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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. You are so dumb and corny, I can't tell if you are serious or not.
  2. It's fucking Peter Pan, they make a new one every five fucking years. One doesn't have as many white people as you would like. They don't make new stories because they want to make money.
  3. So this is where you got this from? You're such a creepy weirdo.
  4. I'm happy to see that everything, everywhere, all at once swept the Oscars. While I'm glad for Jamie Leigh Curtis, I think basset and the daughter in eeaot deserved it more. I can't believe it's been a year since the slap.
  5. Lol I don't even remember what happened in that movie. It's obvious Peele needs to stop and spend some time on his next film. He ain't Nolan.
  6. That dude looks like he legit went to jail to prepare for that movie lol.
  7. Do you even know these people? Are you, the dumbest person ever on SW.com playing analyst or something? What makes you an expert on what this person needs or what serves them best?
  8. I feel like 2 weeks ago everyone was like "RE4 again? Why?" and now y'all like "which version we getting boys?". That is why there's another RE4 coming and this won't be the last time y'all buy it again. Lol
  9. I'm not a black hearted bigot, so I don't get your point.
  10. lol In recent weeks people on the right have clamoring for a civil or rac war, advocating against teaching black history, called for trans genocide, passed a dozen insane bill nationwide, had prominent cable news host in their own words boldly lying to their audience for ratings. You post about insignificant shit because you're so activated by the lunatics you follow on social media. Seriously, Who gives a fuck about some social media video fallout? There are real world scenarios that have actual tangible outcomes on people's lives that are a bit more important than this, or how high the Green
  11. Yes, when people think "midlife crisis" in men, cross dressing is the first thing that comes to mind and the actual reason you posted that. You're such an idiotic cunt.
  12. For anyone who liked Andor, season 2 of The Bad Batch is excellent. I did not care for the first season too much, though it has some moments. Some of the episodes this season are on par with some of the Andor episodes. I want to say skip the first season and go right into the second, but you will miss some important information if you did. It seems Disney might finally start to get a handle on Star Wars. Now them need to figure the MCU out again.
  13. I was into it when it got right to edge then its like me and my Gf entering out Sci-fi ideas as to what was going on and I'm like all of these choices are bad lol. They just don't fit the tone of the show and are a bit tropey for me.
  14. So I feel like "You" just jumped the shark in the second half of this season.
  15. And some of those comments are racist and/or perpetuates racism. The world is pretty uncomplicated when you don't vow the be as purposely obtuse as possible.
  16. I'm sure Cooke's obsession with trans people is why he posted this. It's fucking mind blowing the nonsensical bullshit he post as the end of the world simply because he thinks a woke person is behind it. It's funny because the comments in this post are aggrieved white men complaining about woke and trans people and actual women being like "we can do more than just have babies". To which those same aggrieved white men begin insulting those women about how bad feminist are and insulting women who don't like unsolicited compliments. Cooke and his type are just pieces of s
  17. Kaepernick revealed that when he had cornrows as a child, his mother said, “Your hair is not professional, you look like a little thug.” --- It's more like he pointed out some legacy cultural gray areas that exist. But Lmfaoroffles. Amirite?! You are so bitch made.
  18. No I didn't motherfucker. Again, I explained the perfectly logical stance that it's very unlikely that Tucker Carlson or Fox will report on the footage honestly. Funny how you don't have an issue with that. You never seem to find anything nefarious on the right despite being a moderate centrist. Funny how that works out... Every. Single. Time.
  19. And what was proven to be a lie? At this point its so easy to tell that you guys don't actually listen for facts or details or anything like that. You just listen for buzzwords and soundbites to quote. Y'all never actually can prove anything you said to be reality.
  20. Who is freaking out? Why can you guys only counter the strawmen you create? I assume that you are possibly talking about people stating that giving all of the information to a biased source is sus. It's hard to tell because you are so dumb and dishonest all of the time. Just like the Twitter files, it's one thing to release all information to all people, it's another to release it all to a person set to create a narrative. You do know the Tucker Carlson is a liar right? You might have heard of him calling for one of his coworkers to be fired for telling th
  21. Lmfao Tucker "the stock price is down" Carslon. It honesty doesn't even matter, I've been saying for years that the pretense has been gone. Conservatives don't care about the truth any more, they just want to make Liberal's lives miserable for some reason. They are now basically calling for trans genocide and actually blaming trans people for it.
  22. Would you rather kick all of the brown people or trans people out of Canada?
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