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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Watched that Hulu movie about the guy who wrote Animal House. It's maximum OK. Not a must see but the story is pretty interesting. Dude created National Lampoon Magazine (basically the Onion of its time), created a traveling sketch show where he discovered most of the original SNL cast including Chevy Chase, John Belushi, and Bill Murray, then wrote animal house, then wrote Caddyshack. It's definitely a good background movie if you don't care about paying full attention to it.
  2. Oh no, the dude who has literally had to wash another's dude jizz off of him and his bed sheets is making a gay joke. 😂 You have the mentality of a 12 year old.
  3. And to just fast forward through the slow way you incels and general cunts love to drag this kind of shit along. There's a kind of guy out there who always assumes the woman is lying, and feels some level of victory the minority of the time false allegations are made. People like you, ghostz, bitchre, Twinblade, Saucer, DynamiteCop. All of the rational and even minded people who don't seem come off as emotionally stunted, over the hill edge lords at all.
  4. I don't even know the guy or what happened or care. What is there to dodge? You incels are always looking for some culture war bullshit for some reason. Like if you are in a bad mood about some woman you don't know, has wronged man it's going to make you feel better about sleeping alone in a twin bed.
  5. What issue what goal post? That no one knows who this guy is? You're really going to argue that? Who other than you, Twinblade, and aza knew this guy by name? And we all know why you three knew it.
  6. Yes, I told you that I dont answer stupid questions and like a child- you asked the same stupid question.
  7. So a days after twitter is valued at half of what Musk paid for it, he let's us know that the only voices that matter on Twitter are people who pay him a monthly subscription to a site they all used for free previously. Then hours later post his discount code like some slime youtuber or something lol. Funny how the right continues to cultivate nearly all of the political grifters in the United States.
  8. Wtf is your obsession with trans people? You trying to streamline your mmf threesomes or something?
  9. Motherfucker, I don't come here to babysit your stupid ass. If you ask me a question like an adult I have answered it, and on occasion you've even liked my responses. When you ask me pointless childish shit like this, I ignore you. You are not fucking 14 anymore.
  10. Lol OK Dr. Daterape. The fact that this is the first thing to go through your head says more about you than us.
  11. I dont see how Gamepass in general is sustainable.
  12. lol So? How many people know who these people are? I've been posting at System Wars like half of my life and can only name like 4 or 5 game designers by name. Most people dont even know who writes or directs most of the movies or shows they actually watch.
  13. Lmfao calm down, no one even knows who this guy is. You act like he was a president or even an actor or something.
  14. That's fair, I'm not the biggest fan of the animation style, but the story is more than good enough to watch for. Season 2 deals with the aging clone troopers and who the Empire began 'retiring' them and replacing them with volunteer soldiers. Regardless of the medium, its writing is some of the best lore in Star Wars.
  15. Yeah, it's low key wild. It's a perfect chaser for people who watched the forementioned shows and want more.
  16. The two best shows you can catch on Disney plus is Andor and the Bad Batch. Season 1 of the bad batch is just OK, but the second season is perfection.
  17. Just watched the triangle of sadness. Very good. It's sort of like white lotus in a way or for people who liked the Menu.
  18. Lmfao you need a new act. This whole making up strawmen to confront is sloppy and never works because no one on this site is as dumb as you are. Not a single person has ever said anything defense of Bush or against any legal action against him. Funny, whenever something comes out about someone on the left you never make these soft dodges for the sake of balance. They are both fucking Republica so I don't get what your point is to begin with.
  19. Can you ever just make a direct point? You're always trying to mask your stupidity with failed sarcasm or some obtuse response.
  20. You do your bullshit like "they want to arrest Trump but not Nixon's ghost?" whataboutism deflections.
  21. Only 1.5 mil? I'm honestly surprised. Maybe the MAGA people have realized this man has grifted hundreds of millions of dollars from them. Which none of the freedom fighters on here seem to mind.
  22. Dude has no reason to interject himself into this. That's what gets me most about these people. They are so hateful they give away for free.
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