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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. He brought up inflation, like that has anything to do with it. Again, these people are idiots. This is from the Mayo clinic in 2020. One of the few times I found Joe Rogan to actually call out a right winger and know what he was talking about was debunking a dumb Canadian Libertarian who thinks the way Cooke does. That businesses and companies are good guys who go above and beyond to serve their customers because of the free market. Martin Skreli, that shit head pharma bro said he didn't feel bad raises prices because it w
  2. It's funny how this kind of mind works. He believes in queer conspiracies but can't conceive why a company charged alot of money for something people need to live.
  3. It hit me that these dudes just emulate the idiots they watch. Which is why they end up sounding like Ben Shapiro Matt Walsh or Bill O'Reilly bots.
  4. It's funny how you guys talk about some woke mind virus while sounding like y'all are suffering with a head injury. I neither brought up accountability or reparations before. Nor do they have anything to do with the topic. It's like you guys spasm into into whatever right wing talking points you can remember and just run off your list of grievances. Like the fact you even brought up reparations shows how idled your fucking boomer brain is. Lol my step-dad did a great job, no complaints. It's funny how you at the end of the day you always end up just
  5. Yes, obviously. This must be the woke mind virus you guys are always talking about. Makes a lot of sense, grandpa.
  6. Still, considering the information that you yourself quoted, 1% of the under 18 population identifies as non binary, so this "friend's kid" of yours having 8 students in her class alone is quite an anomaly. That school must be woke af.
  7. It's funny you don't pay attention to any red states. Like you 4chan incels are always crying about Chicago or San Francisco like y'all never heard of Kentucky, Arkansas, Mississippi, or Alabama before. Where is their hope? You guys hate Chicago, so why pretend you give a shit?
  8. Even though you are almost always wrong, I'll bet this time what you are saying is what's actually happening. Do any of your friends kids have furries in their class that pee in litter boxes too?
  9. Accountability when reparations aren't even the same thing and I never ever mentioned reparations before so I don't even get where you are coming from. Lmfao why are you guys so fucking weird? My biological dad was a photographer, but never lived in the US. Other than giving me my first camera and showing me how to use when I was like 6, hasn't been a part of my life since then. Even if your bizarre story were true, how is it at all related to what we're even talking about? It's like you're brain damaged.
  10. lol like your weird boomer ass has anything better to do. I've said from the start that things began getting worse around the Gamergate to MeToo to BLM. That's when all of a sudden we started to see the rise of angry, insecure men like y'all complaining about how things used to be...before accountability. I mean we're in a thread where I post two people defending a racist and of course the SW Incel force joins in. Lmfao the fact that you're surprised Rasmussen "goofed" here shows how dumb you are.
  11. lol Nightmare face mad. There are racist in every nationality or ethnic group. Congrats, finally after nearly 2 decades here you finally said something that was only half stupid.
  12. Because I'm talking to a retard who with the self awareness of a rock. I honestly wonder if you think at about what you are repeating. Like you went from calling me a racist, to some stupid question about the peace symbol, to now diversity. You just chuck out whatever semi relevant (being generous) talking point to deflect the topic. I will say it's not a coincidence that you do your best to run interference any chance you get. Like what is even your logic about "everything was fine until". You bitches always say that and it's like it's never been the way you guys wax
  13. Omg can you say one thing that isn't stupid or baity? You're so fucking stupid it's like watching a small child who thinks he's clever trying trick an adult. Like what the fuck was even the point of this stupid question? Why can't you converse like a real person and a Brietbart chat bot or something.
  14. Lol this is how pathetic you are. I have never made a racist comment towards white people as a group, and I have as many if not miter white people in my life. You however are a fucking racist. Go self-delete please.
  15. Still crazy that no one in here is talking about a US senator calling for segregation and disenfranchisement in 2023.
  16. And lying to do so. 1,000 people polled, he claims it's 12 million. He even was deceptive about what the poll question was. Bigotry is the only conservative platform atm.
  17. Lmfao please stop, you're so fucking dumb. I'm sure you heard some other retard say this bullshit on tiktok and thought it was clever but you sound ridiculous. In all of your arguments you take something that manages to be vague and applies to both sides and solely express your dissatisfaction with one side, which you pretend to be mostly on except for a few things... Yet all you have done forever is complain the left and bend over backwards to defend the right. Lol calling me a zealot. You are trying so hard to and failing.
  18. Lol I can't tell if it's because you are such an unlikable cunt, or if you just suck at sarcasm but your post sucks.
  19. "Woke is almost as bad as religion!" Says the guy who only complains about woke people.
  20. lol shut the fuck up. You're only complaining because this is 'woke'.
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