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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Lol you don't even know what gaslight is so please stop. God, I have never seen such undeserved arrogance in my life lol. You're the God of all cunts. Like I said before, he said what your idea of it doesn't exist and specifically mentioned like 'a dozen' liberals. I assume like how you're botted interested in to your entire He's not saying it literally doesn't exist. I don't give a fuck, you brought him up for some reason, not me. Actually to be a cunt back, I'll let you have this one and in every other topic we will use Ana and Cenk as the absolute deciders.
  2. It's funny how you always claim you watch or read the Hill and all you ever take away is whatever morsels of right wing panic they sift in the mix. Must be like picking through trail mix just to get to the raisins. Since all you do is copy and paste, I will do the same as its more or less the same notion. Your intellectual dishonesty of cherry picking (as well as always being misleading either on purpose or because you're too stupid to actually articulate a point properly) Even more entertaining is youre posting someone who is claiming your idea of what equity is, isn
  3. You just lap this shit up like a retarded puppy slurping spilled syrup or something lol.
  4. It's funny how you always claim you watch or read the Hill and all you ever take away is whatever morsels of right wing panic they sift in the mix. Must be like picking through trail mix just to get to the raisins.
  5. These people dont care about anything. They go where the traction is. Also, like I said before to @Ramza our economy relies on immigrants, both legal and illegal. This is a choreographed fight that has been happening since the 70s for a reason.
  6. Wait, I just realized the dick tucking (pun intended) by the local transphobes here. This dude legit made the same exact arguments you guys make here. How did he get owned so badly? Why aren't you guys pointing out how wrong Stewart is?
  7. And her usual scale is 50k to 150k. I'm guessing this went viral due to hyper-reactionary cunts like yourself working themselves up after railing 60 straight minutes of scrolling through your MAGA-anti-vax-andrew tate-transphobia-i hate the blacks social media feeds.
  8. It doesn't matter when rich conservatives lie and profit off it. The problem is the LGBTQs, teachers, black people, south Americans, unsexy candy, impossible burgers, electric ovens, windmills...
  9. This is how you know Cooke isn't capable of critical thinking because he would have realized immediately the door he was opening prettbding Trump, his allies, or his followers are reasonable people at all.
  10. You mean can I find some random person on the internet that didn't like thst Trump was primaried? I mean I'm sure if I had nothing better to do, I could find a random twitter person with less than 600k who didn't want Trump primaried. I do know of another time Republicans and conservatives weren't happy with democracy in action in the 2020 election.
  11. Lmfao she only has fucking 500k followers on Twitter. This is literally the first time I'm hearing about this and person. It's so obvious Cooke's entire social media feed is right-wing white aggrievement and anti-lgbtq bullshit.
  12. Uh, it's almost a standing rule that the incumbent party doesn't have a primary. I don't necessarily support that, but it's pretty much the norm. If you didn't have literal brain power of an 8 year old, you would know that.
  13. Lol Tell us again about how you don't still defend Trump. How did she put our national security at risk? In a way he didn't do? On top of the other half dozen things he's done? It's still fucking crazy that the entire world knows this man has been lying about the election, we have proof that everyone with a brain told him he lost, and you fucking incel cucks are still on his side. Do you really hate yourself this much?
  14. I love that the same people who were chanting lock her up are crying that it's unfair to jail political figures. Again, if you let conservatives show their hypocrisy they'll never fail to deliver.
  15. I too agree that rich people are above the law and especially political figures. Nothing shows a free democratic society like corrupt businessmen politicians getting away with multiple crimes.
  16. It's one thing to have Musk force his tweets into people's feed, but the number of recc'd tweets have greatly increased and every single recc'd tweet is some right wing nonsense from people I dont follow, engage with, or want to follow. Case in point twice this week the first tweet I'm greeted with is Tim Pool's insanity and other right wingers urging their subs to protest, police not to do their jobs, and state officials to interfere with other state's justice system. Days before that its other right wing nutjobs blaming recent financial crisis on "woke" ideology instead of the Trump admin c
  17. Lol now he's wishing for Trump to her arrested in order to start his race war. Funny how all of the "free minded, classic liberals" all consume right wing media and are cheering for a next civil war.
  18. Motherfucker, for how many years (including this thread) have I asked you how can a country enforce "equality" without specific laws that in your opinion are "special priveledge" and every time (including this thread) you you called it unfair government overreach. Let's be honest, it simply seems like you're too stupid to actually come up with an answer on your own and you simply doubled down on what Gak said because you are a contrarian cunt and didn't realize you would immediately contradict yourself or would be called out for that. And the difference between Equali
  19. Lol I asked you how would the government enforce equality and you answer was that gov overreach and also "why would they?" Now this was your point all along? It's completely not what you have been saying for like the better part of a decade. Again, you are such a dishonest idiot it's hard to tell when you are lying or just too dumb to actually make a point without contradicting yourself.
  20. So you start off claiming that legal protections is evil "guvment" control and social programming. Then you claim that it's also equality and freedom and proves your point? Lol wtf?
  21. I'm marveling that cooke, currently the biggest bigot on the site just calling for "pinky promise" equality lol.
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