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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. You've made this joke endless times and it's never been funny. You are a fucking moron, none one here thinks you're clever.
  2. Not to the queer people I know. So I'll trust them over a Canadian nazi.
  3. You cant win an argument with Cooke. He's the ends justify the means type. He wants to hate queer people, black people, and anyone who doesn't work against them. Dude literally was standing up against only a couple of hundred black people who didn't like a racist phrase.
  4. Idk as the link doesn't go into any detail and this seems to have happened in Cali 6 months ago and no one is talking about it, Including conservatives. I don't like the sounds of it as an open concept as what then qualifies as misinformation? However I think it's appropriate for a government agency to have their own officials to refer to for things like this.
  5. It's the same group think of the people on here who are like "DId you hear Don Lemon say Nikki Haley is past her prime? Has he been fired yet? While posting Fox News clips where the anchors laugh at the people the present as experts lying to their audience and wanting to fire a female reporter for telling the truth. While fucking talking about the stock prices.
  6. lmfao Why are you continuing this charade? We all know you will be butt hurt over anything a lefist does no matter how minor or inconsequential it is. See, when you were just a being a racist, You could at least claim you were worried about how white men have no power in Canada and brown people were taking over. Regardless of how I view the statement, you're talking about you perception of reality that affects your status and I guess life goals. Now you're in here posting any sad miniscule or inconsequential thing like an astronomy convention using pronouns or something. "WH
  7. to be fair, None of these people believe they can be President. Well, Haley is kind of delusional and she's been angling for President for at least 4 years now. Scott is probably aiming for a VP, and whatever this rich fuck came from is just that one rich guy who runs for President claiming he's a business man as if most people dont know this isnt how you run a gov.
  8. That was a dumb mistake on my part when I made the title. I was sloppy and meant to write Florida GOP wants....about DeSantis. I'm proud you actually read an article for once.
  9. This is why its so easy to crush a conservative in an argument. They have no consistency in their beliefs, completely ignore facts, and are so completely unselfaware.
  10. Oh, that's pretty chill. Nothing out of order forcing reporters to register with the state and supply reports to the government? As well as their earnings?
  11. Lol uh huh. She probably makes you put his condom on for him.
  12. You obviously don't mind an additional cock to play with. So if that is how you view things, good on you.
  13. Nigga, you legit be dick stacking with other men, why are you trying gay insults?
  14. Oh, there you are. I began to wonder if you were going to cry about politics, but also realize you're such a hypocritical little bitch boy you would be fine with it since it's light trans bashing.
  15. In a bubble, Twincel of all people calling anyone else a clown is hilarious. After Cooke I can't think of anyone who gets their ass handed to them over and over again... Well Ramza too I guess.
  16. Liberal or Cuckservatives, it's fucking pretty sad when a grown ass man is admittedly too afraid to even visit major US cities. I thought you guys were supposed to be manly?
  17. Lol alot of this is bullshit btw. I'm not sure why you are going so hard and the dishonest stupidity,your title is safe.
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