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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Not to mention the corruption itself. At this point this isn't something Mexico can do on it's own.
  2. This is a lie. Racism exist against any group. I've never claimed it didn't, even in the power structure sense of it.
  3. Oh, now there are levels of woke. Something you never mentioned until 12 minutes ago. You just seem to complain about anything that remotely appears as woke to you as destructive. Well Ghandi was woke, but also racist... I guess he may have gotten less racist as he aged but he notoriously hated Africa and Africans. I do appreciate "He wouldn't dare tell a white person a hurtful word!" Funny how being kind to white people is the only level of racism you recognize. I admit the ghandi thing was sort of a trap, because I know you're stupid and arrog
  4. So wait, you guys complain that there wasn't enough time researching COVID, but now there's not enough time to collect data? Again, they didn't conduct the research, they parsed mostly already existing data, that wasn't taken into consideration previously. Lol I don't think I've ever heard of someone calling for less research before. Like constantly testing and tracing variables is what science is about. What medical or technological endeavor stops? Or seeks less control data? It's fucking wild that they entire chud crew are going out of their way to sound stupid as p
  5. Gandhi was woke. MLK was woke. Mother Teresa was woke. All historically terrible people in the eyes of Cocke.
  6. This is one of the Weinstein brothers. He's part of the Peterson/Harris collective that scum brains like Cucke love to listen to because they don't like woke people. Funny how being woke makes someone bad at their jobs or untrustworthy yet just hating anything woke gives someone endless credibility.
  7. See what I mean? It's been explained to your retarded ass multiple times yet you keep acting this way for no reason.
  8. This has nothing to do with oppression. You read it wrong and are trying to save face.
  9. LMFAO at Cooke and his burner account still trying this stupidity. Ever notice this fucktard is the only person who ever agrees with Cooke? All jokes aside, It's probably just a coincidence that you both have the exact bad takes on this study. Including not being able to read the Subject, goals, summary, or the data sets that came out of this.
  10. Fuck you, stupid bitch. Make a valid point, then act smug. Why do you keep pretending that you read this article? It's literally in the fucking title, in the intro, and it's the first sentence in the study summary. The entire point of this study is raise awareness in health institutions to indentify monkeypox symptoms as mostly doctors in the HIV/Sex Health field very familiar with what to look for but others in more general fields might not be, in groups that are not normally susceptible to the disease. This is probably why there's also an entir
  11. What is so ridiculous about it? Like you do realize you're talking about the study of a communicable disease that currently is a concern. You guys want to be outraged about something so you'll cling to anything.
  12. Yes, these scientists created this study to appease the "woke mob". I'm sure BLM and ANTIFA were getting ready to burn down some cities if these scientists didn't study monkeypox in trans' bussies. You some how manage to keep making yourself look dumber and dumber.
  13. Lol proclaims to be gay but gets upset anytime queer people are appreciated, visible, or humored. His right wing self hatred programming is strong.
  14. Yes, retard. Did any of you? I posted the fucking headline of the article as well as their stated purpose. HOW ARE YOU THIS FUCKING STUPID?
  15. I'm still confused why you keep this edgelord bootlicking when he's the main person constantly talking about the company losing money/going bankrupt. It's like you have Tourette's or something that forces you to say stupid, illogical shit.
  16. The title of the article is: Human monkeypox virus infection in women and non-binary individuals during the 2022 outbreaks: a global case series How exactly was this confusing for you when it's literally in the fucking title. No shit genius, that is exactly what the point was. To see the differences across the gender spectrum. This kind of retarded bullshit is why I sometimes think you're just Cooke's burner account. So one idiot misreads an article, post it, and more idiots pile in also not reading the same artic
  17. I guess, no one is advocating for unregulated immigration. There are already ex criminals in this country so I'm not extra worried about it. That's a very...conservative mindset to constantly be weary of criminals all of the time. I'd rather a hungry person get that money to feed themselves than Elon Musk or Raytheon get it. I've said this already today, this is right wing media wagging the dog. Conservatives are always worried about poor people getting handouts than corporations and rich people getting them.
  18. It's a sort of like a Rorschach test of sorts. I didnt express disgust so the situation is a bit different. You have a very tribal mindset, which isn't uncommon or bad in itself. The point that I've long given up trying to make the point to you - you defend ideology designed ensure white/male/straight/Christian dominance. People like Trump, Carlson, Walsh, Peterson, Musk and others are naked on their views about it. You might not agree with them 100% but you still put them in higher regard than probably anyone you consider "woke" Actually
  19. Lmfao You. Being white isn't as much as an advantage as you think lol. You are still hard to look at directly.
  20. You are right. They are also our delivery people, work in nearly every restaurant, are nannies, day laborers, maids... This is why I believe in amnesty and merit programs for those who are already in the country. Make them legit, and fold them into the system. I also believe in unions and fair wages for workers. It's almost like I have a consistent ideological point of view on this. The majority of the country believes in creating a path for people already here. This is the one of the main reason I hate conservatives. The GOP policies a
  21. Lmfao I love how you believe there's a conspiracy among American teachers across the country to trick kids into changing genders, but antisemitism, racism, sexism rare Nothing Burgers people don't need to worry about. I'm not going to say that is priveledge, it sounds that way.
  22. Fake praise isn't empathy. I know, none of the people you follow express any genuine sympathy. It's not. Leave your city every once in a while. lol Like I said, empathy is foreign to you and travel a little. It's not about racism as much as the closes loop of information you consume and repeat. Shit half of the people you defend in here specifically complain about how unfair the world is to white people and more specifically white men. The same people who claim racism doesnt exist anymore and Christians are the most persecute
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