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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. This is the real you. Keep making stupid, grandpa level reductive statements to mask your bigotry. You also really seem to have an issue with lesbians as well. You're a real piece of work. I don't see animals in the wild brushing their teeth, wearing clothes, fixing broken bones, cooking food, getting corrective eye surgery... Like are you really using animal logic in regards to how humans should treat each other or ourselves? How can one person say so much stupid shit. Like you can't even accidentally say something intelligent.
  2. I haven't had sex with a man either, that doesn't make me a homophobe. Stop trying to be clever, it never works. But you supposedly are gay? You really do love social hierarchies don't you?
  3. Lol You guys can't pretend to not be transphobes while also using being trans is an insult or a problem.
  4. Dont bother. I dont post private people's profiles here as I see it as a violation of their privacy. I dont personally agree with this....or even see how it works with someone at 2 years old, unless it's some sort of birth anomaly. Having insane right wingers acting as if being Trans is so glamorous and trendy that parents are enthusiastically making them trans a social statement. I'm sure if this manages to be remotely true, it's not as simple as you're making it out to be.
  5. Lol this dirt bag is so happy.
  6. I didn't confirm or deny anything, I stated that you're an idiot who doesn't know what he's talking about constantly whining about "woke" without ever being able to actually articulate any root issues. You have the reasoning of child. Lol what exactly did I say about you that was a lie?
  7. Mr. "Context" here whining about word depth. lol Ok. This is why you people are clowns. I deny the existence of you knowing what woke even is. Woke has become this perfunctory term used by underinformed idiots like yourself. This his how Ron DeSantis, that patron turd of antiwoke's defined Woke. This terrible belief that injustices exist. This unbelievable narrative of society addressing those injustices. The other telling part is DeSantis claiming that injustices do not exist in the United States legal system. He's the guy you agree with. Also, fu
  8. No, I totally believe you what you said was true. When have you ever lied before?
  9. lmfao this is how i know you're delusional. I'm pretty sure I've taught you something you didn't know about on every single topic we've argued about. You know, and anyone whose read our exchanges know I've asked you to present evidence, stats, studies...whatever to remotely support your points and you always run away. I've asked you for receipts literally this weekend. It's funny how the most context free people like you only care about details, specifics, and context in very specific ways that allows you to be insulting or reductive but you ignore context when it expose
  10. I believe you. You're one of the most honest people on this site.
  11. Lmfao I never seen someone ride for home schooling before. These dudes are getting more ridiculous each day.
  12. Lmfao when y'all insist on showing love to racist. Cooke actually does believe in systemic racism.... Against white people. He thinks POC in Canada and trans people have all of the power in Canada and white men are the ones being discriminated against and powerless.
  13. You just made an incoherent rant where you complained about queer/Trans people, in the most reductive ways possible like five different times. But you're not a transphobe. About issues you don't care about or affect you. The only time you're not shitting on women is when you are 'defending' them against trans people. But will defend men accused of abusing women if they are hetero.
  14. Lmfao we all know this is bullshit. You guys keep saying the same lies then complain about people being broken records for pointing it out.
  15. I support any measure that prevents politicians from profiting from their government roles. I support term limits for all offices as well. I think Pelosi should have groomed a successor years ago and left office. My views on this regards everyone's and has always been the same. It's not a spicy take based on 'taking down" one side over the other. Like I said, you've never talked about money in politics until a few months ago.
  16. Lol you are so fucking weird. You go back and forth with this "I'm not entitled, I was this down bad junkie" act and this weird out of touch 1%er boomer takes. Again, look at the people who you defend and you condemn or treat with skepticism. I'm sure there are plenty of people in debt or in bad financial situations without it being them drinkng $10 lattes every morning or having a closet full of Yeezys.
  17. Well a lot of things affect stock prices. Anyway, I fail to see the difference. You're complaining about Pelosi making a couple hundred mil but OK with Kushner making 2 bil so you can save the fake outrage. You are just pretending to care because of Pelosi. My thing is, what's with the right wing shame?
  18. They mostly do what you do; exaggerate, misrepresent data, avoid context, and are reductive. This is not a defense of MSM but right wing media is designed for reactionary consumption. This isn't just some conclusion I've come to. The biggest players in old and new right wing media say this. You can say what you want about the environment, race, gender divides or whatever, these are real issues. All of which right wingers pretend don't exist while worrying about Lola bunny's breast size, M&Ms high heels, and Mrs Doubtfire turning kids gay. I think covid is the only
  19. You actually explained the point without realizing it. Right wing media doesn't amplify its audience's voice, they tell you what to be outraged about then turn around and report on the outrage they manufactured.
  20. The cops don't seem to learn. But they often aren't held responsible for their conduct. So it's not like they are in fear of losing their jobs or ending up in a viral video choking or beating a man to death. The cops don't seem to be self aware as people are pleading with them to stop. The put fucking recording devices on cops and they are still out here doing the same bullshit.
  21. You don't find a 50 year old man. Who is married and has children, and host of the most watched 'news' show talking about being less attracted to the M&Ms? Like it's fucking Baywatch or something and he was getting horny during M&Ms commercials. This man can cover any topic in the world and actually make small differences in the world and he chooses to do multiple segments about M&Ms not being 'hot' any more.
  22. You keep harping on about it being his fault. It absolutely is not his fault. By this logic it's a wife's fault if her husband beats her up because she didn't do exactly as he told her to. Getting arrested. Would have been his fault. Going to trial, his fault. Going to jail, his fault. Getting beaten to death was not his fault. The true horror is that five fucking cops can't think about what they are doing. These cases are almost always 2 to 3 to 5 officers and none of them having common fucking sense. So fucking what if someone is high or drunk during their arrest. T
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