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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. I literally posted about this before you did. You look like inbreeding gone wrong so maybe you shouldn't give family advice.
  2. You are right but you're just as sad if not worse than they are though.
  3. Oh hey, it's Matt Walsh again with another bigoted statement he made for clout. Mind you he famously stood up for some Christian or Mormon or whatever religious nut molested their younger siblings. Like this doesn't even make sense outside of bigotry because by his logic straight men shouldn't be allowed to adopt children either? So like it's purely homophobia. It's fucking weird that you people only care about situations where it's gay molesting versus straight... Then again ideological consistency or equal respect minority groups aren't what conservativ
  4. "Some of the ones I saw were young, they were like 15. And there were some other people who felt very betrayed by me, being like, 'Oh, she's given into the pressure of it.' Lol you need to get a life.
  5. Trans men can get pregnant. It's not time travel or the multiverse. Funny, the complaints I've seen from actual star trek fans is about how glib the tone of the show is vs the optimistic TNG. I wasn't aware it was offensive to insecure men as well. That's a loaded statement as you automatically think anything you perceive as woke to be bad. I would say Pose comes to mind I guess? I don't consider it woke but there are no white men in the show being told how awesome he is with women just sleeping with him and not talking too much so you'll hate it.
  6. Lmfao you don't even know what you are talking about. Lol It's sad that you're too stupid to realize that you are full of shit. I've posted multiple King quotes in here that calls out moderates and gives them nearly the same blame for racism as actual racist because they would abide them to maintain the status quo. I've quoted his writings that align with many of the topics in CRT. If anything once I actually got passed just what they taught me and pretty much any undergrad that starts and ends with his speech and death. I've actually posted on
  7. Lol I have no idea. With everything going on in the world, I haven't been able to keep up with Adelle's weight.
  8. They have the option not to as well. Also...I'm confused because woke people are supposed to be the vegan soy lattes impossible burgers of people who by bottled air at Whole Foods but also the fat obsessed eat what you like super size extra cheese and a shake crowd too. It's almost like anything you guys don't understand or like is an op ran by the Woke Illuminati. Lol
  9. Lol omfg this wasn't the reaction I had expected. I didn't realize you were this stupid.
  10. Lol here's a clue. Your enemy is capitalism, not woke people.
  11. That's fine, I have no interest in posting there. You guys have had the same thing to say about them since day one. They sound annoying but most of the people here are definitely annoying too. This place has like 30 active posters and like you said, they are the biggest gaming site. So they're obviously doing something right.
  12. Lol Like where? You guys aren't even really arguing the topics as much as who is saying what at Reset. It seems a bit like a cuck move to be like 'I can't say this there to the people so I'll say it here' ?
  13. It seems weird how so many people here are obsessed with reset or whatever. Y'all legit be bringing their fights here and it's like...that is there. You guys could just not post there.
  14. Come on guys, Your Billionaire daddy needs defending. I'm assuming this is a disgruntled employee @Ramza? I'm sure someone woke most be the cause of this.
  15. Conservatives. The say woke more than the Smurfs say smurf. You know what other shows/movies/books also have had since the beginning of time? Almost all of them. Even fairytales have moral messages. This is how short sighted you are. The Xmen have always been woke. Godzilla has always been woke. Star Trek has always been woke. Retards complaining about moral lessons in fiction show just how unaware they generally are until some grifter idiot tells them to feel a certain way. I read an interesting oped about how douche bros claim to love things without understanding them
  16. Lmfao Twincel complained about You season 3 because they said COVID one time in 10 episodes.
  17. Lol these idiots complaining about the most trivial shit imaginable is the best.
  18. I actually used to watch Critical Drinker, Midnight, and ODVD until they became obsessed with woke culture or if we're being honest the social blade engagement of woke bashing in genre tubers. I stopped watching when it got the point where he would basically complain if any people of color are on screen and began counting how many people of a certain race is in a show/movie, and referring to every non-white male actor as a "diversity hire". As if any person hired in a show/movie are there for woke diversity. Just about all of his content is aimed at disgruntled incels and bigots
  19. You brought up women's sports I didnt. One problem does not negate another but some problems are more dire and common and damaging than others. Look at how dishonest you're being. If you really think the greatest adversity female athletes currently face is trans athletes, you're a clown. Again, you dont care so stop your silly act already. How about we do this, show us data on how many women are losing their place to trans athletes and I'll name some real issues that actual female athletes are complaining about that affects the larger majority. I'll ask you for th
  20. Lol of course you watch the critical drinker lol. You're such a bot.
  21. Is it? How many times have you proven me wrong? How many times have I posted an article and misread what it said? How many times have I contradicted myself? How many illogical scenarios have I created? What wild conspiracy theories have I come up with that require huge exaggerations? How often do I ignore context or confirming data? That's the difference between us. I can show receipts of you doing all of that multiple times. I'm willing to bet a couple will happen in this post I'm replying to right now. Here you go contradicting yourself again. You said you
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