something.
  16. Lol Your mother raised a bitch. When did I support this anything like it? Why are all of you so fucking deceitful? Gak says what he means, Robo says what he means, Jerry says what he means. It's you right wing bitches in here who are constantly lying, posting misinformation, dodging questions, making shit up out of nowhere, contradicting yourselves, and arguing in bad faith. You guys always make outrageous comments for someone to then argue rather than the topic you're too fucking stupid to make up your own mind about. When did I remotely belittle a school
  17. This is why you're a goober bot driven primarily by your bigotry. Since you can only argue like an unreasonable child - you say something stupid then want me to just randomly defend her so you can then argue some more stupid canned points you memorized from Tim pool or Tucker Carlson. Lol eat shit
  18. What's funny is that you are so stupid, you made that sarcastic comment, but like you still believed it...so what is the sarcasm?
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