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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. I'm sure the reality is a bit different than he is presenting. This just bait for the retards that like him or what he stands for in their minds.
  2. What's fact did you bring up and what "CNN disinformation" did I bring up?
  3. Motherfucke, the point is they don't have some weird ass level of pride about it. They are not beating people over the head with them not getting vaxed or acting as if it's some moral victory. They are not out of shape fucks who eat whatever processed food and sugar water they can buy in mass or in a hurry. The reason why so many vaccinated media people pretend to not be vaxxed like Tomi Loren or Tucker Carlson is because they were chasing clout with stupid right wingers which they deceive in the first place.
  4. Lol see? This is the dishonest bullshit I'm talking about. Whenever a right wing hero's status is attacked you do your best to defend their character by pretending to have a non-judgemental take on the situation, yet only arguing against critical comments...poorly. Meanwhile you will go on all day about the made up cabals of people you can't name, doing nefarious things you can't prove happens - but still need to be addressed and suppressed immediately.
  5. I said just about everyone bragging about not being vaxxed appear to be stupid. I do know a couple of people who weren't vaxxed that I find intelligent and not getting vaccinated falls in line with their overall beliefs about health or religion/spirituality. It's strictly the dumb fuck right winger mentality to boast about not getting 'the jab', by the same people who fall for every other bullshit rightwing talking point as well. For example, you and Cooke and Twinblade, and Bytchre. There are antivax leftist, but the loudest and most ignorant are from those on the ri
  6. Peterson is such a complete piece of shit. I've hated him from day one. Transphobe is sad another Transphobe is having another drama moment lol.
  7. I'm a fair person. The only people that I consider stupid are the ones seemingly incapable of critical thinking or having a good faith arguments. For example: I give a specific qualifier and you turn it into 'anyone I disagree with is dumb.' Which just proves my point for me.
  8. Lol antivax idiots sticking up for their king of stupidity. But he made a mistake crying about a video he watched with the sound off. Totally the guy people should be taking life advice from.
  9. Lol you're a whole adult man acting like a videogame steering wheel is some sort of status symbol.
  10. This is the kind of shit a dude who has never felt a woman's body before would say or find funny.
  11. I've already explained why, because this is ludicrous bait. It's funny when people are like "I've been unjustly accused of bigotry" as if they are unbiased or honest enough to ever admit any faults let alone aware of their prejudices. I find the fact that the two bi-dudes on this board, who like dick the most wouldn't sleep with a trans woman... Because they might have a dick, weird.
  12. From his own words and accusations from some women they were doing lover boy shit and trapping women in a foreign country and forcing them into camming and such. Think of the movie Taken. Which also means that he might be part of organized crime.
  13. Oh no, you're now sacking reverse psychology on top of your poorly veiled invitation to shit talk Trans people. Good thing there are no 12 year olds around to fall for your nearly 2 decades old baiting.
  14. For the same reason you were so excited to see this thread.
  15. You are too stupid to manipulate conversations with people.
  16. You're so excited you have another bigot to share your stupid shit with. lol
  17. I just explained why, you're too fucking dumb to realize it.
  18. You're in your 30s and still posting with the maturity you did as an insecure teenager.
  19. Cooke hates Trans people even more than he hates women and brown brown people.
  20. Lmfao incels are shook their hero got caught slacking.
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