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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. These bigots sit around day telling themselves any person of color, woman, foreign, gay, or disabled person doesnt deserve their achievements and a more deserving white man didnt get what they have.
  2. How would you know if people are being judged equally? You do realize what you're saying goes against human history. I love that my sarcastic solution to your stupid scenario all these years is actually better than what you could actually think of. Do nothing, it'll just happen. So far, we still have rape/beatings/stealing/killing/adultery but you solved racism outright. lol you're so fucking dumb.
  3. He's also fund raising over it lol. This motherfucker just keeps his hands in his supporters' pockets lol.
  4. So how would equality magically happen? Its been like five years of you saying this stupid shit with no way of actually explaining how to create and maintain equality organically.
  5. Funny how patriotic right wingers who love this country more than anyone are always looking for a another civil war or battle against the government.
  6. You still haven't told us how to enact, ensure, or enforce equality. This is one of your grand ideas that sound good in that feeble brain of yours and retarded to everyone capable of critical thinking. Like your full lock down idea where no one in the country would be allowed to leave their homes for a full month, no matter what, and have every service come to their individual homes. Or that banger idea of companies moving all of thier office furniture and equipment out in their parking lots so employees could work outside...i guess they leave all of their furniture and
  7. You know fully well the context of the use of ally in his example. So you are at that point where you are going to be as obtuse as humanly possible on every topic because you lose almost every debate you find yourself in. Cool cool.
  8. Who is this performance for? We all know you are dumb and the only person who doesn't consider you sped is possibly your alt account lol.
  9. He thinks he's so clever, it's fucking pathetic.
  10. We get it, you're enjoying being soooo slick repeating a white supremacist slogan in here while pretending that you are not racist.
  11. @zwarrior This is what I mean by it's impossible to have even a remotely reasonable argument with this idiot. So predictable too. First: Idiotic rightwing bot sarcasm. It's not even sarcasm as much as some stupid, purposely obtuse scenario like someone being a transphobe if they haven't had sex with a trans person? It's like arguing with a mean spirited child. Secondly: Yes, it does. I've asked Cooke several times over the past 3 years to explain how does someone insure or enforce equality? Somehow we haven't found a way to stop rape, murder, stealing, beatings but som
  12. lol Me: Cooke is a racist. Cooke: Why wont you say "WHITE POWER?" (unironically)
  13. @Cookeis a white supremacist, so of course he is attacking black people about this. Cooke was upset last year over the Chris Rock slap because he feels Chris Pratt would have gotten in more trouble than Will Smith in his mind. Like dude legit invents antiwhite racism situations in his held and the world just has to deal with it like it actually happened. A quick explanation of the phrase. David Duke, probably the most famous racist in America uses the phrase. So Cooke, who claims he's not a racist (yet used the phrase in here v
  14. LOL Like I said, literally anything is woke to people like you when not concentrated with white cis/het men. By your own definition you are woke since you're always fighting in defence of the oppressed white men of Canada. During COVID weren't you arguing against lockdowns as you claimed the White Male suicide rates were rising? You claim you hate China because of their oppressive views dont you? You call out celebrities who dont disavow China dont you? Its fucking crazy that people so many people like you exist. Completely self absorbed hypocrites desperately making up reasons t
  15. It's wild what these people are willing to believe. Cooke will go on about invisible woke agendas he can't describe but also is like "why is a drug company charging more money for a drug?" because his rat brain can't comprehend corporate greed? He a self proclaimed gay man will wake up early to trash queer and LGBTQ people but bends over in any direction to defend a corporate interest.
  16. To the Right, woke is anything that doesn't revolve around a cis/het white man.
  17. Cooke is always going to say something stupid and intellectually dishonest.
  18. This doesnt even matter because if you create new characters and an original story, these racist will still find something to complain. Motherfuckers spent a week complaining about Everything, Everhwhere, All at once. They just dont want to see non-white people in starring roles.
  19. Alt right was basically how people distinguished younger/online right wingers vs older ones. Both have the same terrible ideology. This woman wrote a book about it and can't define it. The right wing grifters keep gritting.
  20. Figures you get your information from dishonest grifters who think you are dumb.
  21. 2021 - "CODA" 2020 - "Parasite" 2019 - "Green Book" 2018 - "The Shape of Water" 2017 - "Moonlight" 2014 - "12 Years a Slave" 2012 - "The Artist" 2011 - "The King's Speech" 2006 - "Crash" 2005 - "Million Dollar Baby" 2002 - "A Beautiful Mind" 2000 - "American Beauty
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