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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. I post here, and on SW2 which has their own need for careful wording and on my social sites. While I dont give a fuck about most of you or this site, I post here mostly as myself and how I generally communicate. This isn't my hall pass site where I come to vent racism and sexism like a 14 year old edgelord like bitchre or ghostz. I'm sorry that your offended? I didn't write rape! Feel better? Conservatives have a weird view on rape. Usually whatever is the worst point of view on it, they'll take. That part of the discussion they were having was ultimately was the court systems beg
  2. I mean most humans are in thier prime at those ages. It was stupid to just say women. The thing is, I don't watch Don lemon or cares what he has to say. You on the other hand, love the daily mail and read them daily. Here they are trying to sympathetize a man killing his wife and daughter because she made more money than him. What say you? I also can't tell if you are either just stupid or stupid and a hypocrite since you are well aware that most of the men you defend would say worse than this and you wouldn't have a problem with it. Hel
  3. Like I said last week, there's usually more thought put into this stuff than biased retards like yourself are capable of or are willing to honestly consider. I'm not sure where you or people like you are coming from. Harm reduction and cultural issues like bullying is something that is still relatively young as its origins are around the 90s when teen shootings, suicide, and sexual activities seemed to have spiked. In some circles it seems that they figure treating words like fat and ugly like curse words to a degree would limit the familiarity and use of them with younger kids. They mig
  4. Probably because they have no idea what you're talking about?
  5. How so? Certain words track negatively in social media. Normally I would have put SA. Didn't put much thought into it, but apparently you seem triggered by it.
  6. Lol is it ironic when people who use woke because they can't articulate a point, complain about other people using woke where it doesn't apply? Or is it hypocritical?
  7. How could they do that? Saying retarded shit to own the libs.
  8. I mean who still obsesses over phones in 2023? Most motherfuckers phones made in the last five years can run Instagram and whatever the popular app of moment is. Insecurity is a bitch.
  9. Lol cuckservatives in here avoiding this thread. How many times do Right Wingers have to be exposed publicly before their idiotic bases wake up?
  10. Why can't conservatives ever just be against r*pe? Why is there always some conversation to be had where they show how fucking weird and out of touch they are. He can't just say that sexual assault is a terrible violation against a woman. It also is an insult to the men that know her lmfao. It's 20fucking23 and these people are out here telling y'all how to think lol. "violate the integrity of the woman".....uh This is fucking r*pe. He cursed out the surgeons that operated on Elliot Page and called them Nazis, but actually sexually assaulting a woman isn't serious enough on it's o
  11. i can see how retards and low information plebs like you are in to this. I feel like this argument keeps coming up from the same people every generation and the same people never learn. It's been over 20 years since I've been in high school. The big concern then was teaching comprehensive sex ed was the villain of those days. The drama was conservatives telling everyone that kids will be having babies by sophomore year, schools that were implementing in-house daycare for teen moms was also supposedly going to encourage teens to have children. Basically the teens will be on wild fucking sprees
  12. This is what I mean by you're an activated bot. The right to protest is in our constitution. It's part of what makes America. Funny how easily one vague word allows Americans to hate their first given right. Part II: conservatives protest as well so it's fucking hypocritical and anti-American. Part III: like I said last night, you are only motivated by your bigotry against trans people and being a disgruntled antivaxxers. You don't actually believe in or care about anything. What have I ever needed to apologize for? Cruel is subjective. I think
  13. Lol this was never the goal. You're an activated bot, there is nothing anyone can do to change your mind. All I've done is address what you say. I'm not an idiot, none of of you care about being right. Just the aesthetics of being correct. Twinblade was lead to believe that Trump ended the drone program and bragged about it. Turns out that Trump simply told the army keep the information as quiet as possible. In fact he oversaw more drone strikes than Obama and Bush combined. He was only president for 3 of his 4 years at that point. When he learned that the truth he did
  14. Lol no, it's absolutely not like someone marrying a black person. You keep the bad takes coming. You have no actual proof he's raising his kid as non binary, especially since the child's mother left him.. For a trans person no less. So in guessing he might be shaky in that arena.
  15. Motherfucker you've told me more than once I was right and you were wrong, then a few days later you'll turn around say I've never proved you wrong before. That is the point. I didnt even have to look far, I literally scanned a just a few threads on the front page and could immediately find you saying stupid easy that was easy to disprove. It was just a bonus you added more stupidity to the mix and Gak dunked on you. The end result will be the same. In a week or two you'll be telling us both how were wrong while just saying retarded shit and using woke as your simple answer to everything.
  16. Like, I dont even know what to say anymore. Yes, a fucking bar can be family friendly. Something is either sexual or it isn't. If a family is eating food and drinking non alcoholic drinks in the bar what is the issue? This is a stuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupid point. There are restaraunts that aren't suitable for children, does that mean every restaurant is? This is barely child level thinking. I'm thinking that might be something to do with Grimes more than him. Then again, he could be telling the truth and neo-marxists turned his child against him.
  17. lol Eat a bullet bitch. You act so superior and smart and yet are constantly proved wrong just to turn around and do it again. You dont have to know everything but you totally act like you do. This is how easy it is to prove that you constantly making shit up or recycling nonsense you heard someone else say. You're a grown ass man and you dont know that trials dont happen immediately? It's fine to be uninformed if you're genuinely intellectually curious, but you're not. You think you're so smart you know everything automatically just out of your sheer intelligence that never seem
  18. The last few post aren't directed towards me so I didn't read them. You learning something after saying something stupid doesn't exonerate you in any way. My bad, someone else proved how stupid you were before I got the chance? I can live with it. Also lol Your dumbass is like "this is bad" as if there is some government conspiracy to keep them locked up unjustly or something. Then you are pretending like "duh ofc" You're such a fucking clown. Lol
  19. The point is you wee puffing your chest up as if he was some sort of ally and you were wrong. Just 👉 it out. 1. You did say that sexual drag shows are unacceptable. 2. You also said family friendly ones are unacceptable too. 3. You also said that a man being in a dress automatically is a danger to kids. You don't actually ever give nuance or context or even a baseline belief. You never express a moderate opinion in any way regarding trans or queer people in substantive ways. You just don't like being called a bigot despite having a completely big
  20. But it's the common left opinion. I like how you try to give yourself an out by saying "I'm sure there are some" as if anything you cry about is predominate in any way. Even to be cartoonishly stupid as you love to be, one groups protest her games because they feel she's unnecessarily cruel towards Trans people. The people you're soft defending protested all of her other work because they said Harry Potter would lead kids to the occult. You hate trans people so of course you don't see a difference. You mentioned Harry Potter, not me. I reponded
  21. The trial hasn't even started yet, genius. This is what I mean by how easy it is to prove you don't know what you are talking about.
  22. Conservatives never protest things they don't like. Lmfao This point is equally a lie and stupid. Hell, Christian conservatives have boycotted Harry Potter since day one. Non-Christian conservatives blasted the series because JK made Dumbledore gay after the series was done. It's funny how you guys paint this fantasy about how reasonable the right is all of the time and it's never actually true. I actually agree, there are no anti-fascist conservative groups. Well I mean "woke nonsense" is such a descriptive term. Surely we can't agree
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