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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. lol ok. I'm confused. Why are you always wrong? Like You and Twinblade and Ramza are always being proven wrong yet you guys just dust yourselves off an immediately begin a new line of sniffing your own socks over how terrible and stupid the woke left is and it's like NONE OF YOU HAVE EVER BEEN RIGHT ABOUT ANYTHING. How are you this unself aware? It's possible you might have been right...about something and I missed it. You're not very smart and all you can do is repeat what you read and you present nothing an obnoxious 9 year old couldn't think of at best. There is no
  2. So basically you're "Woke" against Obesity like some people are woke against racism, sexism, homophobia...Funny how diversity of thought, even bad thought should be allowed in the public sphere but we should shame and ostracize fat people for their life choices? It says a lot about a person who choses to be cruel when they dont have to be and some how justify it to themselves.
  3. It's funny how you try to sound as mean as possible to put down people who arent even seeing what you write. You're such a 'nice guy', Cooke.
  4. Its like you guys can only speak in "far-right reactionary" now likes it's a language. If you someone says they dont find religion offense do you come out at them with 'OH SO UR FINE WITH TEH VOODOO DOCTORS SLLLLAUGHTERING LIDDLE ANNIMELZ?' like some fucking retarded demon. Not fucking everything has be dialed up to 11 at all times. Oh, you're on a roll tonight. So you're talking about clean needle programs? Meant to scale down disease transmission. You have an issue with that too? What a fucking shock. Do free school lunch programs upset you too?
  5. https://theintercept.com/2023/01/10/tesla-crash-footage-autopilot/ Actually, I know it's not an act. It's more of a natural act of self preservation? Also he hates Trans people too. I meant telling voters to vote for Republicans. By pretending he was doing it for the same of bipartisanship? LMFAO IDK how you idiots take these people seriously. But I've said it before, he hates unions and lawsuits. I am going to assume he also hates regulations? I think he might be trying to shield his companies from class action law suits and union negotiations. I mean crazy.
  6. I honestly dont know how to respond to this. You concentrated so much stupidity, pettiness, lack of self awareness, and dishonesty into a small reply. Its funny how you rebound from being almost reasonable sometimes to bold faced lying and slander other times. 1. I have never defended anything because you've never actually posted anything to defend/attack. Its been almost half a year of me asking you to post anything to back up your conspiracy theory. One that involves so many large groups of people yet you can't for some reason. 1a. You know how I know you're a lying
  7. Besides making stuff up, telling purposely misleading information, and lack of research or journalistic standards? Nothing.
  8. Did you read it? I'm fucking done with you idiots posting fucking long ass articles you didnt read yourself and making claims. Post the fucking info here. You guys are bitches all the time.
  9. Its interesting how you guys who claim the left went crazy, and moved past you are always going out of your way to defend any right-winger no matter how far right or crazy. Trump, Jan 6, Andrew Tate,Walsh, Anti-Mask/Vax, Musk, Peterson...
  10. https://www.tctmd.com/news/reports-sudden-deaths-among-athletes-after-covid-19-vax-are-misinformation https://www.tctmd.com/news/reports-sudden-deaths-among-athletes-after-covid-19-vax-are-misinformation
  11. lol Bytchre beat you to the forum autist role already. He's already our supplier of 2008 era edgelord/low IQ content.
  12. lol Meanwhile you red pillers are marching on the streets to free Andew Tate lol. Sit your incel ass down.
  13. I'm still confused. I dont know about Canada, but here in the US the states that had high vax rates and such have better mortality rates than the ones that love freedom. What metric does your side use?
  14. I say what you say. I dont put words in your mouth or make unrelated comments. You dont think these people should be even around children. You make their existence some moral battle something you dont even have proof of or can even properly describe. Like if you told me you dont think kids should be anywhere near a church, I could see your point of view given how many kids are actually groomed and sexually assaulted in churches and by the staff. You keep acting like I'm making things up out of thin air and I've pointed out exactly what you say and how you co
  15. Poor people spend money just as soon as they get it. It's why they call them 'stimulus' packages. They spend money on food/rent/bill etc. They are not hoarding it or keeping it offshore. It's money that is spent locally and is net positive versus paying for underprivileged communities in other ways. It's cheaper to send a kid to school than jail them, so why resent if it was spent on something positive and constructive to society? You dont have to let shit slide. Unlike you goons, I actually pay attention to what people say and address it accordingly. You know full well
  16. Been a crazy few days. Multiple cases of Republican/Conservative/Church sexual abuse of children hitting the wire. None of them were drag queens.
  17. What's crazy is that Homophobia would greatly decrease if Conservatives were honest with themselves and their family/friends. I'm not saying gone completely, or a massive leap but it would a great step in the right direction. This is why it's stupid that people act obtuse about how Republican voters are programmed to work against themselves by their own party of choice.
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