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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. This take on zombies is different and interesting. It also avoids a lot of the tropes of zombie movie while also adopting some of the more interesting elements like fast zombies and mutated ones. However, zombies always have one motivation, to eat people. More zombie encounters means more of what is bad about zombie movies, plot armor. The biggest downfall of the genre is making zombies a super threat to every non-main character where they can literally tear an extra apart in two seconds but can also be knocked over with a limp balloon by the star. They are using the zombies effectively, they
  2. Lol like how many times can you watch people running from swarms of mindless monsters with no character?
  3. Lmfao so basically you were mad they were saying good things about Biden. I'm sure it doesn't help that the people that are usually on your side love Russia now. You're partisan as fuck, so don't pretend that very notion of biased discourse was the reason.
  4. lmfao Sometimes I can't tell if you're just a retarded incel or Nth level genius troll.
  5. Technically, but Republicans have made it a partisan issue at this point.
  6. These motherfuckers just lie and lie like it's fuck normal. It's insane.
  7. Oh, thanks for conforming your disingenuous mentality? Funny how you curious and well meaning folk come from an antagonistic angle to people you supposedly feel bad for. For the record from your article: 1.4% of teens between the ages of 13 and 17, and 1.3% of young people aged 18 to 24 identify as transgender or nonbinary.. So the functioning number seem to be 1 in 10 young people. To be fair the article title was meant to trigger smooth brained bigots like yourself. Phrasing it as 43% of Transat people sounds good in the activating transphobes way.
  8. And you're so retarded you actually believe in the 'virtue signaling' smokescreen used by right wing media. Virtue Signal definition: The public expression of opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one's good character or social conscience or the moral correctness of one's position on a particular issue. So you are saying conservatives don't believe they are morally superior than "godless" liberals? Isn't QAnon about saving children from devil worshipping baby eating space vampire democrats? By virtue signaling conservatives mean call
  9. Lmfao of course, he's a transphobic technocrat. You muggles have reached your final forms.
  10. Lol this so disingenuous its fucking mind blowing.
  11. When your trans hate trumps your anti-middle eastern hate. Lol
  12. Yeah but I mean there's still a huge technical leap that will only continue in the next decade. They'd probably at best release variant games based on Xbox franchises if they were to do it.
  13. So your big gotcha is that someone is rooting for someone who abuses women for profit to go to jail - And you're the guy who is against him going to jail?
  14. This wasn't a skewed or exhaustive search. All you have to do is type Republican and Rape into the search and it's nothing but horrible Republican takes on rape. From claiming that women can't get pregnant if they are raped because the woman's body will "purge the sperm". (this was from a Republican who was part of the house science committee) Historically rape has increased the world population to claiming that a family lied about a 10 year old being raped for attention, to how having the rapists baby can help the mother heal from the rape. A couple of candidates suggested
  15. It's funny what you need rock solid proof to consider the truth while also making shit about different people in your mind and believe whole clothe.
  16. Lmfao you guys have no idea what you're talking about. It's fucking ridiculous. Don Lemon isn't any sort of taste maker or insightful mind to anyone on the left. He is the definition of a talking head. Leftist sites and sources are not profitable. People on the left pay attention to the majority report, the humanist, Kyle Kulinski and the like. The biggest leftist channel is the young turks and many on the left have issues with TYT outside of maybe Ana. You guys are so programmed you think CNN is some leftist haven or something. They are corporate media ffs. The left
  17. The irony is that Christians hate all of that stuff. American Jesus doesn't give a shit about helping other people and being understanding. Like who is the most woke person ever if not Jesus? Over the past 22 years the right has tied Christianity to Patriotism. So it's now these people feeling that America is the true nation of Christian God. What is there to negotiate at this point? Do you think women should die giving birth by law? This is your feminist mindset at work? Who is celebrating abortions? Why are you people so ridiculous? Most of my
  18. You are more than you think. Look at who and what you defend. What new ideas do they have? They are arguing the same points they have for decades with the same desired outcome. The same people who are anti trans were antigay and the same anti immigrant people have treated all non white the same. It's also not puritanical to hold people to some consistency in their beliefs. When people who believe that a virgin got impregnated by a space God via celestial wifi try to use science to defend points they have strictly because of their religious beliefs, then how
  19. Lmfao this is called being progressive, and the antithesis of conservativism. This is what I mean when I say you guys have no real ideology or convictions. Lol conservatives spent the last week telling women they should be housewives and stay at home moms. I like how you don't seem to believe anything conservatives advocate for other being transphobes. You can say the same about Trump, Alex Jones, Sharpiro, Carlson, Peterson, Crowder, Hannity, Varney, Rubin, Tate, Pool, the Quartering... Hell it's far less work to find conservatives talking heads t
  20. This is why I can't take you seriously. In our legal system, which I assume is mostly similar in Canada, any law can be argued as relevant. McConnell went back to the 1880s when he wanted to counter the Obama administration. Also, what is conservatism other than observing precedent? It's nearly the Republican mantra to hold on to the America created by our founding Fathers in 1776, so how the fuck is 50 years ago not relevant? Half of our Republicans call themselves "constitutional purist". lol *Matt Walsh enters the chat* To be petty, since you guys l
  21. I never said what I think, I said the intended purpose. I dont think a kid would use words they dont know. Chances are they will learn them somewhere else like most kids learn most words adults dont want them to learn. Since you're not like "kids will learn about gay people on their own too, so we should teach them that as well." I figure this is something you would agree with if anything. I mean it's about sheltering the kids against things we dont want for them right? How do you stop it? Ever notice you never had answers, or suggestions, or ideas, or platforms to stan
  22. MOTHERFUCKER YOU POST THE DAILYMAIL ON ALMOST A DAILY BASIS. Don Lemon is one of the biggest liberal voices? Because he's black? He said this shit on fucking like Good Morning America or something. You know, that huge liberal show all the liberals watch? You guys just say stupid shit on top of stupid shit. How turnt are people supposed to be he said a 51 year old woman isn't in her prime. You've spent the past 6 years wiping Trump's ass, now on February 20th, 2023 you're a feminist upset someone said a woman wasn't in her prime? I like how you ignored the fact that you yourself lau
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