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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. lmfao Ok, my bad. You gave a totally retarded conspiracy theory. I completely forgot. This might be the second dumbest thing I've ever seen someone say seriously here. Watch out Cooke, you have some serious competition here. LMFAO THIS MOTHERFUCKER THINGS THEY ARRESSTED HIM BECAUSE HE'S BANNED ON SOCIAL MEDIA. Why are you people like this? Like what was the turning point in your life that leads you to think stupid shit up like this? Like this literally makes you look even worse lol. You're not just cool with misogyny, you're just stupid I guess? Yeah,
  2. I've actually been fascinated by this type. People who claim to have left and populist ideals as their core beliefs but also don't want to give up the perks of white supremacy or a patriarchal environment. So they need people like Tucker around to create absurd narratives so they feel justified in their opinions. Lol first time Cooke defends black people and of course it's black cops who murdered a black man. Can't make this shit up. This is what is so frustrating about this place. So many bad faith arguments and ignorance to counter from the most under info
  3. He could be, but you sure as hell didn't make any points about that. Hell, you are infamous for not actually making points lol. Oh, you must have missed my point then. You're a hypocrite...I think. I'm not sure if it's exactly hypocrisy or just lying? Like you're trying to pretend you just things case by case but that is just the lie you tell to sound reasonable. You would never assume a drag queen or trans person was innocent til proven guilty if they were accused of some level of abuse. Hell, you make them sound like no child is even safe around them.
  4. Just caught up with it, it's good. I didn't care much for the game so I don't really have any attachment to any characters so just going in open minded about it. I even watched the extras and was surprised the care that went in the show. I saw some retards crying because the show mentioned global warming which wasn't in the game, but they seem to really put a bit of research into fungi and have been building on the game's lore and adding stuff that makes sense from a fake science way. Without spoiling ep 2 but the way certain packs react. It's definitely something that adds to the
  5. He was also talking about beating and caning petty thieves as well. That is the thing with psychopaths like this. You are trying to make it seem like he's talking about heavy measures for extreme situations. What he means is inhumanely treating poor people. Most petty thieves are poor. Should we be beating and shaming them? You dont think he'd also be fine with beating homeless people to keep them out of certain spaces? You guys can't pretend to be moderate and have absolutely no interest in nuance or context. You sound retarded and obviously have never been to a t
  6. Remember when conservatives were complaining about Jared Kushner getting a billion dollar Saudi bailout? Seeing as you never complained about that, I assume no since you only are concerned about what you're told to be. How Steve Mnuchin getting 200 million in investments. Ivana Trump's millions and easy overseas copyrights for shit like coffins? Where were you on that? This is where you pretend you care about getting money out of politics to look reasonable when you only have it in for the left for some reason. I'm still confused why so many of you guys blindly suppor
  7. That's because you have a narrow view of everything. You know exactly what you were told to be upset about and that's about it. Most if not all of the shit you complain about are complex and have multiple overlapping issues. I guess it's good you are vowing to be better and actually prove your points? but you're accusing me of lying all of the time and I call you out on it every time. This doesn't even make sense as you change the subject as much as possible and quite a few times just ignore what you don't want to address and cling to something else. So you
  8. Yes, they have totally ruined women's sports. Exactly how many trans athletes are competing in women's sports and which ones have they ruined so far? You are inconsistent and dishonest as always. I said from day one that Lea whatever shouldn't have been allowed to compete because she didn't do the mandated 3 years of treatments that the NCAA or whoever had in place for Trans athletes. You can even find my reply saying this. Nice try? Funny how you keep saying things that aren't true, yet you're not dishonest. How does that keep happening?
  9. I guess it's time to start murdering homeless people?
  10. Talk to us again about Trans athletes burning North America to the ground one more time.
  11. Dodging is what you do best. So it's projection when someone else does it? No double standard at all. No you didn't, you explicitly said you were going to dodge it again.
  12. What did I make up? That you probably made her miserable? You said that about her, so how much of a stretch was it that you most likely did the same. Especially as dumb, self absorbed, misinformed, dishonest on top of a dozen other things you are. Does that mean you were projecting when you accused me of needing pills to get by or something? Not sure what one of you means, but I'm glad because I'm sure it's shit if you are claiming it. I haven't reminded anyone that Twincel was a virgin today, but you did. lol So again I ask
  13. lmfao that's bullshit and you know it. I've been asking you to explain the data behind your logic for like 6 or 7 months now at least. You never do. I'll go with the Tate situation. Where you have to wait for him to be convicted before speaking poorly of him like you give a shit if he's guilty or not. He's not woke, so you defend him. A court ruling doesn't have any bearing on his situation in your mind. If you want others, I'm sure one will pop up later today or tomorrow.
  14. I know you dont know what you're talking about because of your inability ever post anything from an educated or informed position. Hell, you barely actually post anything that supports your world view. Your entire thinking process is just a lazy copy/paste job of reactionary right wing buzzwords and headlines. You constantly contradict yourself because you actually no convictions or ideologically consistency.
  15. You do not know what you're talking about. You're literally just repeating one liners from right wingers. It's weird you keep trying to act informed. Fake outrage bait that your dumb ass keeps falling for. But nothing to see here lol. Really, where did I defend an 'evil' Billionaire? My point is that there are many billionaires you have no idea exist out there. You only know about Soros because you heard Tucker Carlson bring him up. LMFAO you're even beginning to talk like a bot. The irony this comment only solidifies what I said about you. WTF is
  16. I never voiced support for Pharma companies either, yet that is what you claim I said. Funny how that works huh? It isn't. Most things aren't, yet one side politicizes everything. I've never been prescribed a drug and if I were I would be open about it. It's obvious you need some sort of drug as your ignorance fueled rants betrays how much negative emotion you're harboring and misdirecting. That's on top of you self absorbed view of the world. Again, back up what you say. You can accuse me of anything you want to, just drop some paper trail or some
  17. Lol at this point conservatives and the right are just being and supporting the worst people on earth to excersize their "freedom" or some shit.
  18. I'd also like to add that this in itself is dishonest as well as we've seen right wing nutjobs actually help craft politicians' platforms as Ruffo, the guy I informed you about who is a lobbyist for privatization of public schools and just coincidentally the person who mainstreamed CRT and queer studies panic. He's currently working with DeSantis on his next wave of "me new daddy Trump" bullshit that will have affect on Florida schools, which means it will be spreading across red states. People like Charlie Kirk whose like 30 can throw events and get all of the top Repu
  19. Like even if you really couldn't "find one in decades", doesn't common sense tell you if they are introducing laws like a year ago in the senate this obviously has indeed happened in decades? Again, it's fascinating what you guys always seem to question and have skepticism for and what you don't ever question.
  20. ; Nicolas, 2003; Patel, 2019; Suffredini, 2001; Tomei and Cramer, 2016; Woods et al., 2016). The first three defenses are excuse defenses, which focus on the defendant’s state of mind at the time of the crime, and include insanity, diminished capacity, and provocation. The final panic defense is that of self-defense, where the defendant seeks to justify his use of deadly force by claiming he was defending his life from an attempted sexual assault. The gay and trans panic defenses include both excuse and justification defenses. The gay and trans panic defenses are at odds with hate crime l
  21. The thing is that the Right doesn't actually care about grooming. They just hate Gay people. Whenever someone is publicly talking about things like...let's say women hitting their peak in their teens or whatever, it's a Right winger or Libertarian.
  22. "Peterson, RSBN, Rubin, are all funded by a small group of billionaires or special interests groups" That isn't what I said though. I said their billionaire backers. It's either that you guys have a reading disability, or pathological liars, and or incredibly dumb. It's amazing how you guys have zero scrutiny or cynicism aimed at the right. I get it their enemies are yours, but if you are pretending not to be right wing, you're not doing good jobs. The irony is that the only reason you know Soros even exist is because of those same people. Of course you'r
  23. https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/1137 https://www.economist.com/united-states/2020/11/28/courts-in-39-american-states-still-admit-the-gay-panic-defence? Shut the fuck up.
  24. Aren't the Right constantly complaining about George Soros? Hell, you guys in here have complained about Soros in here multiple times. You keep making a fool of yourself. You are the idiots complaining about the MSN and George Soros, and Bezos, yet have no problem that Crowder, The Blaze, Daily Wire, Turning point, Peterson, RSBN, Rubin, are all funded by a small group of billionaires or special interests groups. Gee, I wonder why.
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