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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Yes, me stating that life improving and saving medicine actually exist is defending big Pharma. Tell me again about people being intellectually dishonest. Is your logic that no one should take medicine then? A tweet you're soft defending because you know it's some right wing bullshit. There is nothing you guys won't defend against. For non right wingers you guys always automatically go into boot licking mode. Lol Remember when I said you constantly lie, exaggerate, and put words into people's mouths to make any of your points because you're too stu
  2. Aren't you guys the ones constantly falling for this bullshit though? Like isn't there actual thread about gas stoves in here?
  3. Who were the people protesting for M&Ms to make less sexy candy? This has been my point on so much of this bullshit. M&M didn't comply with any woke people. They are a billion dollar shitty candy company and was trying to trend chase. No one asked them to do any of this and the only people who cared are conservatives. Isn't this an example of the cancel culture you people supposedly hate so much? So the end result is you (a racist transphobe) blame woke people for something they never advocated for because they acknowledge racism and transphobia exist in the world?
  4. Lol Daily Wire and Tucker got cartoon candies cancelled.
  5. Lol now these motherfuckers are just plain anti Medicine.
  6. Well legally, yes. However they face harsh discrimination in many social, housing, legal, and work environments. In many states you can basically get away with killing a trans person using a panic defense. I know here in NYC when the NYPD began phasing stop and frisk for black people they just decided to move it over to trans people using sex trafficking as the excuse. Even having a condom on them could be used as a reason for arrest. The assumption that they are sex workers. We're nearing the decade mark of Trans people being daily fodder for Republicans and conserva
  7. The sad thing is that the Daily Wire is right, but also like fuck them Crowder pulled a grift using them for clout. It's watching two despicable piles of shit fight. Still, shocked how little curiosity from conservative viewers over the kinds of money being dropped on conservative content flooding the internet from all of the people weary of mainstream media or financial entanglements with content creators. Just kidding, Right wing people always feel the ends justify the means.
  8. You will what? Leave them alone if they stop asking for equality? Oh, forgot. Trans people are the most powerful political block in North America. Totally not something a transphobe conspiracy theorist would say. It's crazy how much political string pulling and mass social reprogramming the LGBTQ community is responsible for. You must really feel proud of yourself for not giving in to that queer empire. Hey, where's all the dishonest lies you accused me of or times you were able to prove me wrong? We're still waiting.
  9. So what? It's like you guys will die on a hill over something a 22 year old blogger says to a few hundred people on Twitter and not bat an eye at actual problems that actually have an affect on people's lives. Like legitimately gender reveal parties gone wrong have more of an affect on society than a queer separatist calling people who are already transphobic, transphobic. I love how you act like I'm some villain for calling you a transphobe yet from time to time your mask slips and you say some stupid shit like this. Doesn't feel better to just admit alot o
  10. Lol Random drive by Transphobia. No one gives a fuck what you do. It's you fucking weirdos that sit around thinking of ways to complian about Trans people.
  11. Yeah, like how sexy M&M candies should be. They are so brave to expose how woke people are making candy less sexy. No it doesn't at all since most surveys show the general population disagree with conservative points of view on must hot button topics. The right is just more activated and easily manipulated. I'm enjoying the entire Crowder vs Daily Wire fight as everything I've said before about these guys in particular and the entire conservative media is proven right. Crowder, using faux populist bullshit and propaganda for his own clout chasing. Please conservatives
  12. I've already shown you charts that show that the LGBTQ community has been "growing" exponentially generation to generation. It's also a loaded stat because at no time in history has the actual number of gay people ever been established. We only ever had the number of people who admitted to being gay. Seeing as we're still living in a time where people are hiding their sexuality, we still dont know how many are truly gay. So you have no fucking clue what the "right" number of gay people are. You're so far up your own ass that never actually occurs to you. Personally, I think social
  13. So she went from an emotional abuser/manipulator to a physical one. I hope she finds herself in a better situation. She clearly has terrible taste in men. You have. Ok, show me. Again, you are making up shit to keep up in an months long debate you are constantly losing. I never mentioned politics. I'm sure you're as big an asshole about everything else. I'll say I'm still a little surprised that you managed to surpass how obnoxious you actually are and I didnt think much of you to begin with. Except for the black people I guess
  14. Wait, so you're capable of noticing someone making gross generalizations based on a small number of people? LMFAO unreal.
  15. I think Media Matters might be a problem...in theory...maybe. We're at the point where right wing media is just people saying as much stupid or hateful shit as possible for clout. On a weekly basis Owens, Walsh, Shapiro, and Peterson all trend weekly and it's always for garbage. These people wake up and think of awful things to spew for consumption. No wonder the Daily Wire can afford to throw $50 million dollars at a no talent like Crowder and because we're in the worst timeline, he was able to shun the offer and also call them out publicly. Funny how these right wing firms get
  16. How so? I've already posted King's own words that are still considered woke by today's standards. You do this thing where you make shit up and pass it off like it's general knowledge as post filler. No, bitch, Drop some receipts. This is how I know you made your wife miserable. Even when you are proven wrong, you keep charging ahead. We know you dont know what you're talking about, yet you still insist on white-splaining MLK's words that you yourself never fucking read. The last time I posted MLK's writings...not speeches in here and Saucer claimed it was after MLK had b
  17. Aspects of gender roles are absolutely social constructs. The problem with this debate is that the left is a bit too varied on particular issues and the right are small minded idiots. We're not in the hunter/gatherer stage of humanity, humanity has altered it's natural path Oh, it's just the woke writers that are talentless? It's just woke entertainment that is unfunny, and What loaded statement did I make? By describing the opposite of a woke TV show? It sounds bad, but it's what you want. so what does that say about you? If woke automatically mak
  18. The context for his gross accusation that is so bigoted even Cooke corrected you? lol Ok.
  19. Lol these guys are worst than boomers with the fucking hysterics.
  20. Lmfao one of the rare times Cooke is actually right about something and Bytchre is the one person Cooke was able to debunk. Wtf
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