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System Warrior
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Posts posted by Eva

  1. Fuck Tekken's combos, I might as well kick 'em while their in the air and down. :D

    Superior juggling system ftw. B)


    I just proved how shitty Tekken is with its floaty combos. Stupid retards ftl (you).

    You can't even pull off those juggling unless you know what you're doing. B)

    Again, juggling system in Tekken requires timing because the buttons are pressure sensitive.

    YOU CAN'T just juggle around. And there are moves that initiate a juggle, which, again, are hard to pull off. You played Tekken, and you probably know this.

    If you disagree, you're a damn moron.

    the ps2 controller does not have pressure sensitive buttons though Lawl, it does. :meh:
  2. Exactly. So many fighters out there are stiff as hell.

    DoA tries to be so fluid it has become a buttonmasher with weak controls. Exactly. Lemmkids are so fucking noob on fighters.

    Its no wonder, actually, they only got DoA and Kung Fu Chaos last gen. :meh:

    Meanwhile the PS2 (no GC B)) got the best and worst of fighters. Tekken, VF, KoF, Street Fighter, Marvel vs. Capcom ... lemmkids have no right to talk when they only got DoA. :D:D

    DoA is seriously weak.. Only reason lemmons got it in the first place is because Itagaki got couldn't deal with the competition on the PS2, His fighter was so weak nobody bothered with it. He then ran to microsoft where it became "good" all of a sudden, just because it was all the lemmings had. Lemmkids won't read that. They don't go well with perfect logic. :shakes:Lemmings have real bad taste in fighters. B)
  3. counter-fest

    juggles consist of simple launcher + PPPP strings

    retarded environmental damage

    no sense of frame advantage

    no okizemes

    thats just the from the past DOA games

    DOA4 is more fleshed out and yet its deeper than the previous DOA games but its retarded new stun system forces stupid mind games.

    Funny how lemkids try to ignore this post, the new hole in their smelly bodies must hurt :meh:DoA was shit, is shit and always will be shit.
  4. DOA may not be as "h@rdkore" as Tekken or VF, but at least it's playable with friends and at least they can enjoy it :meh: They really aren't into fighters and after playing DOA they can't tolerate the slow speed of VF or Tekken.

    VF & DOA = Best of both worlds B)

    Tekken is slow and sometimes boring. I really don't enjoy it that much and I'm a cow.

    Tekken owns hard, have you even played Tekken 5?
  5. Combos are real easy to pull off and the moves that take more practice are useless. It fun but it's no where near as deep as VF, SC or Tekken.

    If any combos are easy to pull off, it's Tekken.


    Even Eva would laugh at you. B):D:D

    This isn't even funny, it's quite sad if people really think that. B) He can probably pull off all 10 hit combos of every character. :D10 hit combo's are :meh:B)
  6. Exactly. So many fighters out there are stiff as hell.

    DoA tries to be so fluid it has become a buttonmasher with weak controls. Exactly. Lemmkids are so fucking noob on fighters.

    Its no wonder, actually, they only got DoA and Kung Fu Chaos last gen. :meh:

    Meanwhile the PS2 (no GC B)) got the best and worst of fighters. Tekken, VF, KoF, Street Fighter, Marvel vs. Capcom ... lemmkids have no right to talk when they only got DoA. :D:D

    DoA is seriously weak.. Only reason lemmons got it in the first place is because Itagaki got couldn't deal with the competition on the PS2, His fighter was so weak nobody bothered with it. He then ran to microsoft where it became "good" all of a sudden, just because it was all the lemmings had.
  7. LAWL, its a button masher. The gameplay is fast. Too fast for a fighter, anybody can just randomly press a button just mash it, and you'll win. And with the counter system made more difficult in DoA4, you can't just counter anyone anymore.

    Its reduced to absolute twitch filled FILTH.

    Not to mention those ugly art style that resembles a generic hentai anime. :meh:

    Button masher? No. B) I easily get owned if I try to press a couple of buttons as fast as I can. In fact, you can button mash in every fighter, what's your point?

    :DB) B) You must have no experience in a lot fighters. When I said button masher I didn't mean randomly pressing buttons as fast as you can. :lol: Button mashing fighters are usually the ones with easily attainable combos.

    Play some Tekken and VF. You'll find out how noobish DoA really is when you play either.

    I played Tekken and it's easier to "button mash" than DoA. VF is probably the hardest game to do a combo.


    Flamebait. :lol:

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