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System Warrior
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Posts posted by Eva

  1. this shouldnt even be happening, we have no official numbers.

    just averages from retarted websites.

    Lodge doesn't care. He just wants to hurry up and get me banned. cuz he's gay True.

    (User was banned for this post; Reason: bet)

    well its 0120 here, so i think ill start with you :D It has started. :D:D:D
  2. From another thread, but I'll post it here:

    I'd suggest the following people leave some kind of comment before they get banned, because that will be the last thing we hear of them for a while:










    Rusty Shackleford











    Dark Forte




    Alpha Q


    You are the people that though your beloved company Nintendo would actually live up to their lie and sell 4 million Wii consoles before new years. Ofcourse this filthy lie did not become a reality and you will not get punished for it with a 1 month ban starting tomorrow evening. Tomorrow you guys line up infront of the firing squad and the mods will dispose of you filthy beings one by one untill there are none left.

    Let this be a lesson to all the Wii lovers. Never back a Nintendo product.

    Happy New Year Systemwars. :D


    If it turns out that Nintendo did indeed sell 4 mill Wii's during 2006, then the sheep get unbanned and the haters get a 1 month ban + the unjustified bantime sheep did.

    No matter how much you cry there will be bans tomorrow to celebrate our new year. :D

  3. The numbers have not been released just yet. I think N will be pretty close to 3 mill actually but not 4 mill.

    NOTE: The entire month of december US and Europe sales are not included, There's 1 more week of Japanese sales that has still to come in.

    Posted Image

    1.01m Japan

    1.32m Americas

    0.86m Others

    Total = 3.19m

    Oh oh alot of doubters will be banned:D

    But why are you still on the pussy list ? Because he talks shit, but he won't back up nintendo's words like REAL sheep do.

    Fucking fakeboys and their sales shittalk. :shakes:

  4. woohoo

    Ah, you are on the to be banned list, now I know why you are so angry at me. :) So because I've been owning you constantly over the last few days, you damage control and say it was down to me being angry about this bet? Rofl. Glad to know my ownage has caused you so much emotional dillusion and trauma. :Dgoddamn. reality check badly needed up in this ma :]Lawl, I hope the 1 month ban does him good.. this kid has gotten too swept up in this systemwars stuff. :shakes:
  5. "give or take 1 million"

    that fool should be on the pussy list :shakes:

    He says 4 mill, writes it in all caps to make it clear that he is voting for it, hypes that it will sell even more since it needs to get released in more regions and then he even says "give or take one mill." He basically also said it is possible to sell 5 mill. :(
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