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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. What profit margin? Twitter's main source of money was in ad buys that have been drying up when he took over, there are not enough users to make Twitter Blue profitable. Musk doesn't want a neutral public square, He wants a food fight. It's a fifty year old man trying to impress antisocial teenagers in the most divorced cringe way possible. He's the type of guy who tells strangers that his girlfriend makes him miserable and shit and only sees the world from his personal point of view Yeah, the twitter files was like that time he showed off a robot that was just some d
  2. Some people would argue that twitter was doing better before him, even as a bloated mess. Success is a weird concept when talking about Twitter but they were making more revenue before he took over, his purchase actually saddled the company with more debt than before, they weren't delinquent on their bills and rent before, the previous ceo wasn't constantly saying twitter is on its deathsbed one minute then begging people pay for subscriptions to keep it alive. This is even before getting in to all of freedom and the 'dignity' of twitter bullshit as @Twinbladeso cuckingly put it t
  3. Lol at least he posted a pic. You're so fucking ugly you even block out reflective surfaces in your photos 😄
  4. Lol typing all of that because you're ugly af irl.
  5. We actually had an assault weapons ban in the 90s due to a rise in the crime rate. This was a ban with more loopholes than you can count and it still made an impact in the less than a decade it was in effect. I love how retarded gun fetishist are making idiotic pleas like on-demand gun purchases, parents should be forced to pay a school fee each year/semester per child to pay for armed guards at every school. And also for an increase in mental asylums or the ability to have someone 5150'd for "gender dysphoria" then claim "freedom" when talking about gun cont
  6. Oh, I've seen this meme a few times in the past 24 hours and each time it was by an idiotic bigot lol. Also The suspect reportedly expressed an appreciation for white supremacy, and had used derogatory terms referring to the LGBTQIA+ community to their social media friends, Joines said. She said Aldrich had their own webpage, where they shared “mass shooting training videos” and similar content. Also his dad, neighbor, and coworker all made him sound like a homophobe. Is it possible he was a closet case like so many self-hating right wingers?
  7. So how many mass-casualty events do we have a year by crazy people not using a gun? Why not bombs or running through the mall with a gasoline tank and starting a fire? How many people could one person with a knife kill during a concert before they are stopped? Two days into this and there hasn't been one realistic, honest, or even feesable reaction to this from the right. Does no other country have crazy people? Why aren't there not a dozen school shootings a year in other countries? I assume they have crazy people too.
  8. Cooke is a bot. You can tell what is going on in right wing echo chambers because he basically just copy pastas whatever current event has them up in arms. All of the transphobes who hate talking about mass shootings the days after they happen all of the time can't wait to point out that this person is trans or whatever with calls for monitoring and controlling them and talks of committing them. It's fucking 2023 and people are like let's put queer people in mental alysums. It's funny how conservatives only solutions are to regress several decades in how we treat non-s
  9. "says the non transphobe who also isn't racist." Lol you people are sick in the head.
  10. Lmfao did you read this on AndrewTateizG0d.net or something? 😂 You know how I know you're an incel? And not just 'cuz you cant fit two grown adults in your bed.
  11. You have no idea how often I believe it happens and it doesn't really matter since the number of credible accusations drastically outnumber false accusations. I mean this doesn't actually matter though does it? You will always side with and celebrate the man's side in this because of who you are as a person. It's not like any of this is based on actual justice or fairness to you.
  12. You've proven your stupidity, racism. insecurity, and cuckoldry many times. So I've talked about it. I've already told if you actually show any sign of intelligence and honesty about the topic, I'd answer you. It's not my fault you can't even pretend to not to be an idiot.
  13. Oh, no. I'm in middle school again and that comment got me riled up lol. This is how I know you still hang out with highschool kids.
  14. More strawman bullshit. What's sad is that you are so stupid you some how still lose arguments where you just make up bullshit out of thin air to debate against.
  15. Why do you constantly lie? Jesus fucking christ this is a fucking text forum. All of out opinions over the years are archived and time stamped. So you constantly making shit up about what people didn't say is fucking pointless. You are so fucking retarded. This was a mass shooting in a state with very laxed gun laws. You don't even need a permit to open carry. The last school shooting was in a red state also with very laxed guns laws as well. A mass shooting is a mass shooting regardless race/gender. Funny how in this thread the only thing the resident bi
  16. You guys consume mostly right wing media, who only care about crimes committed by black people, brown people and I guess trans people now? Anytime there's a mass shooting by a non trans person how much attention do Republicans and right wing media pay to it?
  17. No, you're a fucking moron still stuck in his teenage internet persona in his 30s. This whole obsession you have with trans people because I've called out Ramza and Cooke's open transphobia is weird. But then again you're the weirdest dude to ever post here.
  18. So why do you have stupid takes all of the time? Funny how half of this forum is factually wrong on a consistent basis and you've never once corrected or pointed it out. Hell, you have cosigned so much stupid shit Cooke said for years. But yes, tells us about this book you supposedly read that will wake us up the way you didn't seem to.
  19. I forgot what a true piece of shit you are.
  20. Omg you're trying to be clever Lmfao. Motherfucker you talk about dick even more than you talk about eminem. But If you want to turn this into a political discussion that's fine. I don't care about getting this shit locked. Twinblade will be more than happy use his mod tools.
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